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MESSAGE OF THE NEW YEAR which could also be stated as a VISION OF THE NEW YEAR, wehave found that what we vision/see manifests and right now we all need to vision freedom, sovereignty and abundance for ourselves, our home, our community and our world.

AS I FIND MYSELF and other close friends evolving in our purpose and life we find ourselves changing and wanting to create the New Earth in this the year of 2013. What a group of us have done is create a Visionary Circle, with a willingness to teach and educate others on the paths we have been exploring and learning the past several years.

HENCE, THE REBIRTHING OF GLOBAL PEACE; we will be sharing the information that has brought us to this point and the new current information that is surfacing on a daily basis. It will all be updated here on a daily basis and we can all learn, love and evolve together in love and light.

This is the year, 2013, for Unity, Community and Love. We are all going to learn how to bring these three elements into our personal life, or family life, our community and the world, and we would really like for you to join us for this journey and to participate with us on building a community here on the internet from whatever part of the world you are in, you are all welcome!!!!

WELCOME ABOARD and enjoy the journey with us, we can travel this road together to find the love, peace and divine wonder of this thing we call LIFE.

The Work For Our Real Final Work is Here!

!!~~!! NESARA - What? Why? How? and More

Happy New Year 2013

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Finding the Joy and Beauty in Life

Once you watch this video about Emmanuel Kelly you will understand why this message is so short,
It really says it all and VERY WELL!!!!

His talent is outstanding and his story is one to behold; his message to the world goes without saying and it will resonate with each of  us on a different level, if not many levels. 

Share this video with others, it is something that everyone could gain dimension from and also it is fantastically entertaining talent.


SaLuSa 7-September-2011

We see so many of you creating an atmosphere of calm around you, and that is greatly needed in a time of confusion. You have the advantage of knowing that whatever happens or threatens your peace, a satisfactory outcome as promised will manifest. As you approach the final period of chaos, know that it can only go so far before our influence and authority will take over. We are far more active than any previous time, as we direct our allies into their final positions from which they will launch their take-over from the dark Ones. You may not see us in the early encounters, but be assured we will be there with them.

Our powerful position is instrumental in gaining the co-operation of your leaders, particularly as we bring the answers that can overcome the worldwide problems that are so immense they do not have any answers for them. We have the solutions and backing of the Creator and that represents a powerful means of persuasion. Because we come in peace does not mean that we can be ignored, as in the final reckoning we can be quite firm without resorting to any form of intimidation. We shall soon be announced as the Galactic Federation and our role in your Universe will be fully explained.

As you may realise our role is not to interfere with the karma that is being worked out at this time. Many of you have taken on quite a lot in this lifetime, and it is not our place to alter the course of it. With Ascension in sight those of you that have chosen that path, obviously wish to go forward having cleared any karma that is outstanding. Knowing this should enable you to face it with absolute confidence, as if you handle it badly that will most likely create more karma. Please allow others to handle their own problems unless you are asked to give help or advice, and avoid being pulled into them unnecessarily.

We need you as bearers of the Light more than ever as you can add your voice to those who spread fear, not intentionally but through lack of understanding. Even if you are not clear as to the actual timing of events, you know enough to help pacify those who are confused. The main point is that the old systems are inadequate for the new cycle that is about to fully manifest. So major changes are essential to clear the way for the New Age to begin. That will eventually lead to the Golden Age which is beyond your present imagination. We could liken it to the Cavemen trying to comprehend your present lives for the first time. The wonders and beauty are barely touched upon on Earth, and the energies that abound everywhere are exciting and constantly uplifting. By then the your consciousness levels will also have been lifted up to heights that would be termed as Galactic. You are to awaken to the truth and nothing will be held from you, unlike now when so few of you have even glimpsed it.

You are emotional Beings that have moods that change in a flash, and are part of your experiences that you are learning to control. This aspect of your lives has led to so much sorrow and regret, but it is increasing your level of awareness. The answer is to always live in your Light where possible, and if you can maintain it you will find that Love can overcome all problems. When you understand who you really are and the purpose of life, it becomes somewhat easier to cope with the challenges of life. You are in unsettling times but we know that you can be equal to them if you stay calm. The next few months offer the opportunity for long reaching changes to be made, and you need to be alert and ready to live as one leading the way. You have the Light on your side, so there is nothing to fear.

The energies continue to rise up on Earth and it helps to lessen the impact of the physical changes that must of necessity take place. One day you will look back at this period in your lives and marvel at your courage in having taken on duality. Yet you will also be pleased that you did, as it will have increased your consciousness levels by leaps and bounds. Life wherever you go in the Universe, is all about gaining experience, but the fastest way is to be at levels that really challenge you.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

The Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies, September 7, 2011

September 7, 2011…Greetings from the Federation:

As matters are now progressing more rapidly than even we had hoped for, we felt it necessary for you to have this next update now. Two important matters have come to a head in your societies. The first is that the banking concerns have made the necessary exchanges to shift the monetary system into the new order. A group of countries have taken on the Illuminati in this respect and forced a concession sooner than we had anticipated. Second, the military rogue factions of several of your countries seem to be in compliance with the most recent agreements, thereby paving the way for a safer attempt at Disclosure than we have seen in the recent past.

We wish to emphasize that there have been many times when circumstances have changed in the past, just when we thought all was in order to go forward, thereby delaying further the inevitable. We cannot say with certainty whether these new developments will warrant the Disclosure we have been anticipating. We can only say another window of opportunity presents itself for your leaders to take advantage of and move this process forward.

While there will be many still woefully unprepared for what is to come, we believe that you have enough knowledge and determination to see these individuals through the worst of these upheavals. By this, we mean upheavals in thought, psyche, and mental/emotional health as you deal with the “new” knowledge of your larger Galactic Family.

Trust that as matters develop all has been planned from our side with the help of great spiritual beings who have your welfare as their utmost concern. Do not play into the fear of those who would otherwise distract you from your goals. Each of you has a specific role to play, and while you may not know what that is with any detail, or perhaps not at all, do not let this discourage you. The feelings you have always had, of knowing something “big” was to occur in your lifetime and that you were to be part of it, are genuine feelings that cannot be dismissed. Do not even accept what we say about this. Simply look inside and discern this truth for yourselves. Let that be your guidance even though you cannot “put your finger on” the exact plan of which you are to be part.

Your efforts to date have so tremendously helped this whole process forward more than you can ever know. Your dedication to the Truth and to the Light are wonderful inspirations for us, here, as we work to bring us closer to our inevitable union. Love is the key. It is time to open the door.

Be at peace.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Benjamin Fulford, 9-6-11…”The people of the planet earth want peace”

The criminal cabal that has seized power in the G5 countries has reacted with new threats of mass terror to the concerted efforts by the nations and people of the world to remove them from power.

The latest threat, made by phone to a White Dragon Society member by some people who hid their identity, was that San Francisco and Damascus would be made “uninhabitable.” In reaction to this, a source contacted the White Dragon Society and promised that the entire extended families of any ruling bloodline found to be participating in genocide would be hunted down and exterminated down to the last individual. The source was not affiliated with the White Dragon Society but, they made it clear they that this threat was to be taken “very seriously.”

The repercussions of the secret late August meeting of financial representatives from 57 nations, meanwhile, continued to be felt last week. The criminal cabal that controls the Federal Reserve Board was engaged in a futile witch hunt trying to find who the participants were and what was discussed at the meeting. They are unlikely to find out much more than has been reported in this newsletter. That is to say White Dragon allies in the pentagon and US and world police agencies have access to the codes for the global collateral accounts. If necessary they will reveal who has accessed the world’s monetary assets for the past 60 years and what they spent that money on.

However, they would rather concentrate on the future and are still open to deals and compromises so long as the bottom line is that a major campaign to end poverty, end war and stop environmental destruction is agreed to. The window of opportunity is fast closing now, and the guiltiest cabal members are probably now certain to face prison time or worse.

There is also a need here to make a correction from last week’s report. It turns out that a representative from Canada (this writer’s native land) was present at the 57-member Monaco meeting. He said Canada is a small country (in terms of population) that has to pretend to go along with whoever is formally in power in the G5 but that the Canadian power structure was full of White Dragon sympathizers.

There has also been more confirmation from CIA and pentagon sources that there was indeed an attack on two major underground facilities controlled by the cabal in the US. The food, gold and weapons depot the cabal had near Washington D.C. was destroyed in an atomic blast, these sources now confirm. The nature of the second attack remains uncertain but two sources say it was the cabal’s underground facilities near Denver, Colorado that were destroyed. The people behind this attack have detailed maps of the US underground base and tunnel network and have promised more attacks if necessary to prevent the planned murder of 85% of humanity.

There are plenty of signs for all to see now that the criminal cabal that controls the G5 countries is on the ropes.

In the US, of course the 10th anniversary of the 911 terror attacks is coming and the perpetrators of this attack know that the world’s governments, military forces and intelligentsia know that it was a high level cabal in the G5 governments that was behind the attack. The perpetrators are now certain to face justice within a year. There is a critical mass of officials within the US military and law-enforcement community that is preparing for a legal takedown of the criminal cabal behind both the 911 attacks and the Kennedy assassination and much more.

In Europe, the signs of imminent collapse of financial control are also becoming impossible to hide. It has got to the point where even Deutschebank CEO Josef Ackerman is saying that many major European banks would become insolvent if they had to mark their sovereign debt to market. In plain English that means they are already bankrupt and are cooking their books. The situation will only get worse over the coming weeks.
In Japan, as well, there is serious intrigue going on under the surface. At present hoodlums associated with the Ministry of Finance are threatening officials of the Bank of Japan and trying to force them to resign. The fight is over which faction in the US battle for power is going to be on the receiving end of the steady supply of yen that is keeping the US economy from imploding. The BOJ is now affiliated with the White Dragon Society and wants the money to flow to white hats within the pentagon.

Recently deposed Prime Minister Naoto Kan as well as senior BOJ and MOF officials all called a White Dragon Society member about this conflict on Monday. The situation may have to be resolved through open gang warfare and a purge of all senior Federal Reserve Board agents from the Japanese power structure.
The cabal is obviously not going to take this sitting down. Their next big geopolitical move, according to CIA and pentagon sources, appears to be to try to provoke a war between Turkey and Israel. This is their latest attempt at a hail Mary pass to get them out of their predicament by starting WW3.

Unfortunately for them, the Israeli people are waking up to the fact they are being used by a criminal cabal. The demonstration of 450,000 people, about 25% of the population, was a clear sign of this.

To put that in perspective, it would be as if 75 million Americans turned out to demonstrate against their government. The complaints of the demonstrators for focused mainly on social justice which, at the end of the day, is what all the complaints against the ruling cabal are centered on.

It is unlikely either the Israelis or the Turks will allow themselves to be manipulated into war. Nor will people in other countries. The people of the planet earth want peace.

Sheldan Nidle’s Update from the Galactic Federation ~ 9-6-11

The journey that remains will be an easy one for any person who accepts the path to Ascension with Love and grace. Love one another deeply in the way that you Love yourself.

11 Muluc, 2 Zip, 8 Manik

Dratzo! We return! Your world continues to experience a new freedom! The various governments that have worked hard to create a new global financial system are jubilant. The US Federal Reserve has been effectively subsumed by the new American Treasury Bank system and all that is now required is the series of announcements from the new American ‘caretaker’ government. A key component of this new banking setup is the worldwide hard-currency system which will convert the illegal and much-manipulated fiat system into an entity able to reflect ‘true’ values and to function as a ‘true’ medium of exchange. Remember that your world is to retain only briefly a system based on a physical medium of exchange, in order that it may reflect the great abundance that is now poised to swamp you in a wave of freedom and luxury. This prosperity will in effect create a bridge to a moneyless society by allowing the rapid spread of the technology that will replace the need for money and prepare you for the fully conscious realm that you are shortly to inherit. This is the realm that we reside in.

Your prosperity will facilitate the rapid spread of new technologies across your planet, some of which will supplant shops and supermarkets as the prime sources of your food and clothing. Moreover, the nature of these technologies will drastically revamp the way your economy operates by making redundant the current to-ing and fro-ing to deliver goods and services over long distances. Once we land, we intend to begin your education in all things pertaining to full consciousness, beginning with how to relate to the other living things in your environment and giving you direct experiences of the nature of your future roles as Gaia’s guardians. Gaia needs a great deal of help to preserve many aspects and niches of her global ecosystems, and it behooves you as individuals and as a collective to learn how best to assist her in this. We will be your mentors, introducing you to what you need to know and then letting you implement it. All this is just a preliminary step before you enter the realm of full consciousness.

Disclosure constitutes the next big step once the new financial system is up and running and fully explained to the world. A major function of this new financial system is to embed universal debt forgiveness into the new banking rules and regulations, and together, these form the foundation for the release of the prosperity funds. The openness of the new banking system combined with the new monies creates a fitting framework for your new prosperity, making it possible to add disclosure to the total package. It is these upcoming developments which will expand what your society is able to do, and to this end we intend to introduce our technology and merge it with those devices sequestered for decades by your governments. The nature of these sundry devices will bring you personal experience of a wholly different way of seeing ‘reality,’ introducing you to concepts that will see you safely through to full consciousness. It is by means of this hands-on method that we intend to acquaint you with the wisdom of Heaven and of the stars.

As always, your development into superb galactic citizens is our main concern. In consonance with this, your Agarthan cousins have compiled a syllabus they would like us to teach you. They would like you to acquire certain perspectives that are to be demonstrated via a series of proven examples just after the mass landings are completed, and have requested that we instruct your personal mentors-to-be in the implications of this complex program. We have agreed, and once your mentors had spent time with their Agarthan counterparts, the general consensus was that these exercises are indeed important to your overall training program. They involve becoming more vitally aware of your subtle interactions with Gaia. These daily exchanges can be used to explain the true nature and operation of your living energy fields and can demonstrate the reality of your constant stewardship role with Gaia. This program can also help explain several things about your transformation into full consciousness.

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! A great revolution in spirit, in consciousness, and in freedom is taking place around your globe. This need for transformation has led to the fall of governments in the Near East, the call for a new economic system in Latin America, and the cry in Africa for justice and freedom for all. This clarion call is evidence of the winds of change that are sweeping like an unstoppable desert sandstorm across your world. This need for change is now ready to manifest and it begins with a flurry of deliveries sponsored by the St. Germaine Trust. These funds will be accompanied by a change in governance for several major nations and a series of announcements leading to global debt forgiveness. These broadcasts will also expound on the new precious-metal currencies and the new, more open global financial and banking system.

Our intent is to use the new financial system to support Saint Germaine’s prosperity program. It is essential that the monies given to the Light be distributed within a system that encourages ingenuity and thinking ‘outside the box.’ Gaia is asking you to explore your spiritual and new-consciousness resources, and as you begin to share this with others, you will require support in these efforts. Shortly, a vast redistribution of wealth is going to ensure that you, and those allied with you, possess just such a resource. These enormous amounts of money are there to fund centers, heal your fellows, and bring out and promulgate all sorts of marvelous inventions and ideas. They can also fund those who wish to support the Divine and help those programs undertaken by dedicated supporters of the Galactic Federation of Light.

We see these radiant centers of Light rippling out to interlink and cover the globe, creating a foundation for building your global galactic society, and merging eventually with the galactic society that already exists in Inner Earth. The Agarthans have waited for millennia to help co-create this solar system’s new star-nation, and it is to be highly honored when it formally joins the Galactic Federation as a full-fledged member. Your destiny is to be mentors for nearly half this galaxy as it moves toward its moment to accept full consciousness. Long ago, Heaven told us that this world had a very special place in the consciousness evolution of the Milky Way Galaxy. Part of our spiritual task has been to shepherd humanity toward this most magnificent future. The time now comes to unfold and jointly experience the manifesting of this prophecy.

Today, we talked about what is happening to you and your reality. Everywhere, a bright future is surging up between the stinging nettles that were planted by your dark cabal. The dismal gloom of the dark’s world is about to be supplanted by the brilliance and exhilaration of the Light! Together, We are indeed Victorious! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)