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MESSAGE OF THE NEW YEAR which could also be stated as a VISION OF THE NEW YEAR, wehave found that what we vision/see manifests and right now we all need to vision freedom, sovereignty and abundance for ourselves, our home, our community and our world.

AS I FIND MYSELF and other close friends evolving in our purpose and life we find ourselves changing and wanting to create the New Earth in this the year of 2013. What a group of us have done is create a Visionary Circle, with a willingness to teach and educate others on the paths we have been exploring and learning the past several years.

HENCE, THE REBIRTHING OF GLOBAL PEACE; we will be sharing the information that has brought us to this point and the new current information that is surfacing on a daily basis. It will all be updated here on a daily basis and we can all learn, love and evolve together in love and light.

This is the year, 2013, for Unity, Community and Love. We are all going to learn how to bring these three elements into our personal life, or family life, our community and the world, and we would really like for you to join us for this journey and to participate with us on building a community here on the internet from whatever part of the world you are in, you are all welcome!!!!

WELCOME ABOARD and enjoy the journey with us, we can travel this road together to find the love, peace and divine wonder of this thing we call LIFE.

The Work For Our Real Final Work is Here!

!!~~!! NESARA - What? Why? How? and More

Happy New Year 2013

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Saul through John Smallman, “What you are experiencing now is a prelude to limitless joy”

08/31/2011 All over the world major changes are occurring which are leading up to your grand awakening.  As you know, it is a done deal that cannot be prevented, and when it happens joyous amazement will delight you all as your faith in God’s promise to you is completely vindicated.  To be finally without doubts and anxieties will be a permanent and most uplifting experience.  You have carried the Light of God within you through times of great suffering and stress, and it is about to burst forth in exhilarating brilliance to welcome you Home at the end of your long journey.

Presently, during these last moments in the dense fog of the illusion, many of you are feeling very tired and stressed out as your anxieties seem to be intensifying. This has to do with the raising of the frequency of your energy fields as you release the remainder of the unloving attitudes which you had kept deeply buried below your level of conscious awareness, because they were extremely disturbing and unacceptable to you.  They have been part of you for so long that letting them go seems almost like a betrayal, similar in a way to changing loyalties by moving from one political, cultural, or religious persuasion to another. You change because it is a matter of personal honesty and integrity.  It is a change you know you have to make, and yet you will be leaving a group that you had strongly supported and which had supported you, and to which you still feel a sense of allegiance.

Making major changes like this is stressful.  Within yourselves a growing awareness brought to your attention the need to make these changes, but the thought of doing so was frequently very uncomfortable and led you to doubt the desirability of carrying them out.  It seems to be a jump into the unknown that could have dire consequences, and yet you know that you must do it.  When you make the move the benefits for which you hoped may not be readily apparent, and you may perhaps wonder whether you have made an enormous mistake.

In the illusion it is akin to moving, changing your employment, or terminating a relationship; and frequently it is only after a considerable time has passed that you can see whether or not it was a good move to have made.  This is what is driving your anxieties now as you adjust your attitudes and behaviors to be only loving.  It makes you feel vulnerable, unsafe, and insecure as the familiar falls away, your frequency rises, and you discover unpleasant aspects of yourselves that had long been hidden from you in denial or repression.

However, what you are experiencing now is a prelude to limitless joy.  You are releasing all the damaging aspects of yourselves that hold you firmly in the illusion so that you can float free and unencumbered into the divine energy fields with which you truly resonate, and where you belong.  So, release, release, and release, all enmities, judgments, resentments, and grudges.  Forgive yourselves and all others, indiscriminately, without retaining any charge on the issues, circumstances, or people you are forgiving.  Forgiving totally in this way frees you totally to be in joy at all times.  It allows your frequencies to rise so that you can float easily and comfortably into the awakened state, because you will then be able to feel the divine energy field that surrounds you and know that you have every right to be there because you are essential, eternal, and priceless parts of it.

With so very much love, Saul.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Secret meeting of 57 finance ministers on ship charts new financial system

Secret meeting of 57 finance ministers on ship charts new financial system

Benjamin Fulford, August 30, 2011

For the past week, a secret meeting of 57 finance ministers aimed at setting up a new international financial system took place in a large ship on international waters near Europe, according to White Dragon Society representatives who were there. The meeting, hosted by Switzerland, deliberately excluded representatives from the US Federal Reserve Board and its Washington D.C. subsidiary, France, Italy, the UK, Germany and Japan. Countries like Russia, China and the Netherlands were among the 57 represented.

Representatives from the Pentagon and the US agencies at the meeting promised to bypass the Federal Reserve board and use their access to codes for the international collateral accounts to finance the US military industrial complex in conjunction with the new system.

The Swiss used their financial intelligence to refuse would-be participants who were in any way associated with either the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations or the Trilateral Commission. Among those refused entry were Naoto Kan (still Prime Minister of Japan as of last week), IMF head Christine Lagarde and US Senator J. Rockefeller. Rockefeller was actually physically prevented from boarding the ship, according to two eye-witnesses.

There was an attempt by members of the old world order fascist cabal to eavesdrop on the meeting with helicopters. The helicopters were also preparing to attack the ship with pulse weapons before they were warned off by pentagon white hats and forced to leave the vicinity, CIA sources say.

A foundation will be set up as a vehicle to finance the military industrial complex to ensure payrolls continue to be met at the agencies and the pentagon during the transition to a constitutional government in the United States, the sources said. The foundation will, as a temporary security measure for security reasons, exclude all members of the Khazarian, Sabbatean sect, including as well, any US/Israeli dual citizens.

US and European elements of the White Dragon Society will be preparing legal cases to ensure the arrest of all leading conspirators in a plan to murder over 85% of the world’s population. Videos of 5 separate underground cities, complete with agricultural complexes, were shown to meeting participants as evidence of the genocide planned for 2012.

In a related development, multiple sources claim two of the underground cities, one near Washington D.C. and another near Denver, Colorado, were destroyed by nuclear weapons last week. Some sources, also connected to intelligence circles, however, deny that such an attack took place.

Nevertheless, if the seismographic graph of the so-called earthquake that hit Washington D.C. last week is not a fake, then it appears that indeed a nuclear weapon was detonated at or near a known underground facility. Instead of showing a series of small quakes building up into a huge one as seen in natural quakes, the graph shows a sudden huge shake followed by smaller after-shocks typical of an explosion.

The message to the cabalists seems to be simple: “you will not be given access to your underground shelters while the rest of us die.”

It is also interesting to note that several South American government representatives at the 57 country meeting on the ship promised to start confiscating land bought by the genocidal faction in countries like Uruguay, Paraguay and Argentina. This will mean, for example, the Bush ranch in Paraguay will be seized soon.

In Japan, meanwhile, a new Prime Minister has been selected who appears to be outside of the control of the Zionist cabal. Yoshihiko Noda, is a graduate of the Matsushita academy, who represents a moderate, nationalist and pro-business element of the Japanese establishment. More importantly, Rockefeller tainted candidates linked to ex-power broker Ozawa, such as Banri Kaeida and Zionist pet Seiji Maehara, were both excluded.

There will be a major push over the coming weeks to start purging Zionist slaves from the Japanese political, military and bureaucratic establishment. The purge will be concentrated on only a few key high level traitors. Most importantly, since former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi has run off to North Korea, it is now the turn for former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone and his fellow Rockefeller stooges to surrender.

The White Dragon Society will be calling on Japanese underground and right wing figures this week to demand that they now cease all cooperation with the genocidal Zionist faction. They will be excluded from the new financial system if they do not agree. The White Dragon allies are willing and able to go to war over this issue.

The editor of a major Japanese magazine, meanwhile, approached the White Dragon Society last week with evidence that Hisashi Owada, a judge at the International Court of Justice at the Hague, is a Zionist slave. While in Japan, Owada was responsible for shutting down magazines and blacklisting journalists on behalf of his Zionist slave masters.

Owada is the father of Princess Masako. Masako was living with her foreign ministry boyfriend and rejected out of hand any offers to marry to crown prince. As a result the boyfriend was transferred overseas where he died suddenly in a car accident. Masako then felt obliged to marry the crown prince. The emperor and his family have been blackmailed by the Zionists about this.

Humanity will be set free soon.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Crystalline Sanctuary - Karen Doonan

We are the high council of orion and we come to guide and support ALL at this time of major clearing, cleansing and re­balancing across the planet earth. For many at this time the re­balancing of BEing is what is causing most frustration and disharmony. We guide that re­balancing is needed frequently as the energies increase and move across the planet. The new moon will have intensified that which needs to be released and we note that many are now working to release while trying to move through illusion to TRUTH. 

We note that re­balancing is something that many do not give worth to and we guide ALL to acknowledge the FEELings that are arising for release at this time. There is no way to “run away” from that which needs to be released. As that which no longer serves rises to the surface then it must be dealt with, much frustration will arise if balance is not maintained. If YOU FEEL that YOU cannot see the way forward then it may be that YOU require to go within and find BALANCE. 

Many humans across the planet move through the human life experience and move back into the mind life experience without a thought. Mind centred life experience will see YOU move into frustration, panic, control patterns and trying to “get ahead”. If YOU are experiencing any of these then YOU have moved from heart to mind. The way back to heart is to re­balance. To be balanced is to see the FLOW in life, to recognise the ebb and flow within YOUr life experience and to know which YOU are in at any one time. For those who are in the ebb then it is a time of rest, relaxation and BEing, for those who are in the flow then it will be a time of creation, of putting things into action of moving to create YOUr dream. Both work akin to the tides of the ocean. It is not possible nor desirable for a human BEing to be in balance and to be constantly in ebb or in flow. 

Many human BEings across the planet suffer from what is commonly described as “depression”, this is akin to be in the ebb constantly. The resting period where the absorption of that which has been unveiled in TRUTH takes place. To balance this the human BEing must move from ebb into flow and not try to move back into ebb nor constantly be in flow. Do our words resonate with YOU? Those who some would label “workaholics”, those human BEings who are deeply asleep and fall to the illusion of doing constantly could be viewed as being permanently in flow. There is no rest, no absorption so there is tiredness, feeling burnt out, feeling exhausted etc. Those who are “depressed” are in ebb which is absorption, but in extreme and never moved out of becomes thinking, where the mind is in overdrive. The thinking and working out and thinking and working out never moves to the flow of ideas that come into creation. Both of these scenarios involve the human BEing out of BALANCE. 

Many human BEings can be slow going through either of these states of BEing and many may experience episodes. We guide YOU to be mindful of which phase YOU are in and to work with it. To work in ebb sees YOU resting when needs be, to allow absorption of TRUTH and to BE. This relaxes and reinforces TRUTH. To work in flow sees YOU akin to the river, where ideas flow, YOU put into operation the steps to create that which YOU dreamed in ebb. It is the moving between BOTH phases that will see the life experience flow perfectly. At any one point human BEings are kept in one or the other by illusion. We guide YOU to note how illusion can keep YOU within each one for longer than is necessary. Often illusion will keep a human BEing in flow, that is the phase that most human BEings are in at this point. We guide YOU to be aware of this and take this into the silence. We are not leading YOU as to which phase YOU need to be in for only YOU can know this. Going within to the heart will show YOU whether the phase YOU are in serves YOU at this time. 

We guide ALL to be mindful of the use of the mind. Often illusion will try to move human BEings from heart to mind in a roundabout manner. Very often the human BEing will jump into mind centred life experience instead of staying in the heart as the mind centred life experience is that which seems familiar, in times of cleansing and clearing that which needs to be released will throw the balance of the human BEing. It is by being balanced and centred, KNOWING that ALL is perfect that will see YOU move from phase to phase. If YOU move into the head then it can be tricky to then move to the heart without a lot of frustration coming to the surface. Many human BEings do not immediately acknowledge that where frustration arises there are seeds of FEAR.

We come to guide and support ALL at this time. We guide ALL to detach from the illusion teachings of doing and to detach from the illusions teachings of separation and competition. Whilst YOU walk in YOUr life experience frustrated by what YOU term “setbacks”, “deadlines passing” etc then YOU walk in illusion. Allow the life experience to ebb and flow like the ocean. FOR ALL ARE ONE. 

We wish to guide a short meditation to help those who are out of balance regain the balance and centre themselves. We guide we FEEL this is needed by many who are having difficulty moving from one phase to another.

We guide YOU to be mindful of the breath. For the breath of one who is centred and balanced is long and deep, the breath of one who is in illusion and who is not centred is short and rapid. To begin to centre focus on YOUr breathing. Take some deep breaths and fill the lungs. Allow the breath to regulate, focus on keeping the incoming and the outgoing breath the same. Slow down the breathing and as YOU breathe in visualise pure white light, draw that light into the body and fill the lungs. Visualise as YOU breathe in the white light moving throughout YOUr entire body, it calms, it cools and it rebalances. Continue to breathe in and out until YOU feel the calm descend upon YOUr BEing. Keep the breath going and allow YOU to relax. As the white light is breathed in it will calm ALL that it touches, it will circulate around the body bring peace and calmness to all organs, all muscle groups. KNOW that you breathe in the LOVE that IS, the breath of life.

To take some time out when YOU FEEL rushed and slow the breathing and concentrate as we guide will calm YOU. It will help to rebalance YOU and this exercise can be used frequently throughout the day. YOU do not need to find anywhere peaceful to do this although to find a spot in nature will intensify the calmness. Our words are designed to help YOU in YOUr life experience when YOU need it. Focus on the breath dear ones, for it controls the emotional response that can be triggered by illusion. Notice how YOU breathe throughout the day, take time to note the breath and to change the breath if need be. 

We are the high council of orion and we come to guide and support ALL at this time. ALL ARE ONE. 

The Arcturian Group: It is Time to Release all Old, Heavy and Finished Energies

Channeler: Marilyn Raffaelle,
August 28, 2011

Greetings dear ones. Once again we of the Arcturian Group are here to speak and tell you of the great light you are bringing to Mother Earth at this time. She is working very hard to do her clearing without harm, but she too is preparing herself for ascension and needs to adjust the energy where necessary.

As with Gaia, we also see you adjusting according to the changes that are taking place on earth. No longer are you so frightened by the many unusual events you hear about because you are beginning to understand what is going on. This understanding is adding to a world consciousness from which all mankind can then draw. Thus your awakening is helping others to awaken–it puts these higher ideas of truth into a universal bank so to speak, that others may draw upon should they choose. All is according to free will, so if an individual chooses to remain in the old energy, that is perfectly fine. However, as the old energy dissolves, its manifestations likewise dissolve, as is the case with your financial system.

We would like to speak of those changes coming so that you will not be in an energy of fear. We see your planet experiencing many weather related changes. We speak of weather that you are not used to, that is warm where usually cold and cold where usually warm and these types of things. You see, all is shifting and changing and weather is a part of it, so be open to events that may come your way even if you are unable to understand them in the light of what is familiar. Everything at this point has a part in the shifting frequencies and is in a state of flux. This is not a bad thing, for you will be happy with many of these changes. Destructive weather patterns will fulfill their purpose and be finished. Many will see their local temperatures change and will wonder about this, however as we have said, everything in and of the earth is now involved in the clearing of old and integration of new frequencies.

The new energies resonate with peace, calm, and joy and are not of anxiety or frustration. Those who are used to functioning solely from lower frequencies will have a hard time being in joy and comfort. But just try it, you will like it. As an individual becomes comfortable within themselves, they no longer need drama and extremes in order to feel alive. Much of this was an effort within the lower frequencies of the third dimension to feel alive, to feel a sense of doing something–the thrill of survival is an energy from long ago although it is still alive and well for many who love extreme activities. The more violent of these will slip away silently and you will find yourselves living more easily and in more joy and you will wonder when it all happened.

Everyone is releasing old memories, old ideas, old hurts and old beliefs. Most can easily clear in a general way, but those bigger pockets of energy buried deep from this or other lifetimes must come to a conscious level to be released. Your job is not to pull painful emotions or beliefs back into your consciousness by saying “Oh I am this” or “I am that”-claiming them for your personal self, but your job is to allow their release, choosing to let them go. These never were yours, but reflect an old state of consciousness you are now leaving.

Speak to your cells and tell them that it is time to release all that is old and finished. Inform them that they will never again need to experience a particular painful energy. Cellular memory holds fear from any and all terrifying events of past lifetimes; memories that you are not consciously aware of. You sense it when you react to certain events or ideas in ways you do not fully understand. Perhaps you were burned at the stake for being a healer and even though you are drawn to healing now, a part of you may shy back and prevent you from pursuing it.–this is cellular memory. When you speak to your cells, they hear you, there is a cellular consciousness.

Make it your intention and a choice (you can do this in your quiet time) to release all heavy or negative energies that may still be resonating within your energy field and ask your Guides and teachers to help you with this. Often memories of past experiences come to a conscious level through dreams because much releasing is done while in the sleep state. You may simply become aware of something needing to be released without any effort on your part or you will observe something in another which in turn triggers a response and then release within self. Energy sessions with an evolved light worker often brings the necessary information to a conscious level. One way or another, most of mankind is now in the process of releasing any and everything that is of the old energy simply because it cannot ascend with you. This is the reason you may often feel sick or tired; ridding yourselves of all that would impede your journey is intense work.

We send love and encouragement to all for we understand that this is indeed a difficult time for many and especially those who have chosen to stay in the old–and who in their ignorance, are trying desperately to recreate that which is dissolving. Everything is energy, which can be of a lower resonance (untruth) or higher resonance (truth/light). Ascension is your free will choice. We are here always to encourage and help as we can, but the effort must be yours. We encourage you to stop looking outside of yourselves for your guidance and answers whether looking to Guides, teachers, religious leaders, government leaders, or anyone else you look to for answers. Your Guides are ever present to offer suggestions and to guide YOUR decisions, but not to tell you what to do as many believe. It is time to come forward and claim your power, which means realizing that help may come through another, but it is your attained state of consciousness of divine completeness that is manifesting as the help. In this way you take back the power you have through ignorance, given to others. You acknowledge that by virtue of your Oneness with Source you are complete and whole and as you attain this state of consciousness, it will translate into what is needed in the outer. We do not say, that is it wrong to consult those who can help, we only say that as you begin to realize who you really are, you begin to trust that the final word can be yours.

We wish to say that all will be presented with experiences that offer the needed opportunities to practice. That is, if needed, women will get opportunities to practice bringing in their male energy (active, be-er, do-or, energy). Men will get opportunities to bring in their feminine aspect (the receptive, intuitive). Try not to look upon these opportunities as problems, but see them for what they are–experiences needed for growth. You who have chosen ascension are getting everything you need to bring it about even though it may seem at times that you are being overwhelmed with “opportunities”. Ask yourself in the midst of some crisis; “What am I believing that is making me feel this way”? This allows you a glimpse into your belief system and will enable you to become aware of and then release all that no longer serves you.

Trust that you are getting guidance. Listen to your intuition, and rest in Center at all times,
All is, was, and ever will be, ONE.
We are the Arcturian Group serving you our brothers and sisters in love. 8/28/11