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how I see that happening is to keep a conversation flow going on the article posts. I will start the conversation and I would love for you to leave your comments and/or what is resonating with you on a daily/weekly/hourly basis, we need each other and to stay in contact and this is a perfect way of doing that.


MESSAGE OF THE NEW YEAR which could also be stated as a VISION OF THE NEW YEAR, wehave found that what we vision/see manifests and right now we all need to vision freedom, sovereignty and abundance for ourselves, our home, our community and our world.

AS I FIND MYSELF and other close friends evolving in our purpose and life we find ourselves changing and wanting to create the New Earth in this the year of 2013. What a group of us have done is create a Visionary Circle, with a willingness to teach and educate others on the paths we have been exploring and learning the past several years.

HENCE, THE REBIRTHING OF GLOBAL PEACE; we will be sharing the information that has brought us to this point and the new current information that is surfacing on a daily basis. It will all be updated here on a daily basis and we can all learn, love and evolve together in love and light.

This is the year, 2013, for Unity, Community and Love. We are all going to learn how to bring these three elements into our personal life, or family life, our community and the world, and we would really like for you to join us for this journey and to participate with us on building a community here on the internet from whatever part of the world you are in, you are all welcome!!!!

WELCOME ABOARD and enjoy the journey with us, we can travel this road together to find the love, peace and divine wonder of this thing we call LIFE.

The Work For Our Real Final Work is Here!

!!~~!! NESARA - What? Why? How? and More

Happy New Year 2013

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Sheldan Nidle Galactic Federation Update for June 28, 2011

Dratzo! We return! Our Earth allies have issued many orders to begin the final implementation of the transformation of your reality. The major governments of your world are busily putting together 'quick fixes' with which they hope to continue delaying what is now underway. However, a series of legal decisions has recently been handed down by several international courts which permit a rapid change of government, but these major governments' legal counselors are pursuing a quick appeal process, as a way of doing their part in staving off the inevitable. This flurry of sudden activity is another indication of how close you are to the changes long promised you by our Earth allies. The last dark cabal is in full panic mode. It has seen its once formidable empire whittled away by court decisions, which now threaten its very existence. Those who, in the past, were able to use their power to hammer all opposition are in full retreat, bringing disclosure ever nearer. Our liaison teams and those of the Agarthans are meeting to discuss in detail how best to announce our presence and help the new governments.

      Disclosure, for us, is the cornerstone of why we are here. The time has come for your societies to put aside their childish behavior and accept the broad mantle of maturity. This one act banishes wars and distrust from your inventory and replaces them with Love and cooperation. Societies in limited consciousness often make the mistake of following models that are either dysfunctional or that were foisted on them by a supposedly superior and wiser group of individuals. In your case, you were literally drowned in the 'advice' of the Anunnaki and led astray by the ill-advised decisions of those minions placed in power long ago. You now have the opportunity for a major global course correction, which not only reverses the misfortunes of war and avarice but also heads you into prosperity and a joyous reunion with your spiritual and space families. We have watched, over the millennia, as you blundered into one misfortune after another, most of which were craftily arranged by a handful of beings who were given power over you by the Anunnaki.

      The transformations you are now passing through will enable you to get a truer picture of the reality you reside in. This information becomes the basis for collective decisions that can quickly resolve any problems that come up. We have known these things for what seems like forever to us. Think about the wisdom you are about to acquire as a huge resource that is easily accessed whenever you need it. Our task is simply to assist you in taking up the wondrous garb called full consciousness and mentor you judiciously in the use of the 'user manual'. Then your natural capabilities will kick in, providing you with the insights that characterize and illuminate this most amazing tool which was given to us in such Loving grace by the Creator. You are destined to be a most beloved member of this Galactic Federation of Light. We look forward to your advice and the coming skill of your Science and Exploration teams. Your Agarthan kin is keen to meet you and teach you the history and wisdom that was lost in the fog of your amnesia
      Over the millennia, the Anunnaki and their minions literally sold you a 'bill of goods', and the Agarthans' primary task is to set the record straight by relating to you your true off-world origins and your long history as a member of this Galactic Federation. The Anunnaki's perfidy has burdened you with half-baked fallacies concerning your origins and the birth of your numerous societies. You would also benefit from a complete study of how life functions and survives in your realm. Much of what you are taught is based on principles that are only partially true. The Agarthans would like to remedy this and offer you a life science that can prepare you for what lies ahead: full consciousness. This end game you are going through needs a quick primer on physical life and information of how the energy of your soul enters and maintains your beingness. The new connections that are almost ready to manifest are to change how you are presently put together, which is why it is essential to give you the understanding that can easily banish the remaining uneasiness about your transformation into full-conscious Beings of Light.

      Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! Everywhere, this reality, forged long ago by the dark and its Earth minions, is collapsing. The greed, hatred, and general discord are no longer able to keep the world's population at bay. We are seeing defiance, aided by a growing virtual network of support, take the offensive and demonstrating to the dark that the guidelines used to rule you no longer hold. The initial answers proposed by many governments to counter this growing insubordination are proving to be ineffective, and the dark is stunned by the strength of your desire for freedom, sovereignty, and prosperity. This shows how strong the need within you is to regain full consciousness. Within this energy lie the means by which you can finally throw off the yoke that you were saddled with some 13 millennia ago. The dark sees what is happening yet remains in a sort of prophylactic shock, unable to accept the inevitable.

      Your work to bring in your Soul Force is succeeding. You are a remarkable group of Beings! The energy you have put into this effort has helped to fuel others to keep moving forward with their demands to transform the governance of this world. As this pressure continues, the programs set in motion by our associates are ready to manifest. We are instructing them to use the various divine time decrees of Heaven as the instrument for final implementation of their agenda. New governments are prepared to issue a series of announcements that are to change forever how your world operates, and we stand at the ready to help our comrades carry out a full disclosure that leads to your grand reunion with your Inner Earth brethren as well as your spiritual and space families. These celebrations are really imminent!

      As the time comes for your ascension into full consciousness, you need to look at this world in a new light. The realm of the dark has held you in check ever since your fall just before the last days of Atlantis. Now, you are preparing yourselves to transform this world into Light and assume positions of grace and wisdom. You have survived! This feat comes with a knowing that your Inner Earth brethren are prepared to welcome you to an array of spectacular crystal cities and other wonders you can scarcely imagine. We also reside in these cities of Light and know at first hand what awaits you. In these final days, see the dark cabal as Beings who are to undergo a great fall, and forgive them their ghastly trespasses. Soon, you are all to be one again, and the horrible events these ones created are to fade into history. Be gentle and above all, wise in how you carry out your affairs!

      Today, we continued our talks with you. Much is about to happen. We can feel how close your new reality really is! We are in joy that first contact is the element that finally turns the tables on the dark and its horrendous plans. You are to receive many positive surprises! Be ready to celebrate with us! And to be morphed into a great joy! The time for this great joy to become your eternal now has come! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Conscious Co-Creation Coaching: One Eclipse Left...and counting

One Eclipse Left...and counting

So, in the last update I said that "I hope you took a deep breath whilst yer head was still above water because we are definitely going under again…deep see-diving into the depth of our core-self to make some final welds needed to fuse our two (polar) halves."

How are you faring? 

We did come up for a quick breath of air after integrating that noxious lunar eclipse, but only for a hot second before the solstice energy waves started to pull us under again.

This lunar eclipse was a doozy for many…in some cases it successfully cracked open core blocks and forced us to take a solid look at our foundations before we begin to build upon them. If your foundation was slightly damaged, most likely you spent the last 7 days repairing it.  If the damage was severe or irreparable, you may have been suddenly forced to begin again…to dig up the existing foundation and lay an entirely new one.  If you are one who is experiencing the latter, no worries...this is not a race.  Everything is always exactly as it should be.

For all of us, the lunar eclipse provided a massive opportunity to release some deeeeeeep feelings of lack/unworthiness…we were given the chance to coddle those remaining loveless parts which, unfortunately meant revisiting some dark places in our past so that we could illuminate and reclaim those aspects of ourselves that we unknowingly left behind.

In either case, this eclipse passage is serving two major and divine purposes for us: the fusion of our higher and lower self thru our heart center, and a disconnection from our sticky past.

"First, we would say this: You are no longer your human past. You are no longer a descendent of your biological family, nor are you a member of the 3d dimensional human family.  You are co-creators of the new earth, descendants of the stars.  You are members of the 5th dimensional human-galactic family, focused in this time and space continuum as representatives of your true genetic origin. Your role now is to take your final step into this truth." -Seven Sisters of Pleiades

Bridge Builders Retire

In order for lightworkers, starseeds and indigos to function properly in this world, a frequency ratio needed to be achieved so that the initial activation for planetary ascension could be accomplished. This means that most of us have not/never have been wired for 3d earth...which, essentially is why we mostly feel tortured by it...but many of us needed to incarnate in the lower dimensions for the purpose of weaving and anchoring the unity grid (our home turf) into place to secure the frequencies needed for us to thrive, as well as to provide a cushy landing for the new (awakened) children arriving here.

The path-pavers are also the bridge builders…each with different roles to play, but all with the same goal: to create access portals to the new paradigm so that the opportunity to ascend to a 5th dimensional consciousness exists for all who choose it.  

Some of us were responsible for scouting out the proper geographic (vortex) locations to build or resurrect these etheric bridges… others were responsible for the (sacred geometric) design, architecture and engineering…some were the scuba divers working beneath large bodies of water, descending deep into the emotional undercurrent of the collective consciousness to secure the bridge footings……some built the framework and laid the roadways that connect one world to the next...some had the job of redirecting mental traffic and finding alternative routes for the conscious commuters…some worked in communications, raising awareness about the new pathways, reporting progress to the public and keeping all interested parties connected and in-the-know…some were the project managers, overseeing the entire production with a hand in all of it, while simultaneously lifting the morale needed to survive the vagueness that surrounds the completion of a such a large construction plan.

Whatever your role was up until this point, if you were a path-paver, you were forced to clear a massive space in your life (read:give it up) so that you could partake in this monumental production. Now that the frequency ratio has been met and the light has tipped in our favor, these soul contracts have expired...which means for this group, the grid-work is complete, the bridges have been built and are mostly ready for the masses in 2012, give or take some finishing touches.  This also means we can now shake off those lingering attachments to the old earth once and for all and spend the remaining days of the 9th and final wave of the Mayan Calendar (which ends on 10/28/11) recuperating from the exhaustion of such labor intensive work and focus solely on our own personal/biological needs.

Warts and All

The unseens have said to me many times that the second half of this year is a "very physically focused one", and while I am not completely sure what that means yet, I am told that the solstice (6/21) was a pivotal point with regard to our "physicality".  The second half of this year, we will be aligning our physical selves & lives with the spiritual, mental and emotional bodies that we have been working with (clearing) for the last several years...which can sound scary & painful thru the filter of post traumatic stress that most of us are clearly suffering from... but the seven sisters say that this part of the ascension process is where the fun (?) begins because we get to create from a clean slate, with our focus solely in the present, without our goopy past continually derailing us.

And I guess that makes sense because we have been grounding so deeply into present-moment awareness that the past is becoming a hazy dream and the unknown of the future is becoming less-daunting by the minute.  This in-between space goes by many names: zero-point, still-point, neutrality, presence, the now-moment, the space between thoughts, etc.  I call this space "ijustdonthaveenufenergytocareanymore".

Whatever you call it, when you're here…you're free.  This is the space where you are truly willing to let it all hang out and be the authentic you that you came here to be….warts and all.  Now's a really good time to ask yourself:  What do I still care about?  Then let that go too.  Because when you just.don', you finally get out of your own way and let your heart lead…which is the whole point.  This is the proverbial "empty vessel" that Mother/Father God is looking for to fill us up with some of that love juice.

Spiritual Sweet-Spot

"When we say "think with your heart" we mean this in a very literal way, as well as metaphorically speaking." -
Seven Sisters

The sisters say that this eclipse portal is delivering us directly to the space required to fully and completely Think With Our Hearts…which is totally awesome because now I finally know what my website means. 

The masculine/feminine merging process, aka " sacred union" is the marriage of the polarized divine forces of creation within the human body. I call this "the spiritual sweet-spot"….where spirit meets matter, where head meets heart, where ascension occurs, or as Death Cab for Cutie says with such poetic lyricism…"Where Soul Meets Body". 

This unification process literally rewires the heart for new neural activity which enables the heart center to become the primary control center.  Yes, the heart really does think. Apparently my domain name is not just some artlessly obvious cliche that Debbie Gibson adopted in the 90's…its actually literal.  who knew

The high-heart is  l i t e r a l l y  wired to send and receive intelligence in the same way the human-brain does, however, the nerve center that is located within the thymus utilizes sensation for communication, where the brain primarily uses thought.  An important distinction for the new-human template: feel first, think later. Try taking that into the board room….lol.

For many of us who have been on this train for a while, feeling-based intelligence is old hat because it was literally all we had to go was our ONLY navigation system (well, unless you talk to dead people like I do) and one we came here wired with so we could guide ourselves thru the dark...and I mean d-a-r-k....but collectively, this is a new directive for humanity, and one by which the beta-testers of the new-human prototype will be first to fully embody.  The changeover from brain-thinking to heart-thinking is literally the basis for a new-human species... and one by which biologists will also soon discover, according to the seven sisters. 

"For those who carry the activated DNA, love will lead.  For those who are still undergoing the changeover, love will be easier to attain.  For those who have yet to awaken, fear will be amplified until a higher way is entertained." -Seven Sisters

Karmic to Resonance Creation

The unseens would also like to remind those folk at the front of the parade that, as of the solstice or the next solar eclipse…not sure which, they all just blend together anyway… that you sleek 2.0's are no longer bound by the laws of 3d dimensional creation...which really means  "you are no longer operating within the laws of cause and effect".  When we rise above polarization by healing the separation between the lower (ego) self and the higher (divine) self, we change our participation with the Law of Attraction.

Cause and effect is (karmic) creation thru a separated mindset, which entails a process of polar energy exchange... whereas resonance creation works directly with the Law of Oneness, and from a unified mindset.  The difference is in the application, much of which we will be learning to master in the coming months.

Those who are no longer operating from a separated mindset are now learning to create from a healed space of unity and this will require new understanding, new application and new memory activations that are now taking place within our cells.  Our cells have the memory of home encoded within them...they are mini-computers of conscious intelligence that carry the frequency quotient of our original divine blueprint and they have been communicating with us and with each other to begin the harmonization process required for unity creation…a process that ensures our lower-self is working in harmony with our higher-self.

My take on that is: expect glitches.  Chances are we will turn a few princes into frogs until we can get the hang of this.

Techno Boom

"In the coming days, discoveries & technologies that relate to the "new science" will become known.  Keep abreast of these new areas of advancement, they are spawned from those in touch with the greater fields of intelligence." -Seven Sisters

Very randomly, the unseens would like to give us a quick heads up that there are new and advanced technologies that are soon to infiltrate the earth plane, compliments of the techincally-yet-to-be-discovered-God-Particle.  Apparently, something is about to burst forth and crack the entire foundation of human understanding as it exists within the 3d paradigm... and from what I am hearing, this will not bode well for many organized religions.  I could be wrong, but the feeling I am getting is that whatever "this" is will be much more impacting than the realization that Mary Magdalene was not a whore.

"Be forewarned that there will be those who denounce these new technologies in fear of religious partisanship.  The voices of these collectives will rise to the surface to be heard by all, yet those who vehemently object are those who reject any advancements that threaten their understanding of God.  These upheavals are to be expected but we assure you that those in favor of new technologies will far surpass the furious few." -Seven Sisters

Hop To It 

"Lastly we would like to mention that the upcoming solar eclipse (7/1) will be a beneficial time to thrust new ideas into the collective.  There is a new energy arriving to support those on the unity timeline and so we reiterate that the time is now to put your ideas forth and begin to take action upon them." -Seven Sisters

I am hearing that for the next three months, we will be wrapped in what the seven sisters call "a protective cocoon of fast forward moving energy" that will support many new projects, concepts and ideas here to promote, sustain and support the new-human existence. 

We are being called forth, individually and collectively, to physicalize our dreams and its been made clear to me that there is no time left for indecision or wavering.  In other words...what we have come to realize up to this point must now be fully accepted as truth.  There is a shrinking space closing in and around us that is both a buffer of protection from duality, as well as a field of greater opportunity that must be used consciously. Bottom line: the unity realms have requisites of soul-based integrity that must be met so be sure to check any remaining fear/doubts at the door.

"The remaining months of this year are designed to put you in complete control of your destinies.  To do this requires a fearlessness that only you know if you have achieved.  If the thought of living an empowered, self-sustainable life elicits fear in any way, those fears will be addressed in an ongoing fashion until they are resolved.  You can feel safe to release these fears  knowing that within each of you is an innate intelligence so much grander than your human understanding, and this intelligence is guiding you home."
-Seven Sisters

Hang tight, we'll be out the other side in no time...literally.


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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Sheldan Nidle Galactic Federation Update for June 21, 2011

Selamat Balik! We come again! Your world is reaching the magic point where it begins to transition into a new reality. The dark cabal, at its recent meeting in Europe, was at a loss on how to prevent it from happening. Our Earth allies have set up the final timetable for transforming your world, and the forces of Light are preparing to make the definitive push. Discussions with our liaison personnel are addressing how best to remove the dark's main agents and where to sequester them. Then, the subsequent trials are to be swift and equitable, as a long, drawn-out process serves no one. This courtroom 'drama' will expose the true events and deliver proper verdicts on each individual. There is no need for this historic event to dwell on the excesses of "man's inhumanity to man." The goal is to explain this sorry history thoroughly, then make the emphatic point that a new epoch has begun. This is the purpose of laying bare what the dark cabal has been up to and the nature of the egregious deeds they had planned. As one of your proverbs says, "Knowledge is power." This knowledge is to accentuate the end of your exploration into the dark reaches of limited consciousness.

The new caretaker governments will first announce and fully explain their many programs. It is felt that a time needs to be set-aside for the world's population to absorb completely what has just occurred. Your reality is to be literally flipped on its head, and this needs informed and forthright commentary by both governmental and private individuals. After a period of assessment and activation, the next item on the agenda is disclosure. Disclosure is a unique, historic event. Your global society is predicated on certain commonly held perceptions. Disclosure, as it unfolds, will shatter these basic perceptions. Our task is to assist you through the accompanying shock. We have culled from our information on you the best possible way to explain to you the implications of disclosure. It opens up what your ascension process is all about and alters your societal approach to Gaia. Although your society's attitudes on this matter have been uninformed at best, you have made some laudable progress on this front which we can build upon, and we fully intend to do so.

After disclosure, our subsequent series of broadcasts will introduce you to the Galactic Federation and its technology. Then we will show you Inner Earth, and the Agarthans will begin an illuminating discussion with you. Our immediate task in this post-disclosure world is to monitor your governments, launch the new technology, advise you on your ascension process, and prepare the way for our mass first contact. These activities will ensure that the final stages of your immersion into full consciousness are done in a smooth and timely manner. Heaven has drawn up a series of dates to guide the setting-up of your star-nation and your joining us as full-fledged members. By then you will have participated in several intergalactic councils on moving a number of selected galaxies to the Light. These events mark your emergence from the long quarantine imposed some 12,500 years ago at the behest of Heaven. Your unique brand of wisdom and your useful insights have been missed!

Disclosure is dependent on the transferal of government power to be carried out by our Earth allies. These promised changes did not happen on the assigned date given to us; glitches occurred that delayed the process. Hence, disclosure is to happen sometime after the solstice. We are in talks with our Earth allies to work out a scenario that is to be completed on the date we jointly agree to. Our mission here requires that the changes needed, before a formal disclosure announcement can be made, be achieved on schedule. To this end, we are asking a special group of Agarthan liaisons to guide these various affairs to a rapid conclusion. It is critical that either a number of major regimes be ousted legally from power, or that they carry out a full disclosure, a most unlikely contingency! The present attitudes of these major governments in truth leave us only the first option. The Agarthans assure us that these maneuvers can be done quickly. Thus, disclosure remains a done deal.

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come to you today with information on your Soul Force exercise. The initial response has been much welcomed by Heaven. The stage is being set for the flowering of your new reality. Each of you, in your own unique way, has amiably accepted those responsibilities given you. We, too, are most pleased. You have demonstrated yet again the amount of sacred power you collectively 'bring to the table'. As you continue to raise your spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical bodies with the assistance of Heaven, your growing consciousness has accepted the fact that you are veritably at the point of transformation. This immediate period in your history has so far been marked by a rising tide of chaos which is now about to peak. During this peak, an unprecedented transformation is to happen: Your world is to be inundated with new governance, prosperity, and, of course, disclosure!

Now, we are watching as our associates complete the final negotiations for getting the deliveries out. These talks also involve the leaders of the outgoing governments who are trying at the eleventh hour to 'strike a deal' and haggle over the outcome of the trials. We are fully aware that these prevarications are yet more delaying tactics on their part. Each minion of the dark cabal has done great damage to Gaia and to humanity, and these crimes require a full exposition followed by a just sentencing. Anything less is to palter with universal justice. This exercise in justice is to be a means to gain a degree of equity for what the dark ones did to your world and your society. Once done, bless them, and seek mercy and forgiveness for all! You are closing a long chapter in your dealings with the dark. Let us move with the Light into the next era, in joy and full acceptance of the great wonders that await us.

The time ahead is one of miracles and marvels. Long ago, our world was plunged into darkness as once-mighty Atlantis sank beneath the waves. Since then, we have all experienced the misery, pain, and frustration of life on Earth's surface. This life is now to change. Heaven has put in place a process for Ascension and a means for transforming this reality. Our many lifetimes have shown us what a great opportunity this is for you to make this nascent reality a most beautiful place, and our sacred task is to use the knowledge gleaned from our many lifetimes to lead you down the divine path of Light and Love to full consciousness. We are not alone in this; we have many allies who are ready to reveal themselves when their presence is needed. Be prepared for great surprises. Be prepared for the exhilarating joy that is full disclosure!

Today, we continued our discussion about full disclosure and the changes that are destined to transform your world. The dark's position continues to deteriorate by the day. The program set up by our Earth allies, under the supervision of Earth's Ascended Masters, is ready to manifest! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be In Joy!) 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

New Metals Trading Restrictions For Gold and Silver

Here is information on the upcoming restrictions for trading gold and silver, all of us need to keep up on all of the information regarding our investments and especially what is happening with our currency. 

We are all becoming aware what they have done to our “American Dream” of owning our own home and so we really need to pay attention to other areas of our life also.

I am posting the article and also giving you the direct link so you can see where it came from and this will give you the ability to do your own research according to your specific situation:

Posted by Lew Rockwell on June 17, 2011 04:36 PM
Writes Jason:

Just got a notice in the mail from my Forex broker. Apparently it is illegal to trade currencies against precious metals now. What a good way to show how safe the dollar is.

We wanted to make you aware of some upcoming changes to’s product offering. As a result of the Dodd-Frank Act enacted by US Congress, a new regulation prohibiting US residents from trading over the counter precious metals, including gold and silver, will go into effect on Friday, July 15, 2011.

In conjunction with this new regulation, must discontinue metals trading for US residents on Friday, July 15, 2011 at the close of trading at 5pm ET. As a result, all open metals positions must be closed by July 15, 2011 at 5pm ET.

When I got the notice I immediately thought of your blog, so I decided to share the news.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Sheldan Nidle Galactic Federation Update for June 14, 2011

 Selamat Jarin! We return once again! Everywhere, our Earth allies are making progress. The Ascended Masters assure us that the new financial system is in place and the new monies are ready for distribution. We are busily assisting them in setting up the final pieces needed before the new governments make their first announcements. This operation runs parallel to the process that is manifesting the new central banks. Indeed, several of your major financial institutions are now no more than façades for the institutions slated to succeed them. In addition, the globe's secret gold depositories have already allocated the funds that support the world's new hard currency system; and the mass printing of new bills and the minting of new coinage is also complete. This money is being held in well-guarded, undisclosed facilities around the globe, and the people selected to distribute these funds are at present waiting for the final 'go' codes. The same applies to most of the new-government personnel. All that is left is for the divine right moment to occur. 

      As we await this magic moment, our fleet personnel are carrying out the next steps in our disclosure scenario, one of which concerns our first post-disclosure broadcasts. Our communications team is revising what we intend to convey to you. You now want to know more about us, and so we are completing the presentation which will set the stage for our massive first contact with you. One of the main items will be to display the various technologies we intend to share with you, and another will be to give you a video introduction to your Inner Earth cousins, the Agarthans. The Agarthans intend to follow this introduction with a full explanation of who they are and to ask you for a formal recognition of their Inner Earth realm. They desire to teach you about your true origins and your true history. This knowledge is very different to what you now generally believe and hence, needs a clear and formal recognition of the Agarthans before it can be given to you. These events are only the first part of our initial interaction with you. 

      The Agarthans are setting up a grand tour for the leaders of the various caretaker governments, which includes a demonstration of a comprehensive tableau of Earth's early history (from Lemuria to the fall of Atlantis) and an explanation to each leader of the scenario envisioned for the initial cooperation between the Agarthans and each new surface government. It is important for the two parts of Gaia to be reunited. During the nearly 13 millennia that the two realms were apart, the dark reigned supreme over the surface. But with the return of the Light to the surface world, a grand reunion can take place, which is why we are giving the Agarthans this vital role in the first contact mission. On another front, the numerous secret societies that serve the Light are in a position to execute the final government transitions; indeed, these governments have begun to issue the orders that initiate the new global financial and currency system. This establishes the system's formal legitimacy and permits our Earth allies to remove the dark cabal from power. 

      Blessings! We are the Ascended Masters! In our last message, we described a means for you to regain full use of your Soul Force during this June solstice. This ceremony begins with your standard practice for reaching inside and communicating with your I Am Presence, which can be meditation, prayer, or even just creating a special time of peace that silences for a time the constant drone of your waking mind. Once this special connection is obtained, each person makes a personalized decree, evoking the return of this long-lost sovereign right. This process reclaims your Soul Force. Fully conscious, sovereign Beings have easy access to their manifesting powers, such as the ability to determine the type of society they live in. You are taking back this particular ability prior to your return to full consciousness, and this initial exercising of your sovereignty will be a big contributing factor in transforming the base conditions of your present world. Your collective action can anchor in peace, universal prosperity, and above all, full consciousness. 

      Our primary mission is to raise the Earth plane to the Light. This task implies, by its very nature, that all of you can now manifest a fifth-dimensional reality. This new reality includes the realm of Agartha and reunion with the endless Orders, Administrations, and Life streams of Heaven. In short, the full breadth and wonder of Heaven are to be revealed to you, and in the process, you will discover who you truly are, spiritually, including your role in unfolding the divine plan. The present time is the transition period decreed long ago by the Creator, and we are reaching that miraculous point when the new reality manifests. So take this time of rising chaos in your stride, knowing that the immensity of spiritual and galactic humanity is fully behind you and in support of your endeavors. Go within and merge with Spirit. Recognize the journey you have so valiantly made and know deeply that your destination is in sight. You are very, very far from alone! 

      This moment is filled with anticipation! Our associates have taken the tasks we gave them and are finishing them on time. Now we await the divine release given to us by Heaven. This is when your world suddenly veers toward the Light. We have alerted our associates that this time is at hand. Then, we require that a set of specific instructions presented to us by Heaven be publicly read out. These words may be shocking to many, yet their purpose is to prepare you for what is to come next. We intend to begin a series of special appearances and teachings, as we feel you need to know about what we collectively call the "first truths." These teachings concern Love, true compassion, and the unity between all the diverse branches of humanity. The time has come for you to connect to each other and to your fellow humans across the vastness of physicality. 

      This brings us to first contact and your return to full consciousness. We, your Ascended Masters, are completing a work that has taken thousands of us over 12.5 millennia to complete. This sacred mission is to transform the dark to Light, and hatred and division into Love and cooperation. What is transpiring on your world is marvelous to watch! Inspired groups are coming together to form both virtual and real networks that are transforming your societies. These little-reported activities are the grassroots beginnings on which our larger programs are based. You have shown us that these small beginnings can swiftly grow into the foundation for a galactic society. Our associates and we bless you for what you are doing and what you are about to do! 

      Today, we talked about how you are speeding toward your great victory over the dark. We rejoice in the profound significance of what is happening around us. The dark realm is morphing by spewing out its great wheel of chaos, while your response has been to hold rock-steady in the Light. Now your well-deserved time of jubilation arrives! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Friday, June 10, 2011

The Paradigm of Purposeful PLAY

The Paradigm of Purposeful PLAY

Diffusing Bombs

It's been nearly a week since the first (solar) eclipse of the summer
celestial sandwich and that means we are officially off and
running….in circles. Well, spirals really. For the next few weeks we
will be sprinting up the spiral staircase of (DNA) evolution at
unprecedented rates, running toward the embodiment of our soulular self.
And just like with any overexertion we can feel exhausted during these
soul-jaunts, so as always its important to temper that annoying balance
between what want to be doing and what we actually feel capable of until
our bodies catch up. !@#^%$

Speaking of which, I hope you took a deep breath whilst yer head was
still above water because we are definitely going under again…deep
see-diving into the depth of our core-self to make some final welds
needed to fuse our two (polar) halves. And while my inner-petty Patty is
dying to talk about the foreboding formerly associated with any eclipse,
I will be all grownup instead and remind us all that the jolt of drama,
dread and fear are never required for us to embrace change…that
eclipses are powerful gifts of transformation and this one in particular
can provide us with a thorough release from our past if we utilize our
detached discipline to see everything that presents itself from a
multi-dimensional, zoomed-out, and neutralized perspective.

And it will be well worth the effort because the unseens say that this
solar/lunar support is the motor behind the release of our pain/fear
body, the first phase of embodiment that they mentioned in the last
update. In reality, those already focused in a fifth dimensional way
have diffused so many internal (karmic) bombs, that even tho the buttons
may remain, they are mostly duds. And if any buttons are still active,
you will know before we complete this journey because they will all be
tested…one by one…until we we are reaction-less to all past

Navigating the Sandwich

"You are reclaiming each part of you that was separated or fragmented
and now you are able to embody and reflect all of that inner radiance
onto your outer world... in every sense of the word." -Pleiadian High

The solar eclipse sandwich (lunar in the middle) is providing us with
what the Pleiadian High Council refer to as "a fusion of lower body and
higher body consciousness"…they also offer me an animated slideshow
in my minds eye of our lower chakras (1, 2 & 3) merging with our higher
chakras (5, 6, & 7) in the heart center (4) where we gain access to all
13 chakras of the new galactic-human system.

Thru this powerful portal of transformation we are exploring/purging the
remaining polarity in our lives so that we can effectively utilize the
masculine and feminine forces for the reunification of earth matter with
etheric matter, as the Pleiadians mentioned in the last update. This
merging of the spiritual and material…the awakening of unity
consciousness…is happening through our heart centers as well as the
pituitary/pineal glands so if you have been experiencing intense
heartburn/nausea (heart opening), pineal/pituitary activation (sacred
marriage) symptoms...vertigo, sleepiness, FATIGUE, disorientation,
insomnia, deep sleeps, sinus issues, headaches, sore/itchy scalp,
watery/red/itchy/burning eyes, changes in eyesight, etc...and/or
digestion issues (root clearing/grounding/cellular detoxification), most
likely it's related.

They are also sharing that the level of our personal integration of
these two bodies will be reflected to us in our outer world, thru our
inner-capacity to remain in tact during this passage…in other words,
we will know how integrated we are by our ability to forego the remains
of any fleeting illusion in lieu of eternal love. Some things that may
surface during this transit…especially around the Lunar (emotion)
eclipse on 6/15…will be related to deep feelings of
unworthiness…either from past wounds of childhood or from the
collective experiences of our oversoul:

"We would also like to make it known that the parts of you that feel
unworthy will be rising to the surface for release…take not these
moments as replications of truth, but as serving contrast, a measurement
of how far you have come in the reconnection of your god-self. These
moments will be brief, but will reflect to you where you feel unloved,
unaccepted, unworthy, unfulfilled, unappreciated, and so on…" -PHC

To utilize this eclipse period in a powerful way would be to embrace and
love all of our loveless parts...because if we do, if we can accept and
truly love all our uglies, we have the ability to really leave the past
behind…to break free from the self-judgement and inner-criticism
that keeps us small so that we can live and create with true emotional

The council also mentioned that some resistance with regard to fears of
our power may bubble up to the surface this month. In the past, the
expression of our greatness was either abused or detrimental to our
collective well-being in some way...and even tho this is no longer a
reality, we must first express these repressed fears so that we can heal
(love) and release them, which will ultimately enable us to fully
embrace our power as co-creators for the second half of this year.

"Now is the time to embody greatness, but first you will need to bring
forth, to release those parts of you that feel scorned by it…the
parts of you that, in the past, have been burned by your passionate
fire, blinded by your inner light." -PHC

Higher Purpose

There is also a stillness in the air, a passionless-ness, especially
with regard to our "purpose" or our contribution to this oceanic orb we
call earth. Old projects may seem stale and played-out, new ones dull
and uninspiring, and tho its all perfect, it's still perplexing because
the higher part of us (our future self) feels the pull of
readiness…of right time/place to contribute something
tangible…but our lower self is still crapped-out on the couch. In
the bigger picture we are just merging with a greater expression of

The unseens note that a major aspect of this sandwich…and the reason
why you may feel so disconnected…is to bring us into alignment with
the full extent of our soul's plan, which of course means that we must
surrender any remaining ego-desires so that this plan can take hold
without our (lower-mind) interference. This doesn't necessarily mean
that we will have to throw out or disregard those things that we have
been working on/toward, we just need to give everything enough space to
fall into its rightful place.

We have to be beat up enough willing to let our ideas around purpose
breathe so that it can blossom into its full potential whether that be a
purpose that aligns with a career or not. F L E X I B L E is the meat
to this sandwich…which must be be why Maroon 5's Misery lyrics keep
playing on repeat in my head: "So scared of breaking it, you won't let
it bend." Speaking of Adam anyone else digging "The Voice"?
You don't have to answer that.

The PHC is also making it clear that new opportunities are arriving
and/or solidifying in the physical dimensions now….most are still
swimming in the mental plane in the form of ideas, but are beginning to
take hold in group collectives as we are drawn toward each other to
co-create. These opportunities are not only the pillars for the new
world systems...those new reality structures that solidify the
foundation to the planets extreme earth makeover…but they will also
serve as portals of abundance that so many of us require to move to the
next level.

The key to these opportunities, they say, is in our willingness to
recognize them as the gifts that they are, which mostly means letting go
of what we thought we would be doing to allow for what we are really
here to do. (HINT: these opportunities may be disguised as something
that seems too effortless, too simple, too much fun to be of
keep your mind and options open!)

Paradigm of Purposeful PLAY

"What we would like for you to realize most thru this spectacular summer
event is that your only purpose is to breed joy. Your mission has
always been to first, rise up to meet joy, to embody joy, and finally,
to find ways to embrace and engage those things that bring you ultimate
joy." -PHC

I realize how cliche those lyrical Pleiadian prose sound, but its
important to understand the perspective shift that we must undergo in
order to truly utilize the 5D energies and enlightened technologies that
are now available for us to play with.

Most of us (starseeds) came to this 3d dimensional earth plane from
other worlds, other dimensions, other constellations and galaxies, each
with different "jobs" to do for the planet while making our personal and
painstaking climb thru the dense dimensions of the lower form world to
arrive at our destination vibration. What the PHC want us to realize now
is that we are no longer serving the greater plan from this 3D mindset.

We are beginning to operate within an integrated head/heart paradigm
which requires a shift in perspective with regard to how we value
ourselves. This 5th dimensional way of being asks us to answer a very
important question, one that determines our readiness to lead:

Is who you are enough?

(And while I would love to take the credit for that poignant question,
it was my sister Kim who nailed it in a recent blog article
been ringing in my ears ever since.) We are now moving beyond the
frequency shield of 3D which means we are required to leave behind the
need to "DO" in order to feel valued. We are entering into the
harmonious state of existence where all doing comes from a place of WANT
TO and not HAVE TO. A subtle, but profound shift.

As we come to terms with how we truly value ourselves and consciously
release the heaviness of obligation and feelings of unworthiness (with
the help of the upcoming Lunar eclipse) we will become much lighter and
enter more fully into what I like to call the "paradigm of purposeful
PLAY"…where our passion, purpose and potential will be a direct
reflection of our true LIGHTness of being...because ultimately, if we
are not en-joy-ing ourselves, we are not whole-HEARTedly contributing to
the new timeline where "work" does not exist.

The value of purpose as something we "DO" is a necessary construct in a
separated mindset (duality) because it provides us with the ability to
project our worthiness onto an external "thing" in order to know it, to
see it, to feel it. In the lower dimensions it is useful to project our
perceived value onto the canvas of our lives so that we can recognize it
and reabsorb, or integrate it…but now that we are becoming
soul-infused, co-creation becomes about PLAY, about expressing our
uniqueness in all that we do simply by being who we are and doing
everything and only that which brings us joy.

"Are you starting to digest the enormity of this?" -PHC

The unseens reiterate that at the highest level, the purpose of a soul
incarnate experience is to realize itself in form and to express its
uniqueness through that which elicits joy. Our self-promoted purpose, or
new J-O-B is to learn how to effectuate change by living freely &
playfully as incarnated masters of light by reclaiming our birthright to
simply exist and create. There is no longer any separation between who
we are and what we do. Who we are IS what we do now, and as we become a
living authentic, empowered expression of self, we simultaneously shift
from (3D) human DOings to the (5D) human BEings we were always meant to

I don't know any greater freedom than that.

Keeping Our Flame Lit

"We reiterate that you are only required to follow the inner guide
within each of you that is coming forth now to serve you fully. To bring
you into an ecstatic state of alignment, an inner harmony that brings
heaven to earth." -Pleiadian High Council

Lastly, the unseens are saying that partly due to this potent eclipse
passage and partly due to the upcoming solstice, that we are approaching
a level of stabilization that results from moving beyond the 3D
frequency field and that enables us to keep our inner flame lit at all
times. As we do, we will not only begin to attract the light in others
but we will have the ability to alter the dynamic of every situation by
harmonizing our energy with those around us thru the radiance of pure
love. We are becoming the dominant force of light and those days when we
felt outnumbered…dominated by darkness…are over.

There is also a coming a shift in our relationships that will be
palpable…relationships of all kinds will begin to restructure and
align with the new frequencies which means some will simply fall away
and others will be more drawn to us, while some just seem to click into
place. The unseens say that the switch will be effortless, but
noticeable and that no choices need to be made here...the choices will
be made for us by resonance and universal law.

"This is a momentous time in history, and you are undergoing radical
changes, so be resolute in your determination to see yourself thru. Be
at peace with the coming portals, overjoyed with your success, and
remain in child-like anticipation of whats to come…eager for the
opportunity to step fully into you.

We are the Pleiadian high council and we bring forth this information to
remind you of your power to release yourself from bondage during this
critical passage, and to assist each of you as true representatives of
your galactic heritage. May the radiance of your soul's brilliance shine
forth in all your dealings." -PHC

To maintaining childlike anticipation!

Lauren <>

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