Greetings and Salutations;
I called my last missive, the profundity of all, for a very simple reason. What people think is simple, included so many things that most don't even factor in. If you didn't know, I'll tell you, the bulk of the world's central banks are owned by the dragons and right now, they are cleaning house. Big execs are finding themselves jobless, the status quo being wiped out. Now that some of the removals are hitting the public, at least the proof is in print. Very little about this stuff has been comfortable, but you know me, the worst the news is, the closer to freedom we all are, and that makes me happy. Hard to know stuff and keep your mouth shut about it.
What has been in discussion here was always about the arrival of this 'time'. This last week included final signatures as the folks in charge prepare to flip this world into something brand new. You are a part of the work to be done and it was always a part of it. It's not about handing everyone on the planet 100,000 dollars, people need to be working members of the change.
The 'force' of the changes. You know the old line about teaching someone to fish rather than just handing them fish, every time they get hungry. No one is going to 'order' you to do stuff, you have free will and a lot of ideas, you get to use them now.
The veil is coming down and the wonders will never cease. The drug companies who've been dispensing poisons to people are on the their last days. The next system is about living life worth living. Not about you funding your own death. Many of those we consider the protectors of the people are not, they are simply extensions of the secret gov and you will see them go away. The fda and ama, prime examples, Grandma, had it right, she was always suspicious of the new fangled crap on the market, 'spose to fix this or that. Why think giving the babies cold milk was a good idea? Where was Dr Spock's mind rolling? I don't remember nature providing women with hot and cold running breasts. Women didn't even create bras, so what's up with that. Some man with a control issue. My own dad had some weird ideas about the power of women, you'd just lose control after they turned their sights on you, as a man.
I'm watching and listening to everybody's frustrations being aired out here. Still poof keeps doing those infernal updates, every sunday. He's crazy, some say. I am one who's always said, don't read my missives if they make you nuts, stay buried in the status quo, if that pleases you, You have free will, but don't come whining to me when everything turns on it's head and all is plain to see. Things are happening right now and still you prefer to ignore them as tho one thing has nothing to do with the other. Not my fault. What comes now is your choice on how you'll manage when the unvarnished truth is given you. Not off the internet either, won't be some conspiracy story, it'll be the 'uncut funk', as george clinton used to call it. Quite the pioneer in ripping the lid off of things....thru music. In formation can come to you in all kinds of ways, your job is discernment. It's like understanding that parents do lie and everything they told us was not true, they were opinions, and opinions are not facts. We must all become adults now. I know not the moment they engage it all but I do know it's at hand and then I'll go silent and no further input from me. Have fun, I'm outta here.
Love and Kisses,
as always poofness gives an update of what is really going on... you sometimes needs to read between the lines... but the truth is always there... read and then re-read... you will see...hear the truth..