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how I see that happening is to keep a conversation flow going on the article posts. I will start the conversation and I would love for you to leave your comments and/or what is resonating with you on a daily/weekly/hourly basis, we need each other and to stay in contact and this is a perfect way of doing that.


MESSAGE OF THE NEW YEAR which could also be stated as a VISION OF THE NEW YEAR, wehave found that what we vision/see manifests and right now we all need to vision freedom, sovereignty and abundance for ourselves, our home, our community and our world.

AS I FIND MYSELF and other close friends evolving in our purpose and life we find ourselves changing and wanting to create the New Earth in this the year of 2013. What a group of us have done is create a Visionary Circle, with a willingness to teach and educate others on the paths we have been exploring and learning the past several years.

HENCE, THE REBIRTHING OF GLOBAL PEACE; we will be sharing the information that has brought us to this point and the new current information that is surfacing on a daily basis. It will all be updated here on a daily basis and we can all learn, love and evolve together in love and light.

This is the year, 2013, for Unity, Community and Love. We are all going to learn how to bring these three elements into our personal life, or family life, our community and the world, and we would really like for you to join us for this journey and to participate with us on building a community here on the internet from whatever part of the world you are in, you are all welcome!!!!

WELCOME ABOARD and enjoy the journey with us, we can travel this road together to find the love, peace and divine wonder of this thing we call LIFE.

The Work For Our Real Final Work is Here!

!!~~!! NESARA - What? Why? How? and More

Happy New Year 2013

Monday, May 2, 2011


Almost a year ago I was one of the thousands/millions who lost their home to foreclosure, this is definitely not what I pictured my life to be, and like I do, I picked myself up and dusted myself off and joined my new adventure.

My first project was to learn how this could happen to so many of us Americans, so I started asking those questions and hence started my research into the money/government/history and all of those subjects that we aren’t taught in school, and if we were, the information was not correct.

I really want to share this video with you because he is very creditable and very clear on talking about money, credit, banking and what happened.  I encourage you to take the time to watch this video and then let the information sink in and digest.  Then I would like for you to start your journey of research into what this is all about and join me in making a difference in our country and world.

Here is the intro to the video:

Video is from a CD that DRS and affiliated individuals and groups distributed for FREE for educational purposes. ***** CPA Al Wagner discusses loans, credit, money, and how each are created. This references Federal Reserve publications Modern Money Mechanics and others, books by CPA Tom Schauf, the book "The Creature from Jekyll Island" by G. Edward Griffin, and more. ***** It should be noted that Modern Money Mechanics has not been officially available from the Federal Reserve for a few years, but can be found on the Internet.

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