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MESSAGE OF THE NEW YEAR which could also be stated as a VISION OF THE NEW YEAR, wehave found that what we vision/see manifests and right now we all need to vision freedom, sovereignty and abundance for ourselves, our home, our community and our world.

AS I FIND MYSELF and other close friends evolving in our purpose and life we find ourselves changing and wanting to create the New Earth in this the year of 2013. What a group of us have done is create a Visionary Circle, with a willingness to teach and educate others on the paths we have been exploring and learning the past several years.

HENCE, THE REBIRTHING OF GLOBAL PEACE; we will be sharing the information that has brought us to this point and the new current information that is surfacing on a daily basis. It will all be updated here on a daily basis and we can all learn, love and evolve together in love and light.

This is the year, 2013, for Unity, Community and Love. We are all going to learn how to bring these three elements into our personal life, or family life, our community and the world, and we would really like for you to join us for this journey and to participate with us on building a community here on the internet from whatever part of the world you are in, you are all welcome!!!!

WELCOME ABOARD and enjoy the journey with us, we can travel this road together to find the love, peace and divine wonder of this thing we call LIFE.

The Work For Our Real Final Work is Here!

!!~~!! NESARA - What? Why? How? and More

Happy New Year 2013

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Sheldan Nidle Galactic Federation Update for July 26, 2011

"The present time is thus the last possible moment before the formal announcement of a new reality, which includes disclosure, is made public and solemnly enforced by all!" Ascended Masters

8 Manik, 0 Pop, 8 Manik
Dratzo! A new year has dawned! We welcome it and celebrate its birth with this day's message! Around you, a new reality is beginning to awaken, proclaiming to you that you are not alone. Your space and spiritual families have arrived and are busily altering your world. The dark governance is starting its disappearance act even as a new monetary system readies itself for its swift and auspicious entrance. We have watched so many of you suffer and acquiesce to the seemingly unending and illusory power of the dark. This false world is ready to drop its immense curtains and reveal the wondrous truth to you at last. Likewise, we are prepared to reveal ourselves to you and help you let go of one of the great follies of your science, which is that your planet is a solid orb. In fact, it is hollow! This lie trembles atop others that state that you are alone and that life on your realm is a unique miracle. This, too, of course, is false. Indeed, all the core perceptions that have been fed you since birth are to be cast away as just another of the numerous lies that have kept you literally in the dark.

These lies, which you have swallowed whole since birth, were created long ago as truths to be passed down from one generation to the next. Breaking this chain of untruths frees you from the bonds used first by the Anunnaki and then their minions to give away your power and preserve the ill-gotten gains stolen from you nearly 13 millennia ago. Limited consciousness shifts you from your sovereign self to a Being filled with doubts. You become willing to give away what you do not understand in exchange for a security that appears to settle your inner doubts and seemingly allows you to carry on with your life. Another thing that "scares" you into submitting to this agreement is "death". Fully conscious Beings do not die. At the right divine moment, they simply ascend. This whole new reality of death is something that your distant ancestors were initially unable to comprehend. It confused them and left them in a most "fearful" quandary. The Anunnaki exploited this "fear" and their success swiftly led to the world in which you live.

Applying the success provided by the misuse of "death", the Anunnaki next hammered home the need for humans to worship them as immortal "gods". This reality eventually led to the wars, diverse "religions" and illogical hatreds that have divided humanity for the last 8,000 years. The Anunnaki manipulated you and forced their minions to apply tactics that only broadened these various fabricated perceptions. As a result, you are trapped in societies that largely serve the wealthy and powerful at the expense of the poor and downtrodden masses. This darkness has produced a realm that has frustrated all and left only a selected few who exploit the ill-gotten wealth and power granted them by the Anunnaki. This reality is now in active retreat as the Light forges ahead with its complex plans to vastly re-form your benighted realm into a world bathed in the sweet, pure rays of the Light. You will be released from this false and shadowy realm and, with Heaven's help, moved into a world where you can again morph into fully conscious Beings of Light!

In this new reality, you resume your position as a true sovereign Being. You are in constant contact with your spiritual council and with your community. To you, this continuous state of knowing is normal. In full consciousness, you are achieving your highest purpose with your life contract and able to resolve any issues left over from previous lifetimes. Furthermore, you work quite closely with your solar system's various Spiritual Hierarchies, keeping each planet and your Sun in as close to perfect a condition as you and your fellows can collectively manifest, and allowing life to prosper throughout your solar system! Your mission lies in fulfilling your life contract and in spreading the Light throughout your star-nation, this galaxy and, of course, physicality. You share this sacred work with your podlet, your clan and your star-nation. Each one of you will realize the immense joy that this work brings you every day. We are here to mentor you in this, and to watch you blossom into who you really are!

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come before you today with some intelligence concerning events unfolding on your world. An order that has dominated your world for millennia is beginning to implode. The various agreements that these dark ones were recently forced to accept has become the issue. Now this old order is torn as to how they will implement these various agreements. The resulting confusion has created a number of factions within this dark cabal that seek to open a new round of talks. This approach is unacceptable to our associates, who have asked the Galactic Federation to demonstrate to them that the intent of these agreements needs to manifest immediately. The agreements imply that a new global economic and political system needs to be born. The dark wants to preserve some of the existing economic and political reality. The present time is thus the last possible moment before the formal announcement of a new reality, which includes disclosure, is made public and solemnly enforced by all!

We have watched as the dark, during the past 13 millennia, manifested policies to destroy the Light and formally deny you your unalienable sovereign rights. This present moment is no exception. The hesitancy of several dark governments to sign off on agreements that end their legitimacy is merely a continuation of a deep belief in their right to maintain this power. Our galactic and Inner Earth brethren have boldly stepped forward and explained, in very frank terms, that this intransigence needs to end, now! At present, we are assisting Heaven in manifesting the grids for our new reality. This task is complete and we are using the wondrous Light energies that emanate from these new grids to accelerate the great transformation that all of you are now experiencing. The time of the dark's rule is at an end! A new Age of Light is now manifesting for Gaia and her children.

You are now passing through the final grand stages of your transformation. In the past, this sacred task was performed only after many lifetimes spent preparing one's physical and spiritual bodies for their grand integration. Once this moment arrived, you were able to draw upon a vast array of knowledge and wisdom that you had acquired. Each of us passed through these very special preliminary stages before we were granted immortality. Spirit knows when you are truly ready for this divine gift, and how you can make best use of it. Presently, you are preparing for what took us so long to achieve. Heaven has granted you grace in the use of special Light Chambers that are to complete this holy task in just a few days' time. This transformation is to take place in an equally sacred space, the crystal cities of Agartha.

Today, we have discussed some of what is occurring around your world. This message has been presented in a similar fashion many times before. We do this to set the vision for you and provide you with a base for your own spiritual envisioning practices. The time approaches when a new era of enlightenment will dawn upon Mother Earth! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

The (re)Education of Sacred Embodiment

"There is a beautiful unfolding in your physical world that is unraveling the part of the journey where you come to understand the depth of the work you've put see, feel, touch the reflections of your accomplishments in the material planes." -Seven Sisters of Pleiades

Physical reBirth

According to the perspective of the seven sisters, and as of the last three eclipses coupled with the massive heart rewiring that we all sustained, we have officially begun the process of physical alignment with our mental and emotional bodies.  This means that much of the energetic support we are receiving right now is toward the understanding and experience of living as a fully-integrated galactic/spiritual a human body.

Emphasis on the human-body part.

For the remaining days of the universal ninth wave we will be emerging in incremental stages... (re)birthing ourselves in the physical dimensions, one layer at a time, and in preparation for the externalization of our true divinity where we will be capable to finally share our selves/gifts with the outside world.  We are r-e-a-l-l-y feeling the pressure building and the ache for freedom is becoming unbearable, but we will not be able to completely e-merge until we are fully ripened galactic-humans.

The Pleiadians are emphasizing that our physical bodies are such an important part of this leg of the journey because the body is our contact point between the physical and ethereal realms...where we  harness, structure & anchor our potential into form.  In other words, 'we' are where the proverbial rubber meets the road....where spirit meets matter...where our creative passions meet the world... and it will be for our upgraded biology suits to provide each of us with the hardware needed to participate in the 5th dimensional world of our making. 

Green Light

Even tho we technically ascend to higher dimensions of consciousness, I have always held the understanding that ascension is more of a descension…a slow and arduous process of pounding our souls into our bodies and the earth until we find it comfortable enuf to live here.  And I don't have to tell you that getting into our bodies and staying in them is/has been quite a chore.  In fact, for many of us on this journey, grounding into the physical dimensions has not only been a relentless & tedious pursuit, its been mostly impossible up until this point. 

There are so many starseeds (blue rays especially) on this planet that have never even come close to touching the ground...let alone in a fully embodied way…and sadly this has made for some pretty complicated living in 3D.  But that was actually the point.  Those on the ascension timeline were never able to get completely cozy in 3D because all y'all mutants are wired freakishly different…and the purpose/result was that we all successfully averted complacency…even if we did hit the snooze button a few times.

The main reason many on this path (especially the younger generations) have refused to touch-down in the lower dimensions is because the frequency of our home turf was just not available for us to nestle into, until recently...mostly because we are the ones anchoring it here...and so it felt unsafe.  Being in a dense body can be unsettling due to the limitations of the lower realms…those frequencies we are just not accustomed to.  It's like trying to fit the ocean in a Coke bottle… it just seemed ridiculous to even try to ground all of our expanded limitlessness into a container that felt VERY restrictive. 

But now, my fellow starlasses and starlads...our bodies are coming online with the rest of us which means we are being given the green light to take the full plunge.  Our biology systems are tirelessly preparing us to begin our physical journey together into 5D which means a rebirth  is underway as well as the development of a new (co-creative) relationship with our external world.  Apparently we have a lot yet to learn about our new selves so the unseens say that a "(re)education of sacred embodiment" is in order.

Movable Parts

"We would like to emphasize the need for activity during this time by reminding each of you that it is vital to begin moving your physical bodies in a way that will support the systemization of your new cells."  -Seven Sisters

My partner Leon said to me once in a passively sarcastic tone…"cars have movable parts, you know"... 

He was snidely referring to the fact that I hardly ever leave the house (compliments of untiring fatigue) and as a result my car sits in the garage sometimes for days on end.  And even tho at the time I had thoughts of dousing him with a full glass of iced tea, those words really echoed in my head and became an ongoing and tantalizing reminder that 'if I don't move my 'vehicles' parts, problems arise'. 

The constant emotional and physical heaviness & lethargy that accompanies path-cutting can be discouraging, to put it mildly, and I'll be the first to admit to an aversion to regular exercise...even and especially yoga...ugghh.  I.just.can'

From the beginning of this journey exercise felt to me like waaaay too much effort for far too little reward…which unfortunately made it very easy to give up and fall victim to I definitely get that even the thought of exercise can be daunting with so many symptoms.  That said,  I have been getting repetitive messages that we will be so much better off if we push thru the (adrenal) fatigue and start "moving our parts" on a regular basis.  In other words, we can no longer be sedentary without increasing consequences due to increasing frequencies.

If symptoms have been dictating your life or really destabilizing you on a daily basis, you may be noticing a growing urge to work more (pro)actively in cooperation with your body to overcome energy sickness and depression (stuck energies) now.  We are in the second phase of embodiment that the seven sisters referred to as "the realization of our divine body", when the soul begins to authentically experience itself in human form and they are insisting that physical activity will greatly assist us thru this grounding process.

As always, our body is the best gauge for what and how…and desire is our fuel.  If you can cultivate the desire to get more physical by doing something you love over something you dread, you will double your results, but even the simplest movement with intention to stabilize, revitalize or regenerate will bring more palpable results now.  Either way, more focus on the physical will help us to maintain homeostasis thru these increasingly more physical changes.

"We would also like to add that along with movement, the physical body is still in need of rest and rejuvenation through integration periods... doing and being, activity and recuperation…this formula will be required for optimum self-care and nourishment during this time."  -Seven Sisters

The bottom line is that we are physicalizing our authentic selves in the material world now…cell by cell…and with so much energy channeling thru our meridians we will just plain feel better if we up the ante with regard to physical care.  If we heed this call to move our bodies on a regular basis we will be supported to dislodge stuck energies and release stored up toxins in a more effortless way.

I am also hearing that any part of our body that needs healing (love) will most likely make its presence known to us during this cycle, if it hasn't already, and that we will be given the opportunity to release deeply lodged emotions responsible for long-standing physical ails.  Any primordial resistance (fear) we feel with regard to embodiment will be highlighted for healing as well...mostly because we need to ground ourselves before we can ground the life of our dreams.   

"The amount of time that it takes to fully embody your physical vessel is directly proportionate to the amount of resistance you uphold.  What we mean is this: for the physical body to integrate these very high frequencies requires a deep level of surrender, of acceptance so that each cell can harmonize with the galactic forces of creation.  If there is resistance to holding, carrying or embracing these energies, the body will buck in defiance and create great discomfort.  For this we recommend a softening, an openness and a willingness to welcome and embrace these energies fully...not a refusal of them.  Similar to childbirth, relaxing into the discomfort will ease the stress on the physical body during the intensive rebirthing process you are currently undergoing.  Allow, allow, allow, is what we would say in response to all resistance disguised as suffering." -Seven Sisters

BioDynamic Intelligence

"What we would like for you to understand is this: the new human form is one of dynamic constitution…it is a living, breathing entity of its own accord and therefore requires a new level of communication and relationship to maintain.  Your new system functioning is less about 'how' you use it, but 'why'." -Seven Sisters

A 5D human differs greatly from a 3D human by way of consciousness and self-responsibility…that is to say, the state of BEing awake and aware of our multidimensional mind and motives.  "Why" we do anything matters more than ever now since our intentions must be spawned from heart-centered love in order to live in a harmonious flow of intention is the actual 'programming' that the new-human prototype requires to function optimally.

The unseens have said to us many times in the past that our cells have intelligence, and we are just beginning to learn how to work in conscious cooperation with that intelligence as we develop a deeper, more loving relationship with ourselves and come to honor the body as the sacred temple it really is.

In this next phase we are going to be learning how to work in tandem with our biology…that is not to say that our autonomous biological functions will cease without our attention, just that everything works better with our conscious participation, especially now that our minds have greater influence on our cells.

What has changed?

Up until now, our biology has been largely operating on auto-pilot, without our conscious participation, or what the star-beings call 'intentional programs' which heighten or optimize our human-experience.

The new-human prototype is a biodynamic system of cellular intelligence that works with or without intentional participation...however, just as biodymanic farming produces a self-sustaining system with more vital, nutritious, abundant, and even more effortless results when considering the holistic interrelationship of soil, plants and animals in accordance with celestial timing, so too does our biology work better when used in a conscious, integrative way.

And this is what our next phase will be about…learning how to consciously utilize and create balance within the body and thru the use of intentional force-fields that will maintain our ability to exist (w)holistically within a still-separated world. We first needed to integrate the understanding that this was possible, and now the knowledge of how this works will become known to each of us.

The point of being a 5th dimensional human is to exist within the 3d dimensional world of form, but with conscious connection to the unity field of intelligence.  This is what is so unique about this special time on earth…that each of us is coming up on the ability to co-create as the gods/goddesses that we truly are…and of course, while functioning in a human body.  The benefits to this are vast, yet largely unknown because this is something that is new to all of us…which is why the unseens emphasize that this part of the journey is so exciting, because we will be learning to do so many new things, as if for the first time.

Symptoms of the Merge

Since we are waxing all things physical, thought it might be helpful to mention that... in addition to the heightened myriad of symptoms you may be experiencing... there are also profound changes taking place within the structure of our brains during this time.

If you have been experiencing unusual bouts of vertigo, unsteadiness, dizziness, sinus discomfort, blurred vision, inability to read or focus, burning/watery eyes, skull/eye pressure, ear aches, headaches/migraines, or out-of-body estrangement...most likely its related to what the Pleiadians refer to as "symptoms of the merge".

The sun acts as a transmitter of light codes that are interpreted by our pineal and pituitary glands which have been continually stimulated thru recent cycles of intensive solar activity.  You may have noticed an inability to stay in the sun for very long during these periods, or an overstimulated nervous system (anxiety, jitters, ungroundedness, etc.) for seemingly no reason.  As with all symptoms, they will subside as the body assimilates to the frequencies.

Apparently our brains are physically morphing from a reptilian (primitive) brain to what they call the "brain of a galactic over-seer"...the main difference they say, is in the computing and level of comprehension and the actual mutation is activated thru the merging of sacred (polar) forces of energy.

As the energies of the pineal (feminine) and pituitary (masculine) meet in what is commonly referred to as the Mystical Marriage...or the opening of our 'sacred inner-sight'...we are also (shockingly) able to see these light codes in a very literal way.

If you have been waking in the middle of the night from a blindingly bright inner-light behind your eyes that you can't shut off...kind of like someone is shining an industrial sized flashlight inside your brain, from the top of your crown...chances are the birth of your multidimensional consciousness, the passage into the fifth dimension and beyond, is being initiated.

This can also accompany a firm pressure on both the crown and the brow and sometimes this light is audible as in the humming of a very high frequency that is also pretty annoying, but oddly interesting.  This can be a bit startling if you don't know what is happening, but the unseens say that these increasing pituitary/pineal radiations (light from the higher dimensions) are a natural part of the 'sacred embodiment" stage, or the "realization of our divine body".

Ultimately, when the merging is complete, spirit & matter unify as the multidimensional forces of spiritual light merge with the physical matter of our third dimensional brain, and we are home free.

To still hanging on...
even if by a thread....


P.S.  Another heads up that some potentially beefy solar flares are expected to hit the planet by 7/30-31...just in time for the new moon. yay.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

White Hats Reports #23 - July 22, 2011

Progress Update:  Murdoch News; Patriots send letter to US Treasury, Senate, House and Obama to save America; The Tropos Files.

In White Hats Report #22, we spoke to the issues of a Bilderberg  member interfering in the media exposure of the Bush and Ackerman stories in Germany and America.  We told you the information was highly explosive and we also told you to “Expect much more on this”.

When White Hat Report #22 came out the world was on the verge of tipping to one side or the other … the world was going to have to start to change or it was going to succumb.  The arrogance of the Cabal was immense and running rampant.  Now with our friend Rupert taking a tumble, the world is starting to change for the better and the Cabal is in deep shock and very quiet.   Do they leave Rupert in the dust to survive or do they come into the light to help him out?  We are seeing the World that can only take so much. We are seeing when the pimple is ready to pop it will distort the view for a bit of time but in the end the blemish will heal.  You just need the ability to open the blemish up and air it out.

Thank You to the United Kingdom for having the outright fortitude to withstand the trauma of Rupert Murdoch and News Corp.  We hope the lives of the men and women who acted as the whistleblowers mean something very dear to you and that you will remember what they have done to keep the free world safe and strong.  Remember them by listening to the people of the world and not the individuals like Murdoch that have aspirations above and beyond humanity.  We do not need this type of individual’s tyranny in the world especially when a person of such supposed esteem is the culprit of such blasphemy against the human race.

So, about the whistleblowers, they did not die from natural causes.  That would be like saying the second airplane hit the World Trade Towers was also a mere coincidence.  To our friends in the United Kingdom, if your Medical Examiners are not proficient with the methods of disposing of someone when the going gets tough, then terminate the guy and allow us to do the autopsy.  We know the methods and the chemicals used for such an activity and can identify the source immediately.

You have a significant problem with the Bildeberg’s thinking they can “handle” the problem by eliminating … killing someone … to keep them from exposing the information.  Just look around at all of the deaths surrounding this already, and in a few short hours look how much has developed and the horn has barely sounded. “Do you think there is a problem?” Well Rupert, there are more whistleblowers.  You will not be able to remove them all.  The target is you and the treasonous things you have done to humanity including controlling the information you have sworn to pass to the world at large.

For the audience, sit back and watch the fireworks.  Rupert, his son, his Board of Directors, his Executives and all of the people they have corrupted have never gone down this path before so let them make all of the statements they want about humility and not knowing . Going on record is always interesting especially if you think you have everything under control.  So, Rupert, the next time we say “Expect much more on this” pull up a seat on the curb…the parade is about to start.

As a final thought … Expect much more on this!

In Addition …

This report is also developed to update our readers on the current events involving the Global Settlements and other United States Treasury obligations.

In reference to the United States Debt problem, patriotic Americans have continued to offer solutions to the most inner circles of Washington D.C.  All leaders of the House of Representative, Senate, the Obama administration, world leaders and the G8/G20 members know that there is no reason to consider raising the US Debt ceiling.  All the US speeches and scare tactics are political positioning and nothing else.   Below is a letter delivered to the inner circle of Senators, Representatives, US Treasury and the Obama administration.  Although this letter was recently leaked to the internet without the permission of the writer, we have received permission to include it below.


This letter is simple and to the point.  As you can see the letter references the undisputed obligation that the US Treasury has to pay.   These obligations are the result of many years of criminal activities in stealing funds by the US Treasury to support and fill the pockets of the Dark Criminal Cabal, the Bushes, Clintons, Obama and many associates in hopes of controlling the world through building a New World Order.   In previous reports we have exposed the large amount of funds stolen by these thieves and deposited in financial institutions like Deutsche Bank, Barclays Bank, The Vatican Bank, Bank of Santander, and other international Banks in the Caribbean and South America.   Regardless of how the funds were stolen, the US Treasury owes these obligations.  The individuals listed in the letter have all agreed to pay US Fed Taxes upon the US Treasury paying their obligations, which will almost pay off our national debt.  These Patriots will also be investing their funds back into America and the World’s financial system to rebuild the global economies for generations to come.  These Patriots are givers and not takers.  They are very serious men with the fortitude to do what is right … by any standard.

We have explained in previous reports some of the reasons why the past and present administrations have refused to pay these obligations, the most important being their greed to fatten their personal bank accounts.  They have stolen Trillions of Dollars of funds over the last 20+ years that were intended to be invested in America.  These criminals, our elected leaders and appointed officials, are so narcissistic that they would do anything to maintain their control over America and the World.   What level of Hell is awaiting these criminals?  Fortunately, their greed and narcissistic tendencies have blinded them.

The White Hats have exposed and will continue to expose these individuals.   With the help of all the patriotic citizens and readers in the United States and the world, this Dark Cabal is coming to an end. But we can only do so much if the people of the United States and the World EXPECT CHANGE.  Then….DEMAND CHANGE … and MAKE THEM ACCOUNTABLE or PUT THEM OUT OF OFFICE.

Below are additional updates to the events in the last two weeks.


Falcone reports that following the notification to Price Waterhouse PLC London regarding the mismanagement by Barclays Bank of the Falcone transaction, Josef Ackermann,  Chairman of the Board of Directors of Deutsche Bank, with the clearance of the U.S. government, had two people dispatched to start following and monitoring Falcone. These actions come not as a surprise because Mr. Falcone's phones have already been tapped and there are severe consequences ahead for Mr. Ackermann, his associates, and Deutsch Bank.   Currently Mr. Falcone is acquiring the original Wikileaks tapes as filed prior to the tampering and blocking by the United States government. The original tapes contain and demonstrate incriminating information for Josef Ackermann, the C.I.A. and others. Falcone's matters are addressed in the tapes including certain information regarding payouts in CHIPS that were directed to Mr. Falcone that he never received. The original Wikileak documents and reports further collaborate and confirm the information The White Hats have reported previously.   After the review of these tapes and documents by Mr. Falcone's attorneys, additional and appropriate lawsuits will follow.


A lot of people have heard of Leo Wanta's situation over the past several years through various internet sites, which over time has confused the basic truth that the Eastern District Court of Virginia Case #1:07CV609,  by Writ of Mandamus, ordered the United States Government to pay 4.5 Trillion Dollars to Leo Wanta. Leo Wanta has agreed to pay 35% taxes to the US Treasury on the total amount owed, which equal $1.575 Trillion in Federal Taxes.   You may find it helpful to review the Wanta documents posted on our site.


Banking and Politics in the New Millennium:  Lie! Cheat! Steal! Lie some more! Consequences are for the ‘Other Guy’: A Solution to the Debt Ceiling Crisis.

Yes, economies are in free fall propped up only by lies, damn lies, and statistics.  The most precious commodity of all, the “Confidence of the ordinary person,” is being assailed daily. When that “Confidence” tips, it’s all over. When it occurs it will be swift and merciless and we will enter the Hobbsian state of nature, “nasty, brutish, and short.”  The deluded architects of the New World Order may succeed in crumbling economies but have yet to understand that lording over a decimated population who will not willingly create or contribute to society is a sour, empty “victory.”  They will spend more time in fear and in fighting than in enjoying the”good life.” What were they thinking?

In our last posting, we indicated the Dark Cabal’s world is falling apart. And it is. The US debt ceiling crisis and the corresponding likelihood of a US default will mean the evaporation of much of the ‘wealth’ these insiders think they have accumulated. The brinkmanship games on the debt ceiling have necessitated a rescue package of some sort to help soothe the Confidence jitters of the ordinary Joe. But where is it?

Well, it’s been in front of their faces for years. Release funds that have been hijacked and stolen, to their rightful owners and collect the taxes owed. Duh!

Recently, letters from Lindell H. Bonney, Sr., paymaster of the Global Settlements, have circulated to Senators and Congressmen in DC showing that the potential taxes to be collected on just a few of the “thefts in high places” would eliminate the US deficit, and much of its debt, in one fell swoop.

The amount of these thefts is staggering. It’s hard to believe there was that much money and that it could be stolen. Perhaps that is the point. Since supposedly no one would believe it, it couldn’t possibly happen. Much has already been written on Wanta’s funds elsewhere, and the White Hats have written extensively about Falcone’s funds. Today we expose another.

Take the Tropos Capital Corporation (“Tropos”) scenario, for example. In 2004, Tropos entered into a trust agreement with certain account holders at the Bank of Taiwan. Under the terms of the trust agreement, Tropos was charged with investing the capital and distributing the yield to humanitarian projects and, of course, to the beneficiaries.  The account holders had been growing their US dollars for over 60 years and it was a vast sum, over $700 Billion USD (or FRNs) and its deployment then would have averted much of the financial disasters in recent years. So what happened?

Simply put, Timothy Geithner stole the money.  Geithner was head of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and when the transaction was presented to the FRBNY, he re-directed money.  What was his penalty for being caught?  Promotion to the head of the U.S. Treasury!

The Tropos matter is perhaps the clearest documented example of systemic corruption in the Federal Reserve Banking System.  A little sidebar on the mechanisms used will help underscore the seriousness of the way in which this theft occurred and its far-reaching implications.

Tropos used an ACATS (“Automated Customer Account Transfer System”) to move funds from the Bank of Taiwan to its account at Wachovia Bank (now the Wells Fargo Bank).  ACATS are point-to-point transfers of the holdings of the account “in kind”. They are regularly used, for example, to move all the holdings of a bank or brokerage account from one institution to another without selling the holdings in the account. Say you have an account at Merrill Lynch and you want to move it to Morgan Stanley or E*Trade. The account has securities and cash in it so you complete an ACATS and within a few days your old account’s cash and securities are moved intact to the new institution. ACATS are documents administered by the Depository Trust Clearing Corporation – a wholly owned subsidiary of; you guessed it, the Federal Reserve.

The rules for using ACATS are quite straightforward. To move the account holdings from point A to point B, point A must provide a (notarized) copy of the account statement proving the items to be moved “in kind” are really there. Once the ACATS is signed, the recipient institution/account is now the legal owner, holding the account in trust for the account signatory. It is supposed to be a totally secure transaction.

Because of the size of the movement of USD within the Bank of Taiwan account, Tropos gave a heads up “pre-advise” to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Copies of the executed ACATS were provided to FRBNY. And here is where the story slips into the pages of a “who-done-it” financial thriller.

Federal Reserve members went to the Bank of Taiwan and presented the photocopied ACATS themselves and took the $700Billion from the account. They secretly moved the funds through other FRB’s ‘off balance sheet’ but lent it out to banker buddies to use for their platform trading activities, generating enormous yields. Funds were never credited, settled, or paid over to Tropos, nor returned to the Bank of Taiwan account holders.

Tropos has spent much time and money trying to quietly and discreetly recover the funds because, in their opinion, if the story got out in its entirety it could freeze up and destabilize the entire global banking system. It didn’t serve their interest to draw attention to this transfer because; let’s face it, that’s a lot of money. They tried using the political systems in the US, through Senator McCain and Senator Reid and others. Bush Jr. supposedly signed an executive order to pay; Paulson stopped the payment demanding the funds be sent to Goldman Sachs instead of Wachovia, Panetta got involved somehow promising to complete the exec order, while not doing anything. In the soup de jure of dirty tricks politics, Texas funds were deployed to finance a spurious piece of litigation against Tropos’ principals alleging fraud for, get this, Tropos’ law firm taking funds from Tropos’ own trust account and using it on behalf of another client, without the knowledge of the Tropos principals.

The problem for the US banking and political system with the Tropos transaction is, of course, the ACATS paper trail and the notices served upon those whose job and purpose it is to protect the financial systems from the very thing the Fed did.  Hard core proof exists for this theft.  It wasn’t a side deal to do some off balance sheet trading program. Tropos used on balance sheet funds moving through the supposedly trustworthy transfer protocols established by the Fed and the Bank for International Settlements.

Imagine the impact on global commerce and confidence if CFO’s for international companies or finance ministers of sovereign nations grasp that none of their bank holdings and transfers are secure. Suppose GE or any corporation tried to move funds point-to-point, and the Fed stole the money enroute, what would that do to commercial activities? Can’t happen you say, but it’s occurring more and more. The thieving ways are a narcotic to the keepers of the systems. They can’t imagine settling for measly millions in bonuses, they must have more. Besides who cares if they get caught, no one will prosecute; they will pay a small fine and be done with it. Or get promoted to the U.S. Treasury.

Shortly after Obama took the POTUS office, Tropos served a registered notice on him detailing their claim. You can read it here.  Surprise! No response.

 (Tropos Request for Presidential Review - Obama June 2009)

Notices were also served upon the Federal Reserve Banks in San Francisco, Dallas, Atlanta, and Richmond  -- the funds had be traced through their systems with each one using it along the way – and all members of the FOMC (minus Kohn, since he already knew about it). The demand notices and Notices of Default were served upon them. No one contested, denied, or objected to Tropos’ claims except the Richmond Fed responded saying it was a problem for the FRBNY and DC.  You can read a copy of the one sent to Bernanke here

 [Bernanke-Notice of Demand Letter]

 [Bernanke FED/BOG Notice of Default July-2010]

Wait, the plot thickens.

The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency opened a case file on the matter but declined to provide any information on their investigation and shortly after receipt of the Tropos demands, the Comptroller quit.

[Comptroller Currency Letter Nov-6-09]

The Bureau of Public Debt was notified as they had issued public debt instruments on fraudulently obtained funds. Notice was served upon them. No response.

 [Tropos letter to Bureau of Public Debt]

Tropos took the matter to the Bank for International Settlements asking for them to compel the bank to complete the transfer under their constitutional and regulatory requirements for member banks to clear, settle, and pay over funds transferred using their system. Surprise, the Fed owns 37% of the BIS.  There was not much help there, except the BIS did write back and confirm they have no power to compel any banking transaction to complete. No kidding! Read the letters here. Effectively the BIS admitted they have no power so why would any bank care about Basel III compliance, or anything the BIS says?
The Tropos matter gained traction at the G8/G20 summits, when countries and finance ministers realized there were potentially massive amounts of on balance sheet cash that could be released for investment and infrastructure projects. In the Canada G20 meetings, Obama was frequently asked about Tropos and told everyone that Tropos had been paid. He lied.  No surprise there.  In the Seoul G20, the Tropos matter conversations resulted in no concerted agreement by the countries because by now the credibility of the US was beyond severely damaged. Many of those had read the Tropos letters to POTUS, the Fed and BIS with absolute incredulity.

What’s worse is that it became apparent the US Fed had ‘played’ the Chinese against each other, Taiwan against PROC, when the Tropos funds moved, by making it seem that the Taiwanese had cheated the PROC (Bank of Taiwan is a subsidiary of the Central Bank of China). Does anyone know it’s not a good idea to make the Chinese lose face publicly, if ever?  What a way, to make friends with the largest Debt Holder of Treasuries?

Despite their sworn duties to their offices, none of the parties contacted by Tropos have acted publicly. Certainly an Interpol investigation into the wire fraud and financial fraud actions would yield an interesting outcome. Tropos recently wrote to Christine Lagarde, as G20 finance minister asking her to help resolve the issue, and pointed out this pervasive illegal behavior.

[Letter to G20 Finance President, Christine Lagarde, March-09-2011]

Perhaps the US support for her bid to head the IMF had something to do with her lack of response.

The crazy thing about stealing is that it so complicates life. The Tropos yield funds can’t legally appear on balance sheet, unless they are paid to Tropos, if anyone is concerned about legality. But it’s not a far reach for the Administration and the Senate/Congress to settle the matter with Tropos now, or with the other thefts mentioned; put the funds and yield on balance sheet as taxable gains, and get sufficient funds into US coffers by way of tax payments to avoid the default on the debt ceiling. Ergo no tax increases and no spending cuts (not that we think that’s a good idea). They could make a simple admission of ‘administrative error,’ or some other bogus explanation and release the funds.  That way, they could be “transparent” and be “heroes” for negotiating a good deal for the US.

So, why does the Administration pretend to have debt ceiling problems when they can simply pay what has been stolen and collect taxes on the gain? Perhaps it is the insane desire of these thieves to keep what they can never spend freely, so that more crushing debt burdens can be placed on a beleaguered populace, so that they can rob them again, so they can have more screen digits they cannot spend freely. If so, then the strategy is exposed and the people can do something about it. You decide.

Dare we say “Expect much more on this”.