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how I see that happening is to keep a conversation flow going on the article posts. I will start the conversation and I would love for you to leave your comments and/or what is resonating with you on a daily/weekly/hourly basis, we need each other and to stay in contact and this is a perfect way of doing that.


MESSAGE OF THE NEW YEAR which could also be stated as a VISION OF THE NEW YEAR, wehave found that what we vision/see manifests and right now we all need to vision freedom, sovereignty and abundance for ourselves, our home, our community and our world.

AS I FIND MYSELF and other close friends evolving in our purpose and life we find ourselves changing and wanting to create the New Earth in this the year of 2013. What a group of us have done is create a Visionary Circle, with a willingness to teach and educate others on the paths we have been exploring and learning the past several years.

HENCE, THE REBIRTHING OF GLOBAL PEACE; we will be sharing the information that has brought us to this point and the new current information that is surfacing on a daily basis. It will all be updated here on a daily basis and we can all learn, love and evolve together in love and light.

This is the year, 2013, for Unity, Community and Love. We are all going to learn how to bring these three elements into our personal life, or family life, our community and the world, and we would really like for you to join us for this journey and to participate with us on building a community here on the internet from whatever part of the world you are in, you are all welcome!!!!

WELCOME ABOARD and enjoy the journey with us, we can travel this road together to find the love, peace and divine wonder of this thing we call LIFE.

The Work For Our Real Final Work is Here!

!!~~!! NESARA - What? Why? How? and More

Happy New Year 2013

Monday, October 31, 2011

Poofness for 10-30-11

Dear Ones,
Well as Poof says much is going on behind the scenes as all obstacles are cleared away and when we do see a release of our funds and the dinar is publically RV'd we will not have to worry about losing them and the DF's won't be able to benefit. Keep the faith and stay in the observor mode. It is happening. Love, blessings peace & abundance,
Suzy Star

Greetings and Salutations;
Someone suggested, I just say this week, ditto ditto, ditto, good bye. I can not tell anyone the 'moment', but huge things have transpired this past week, that have set the world up for it's the brave new world. I realize that telling spooky stories to people(bad news) gets more press, what will folks do when they find out the 'problems' have solved. While the dinar has not shown publicly, behind the curtain it's already being traded. All else is slated to dump and flip this world out and it will happen pretty much on top of each other. This will add to the confusion and our safety...from the vultures. I don't have anything against vultures, they have a job to do to. In jamaica, if you kill one, the authorities will make you eat it. Hopefully they were dieting on fish...and yes they do eat fish. They only th ing you need to do is, follow instructions and don't try 'free lancing'. The trust has rules, follow them. That banker's job is to advise you about it to safe guard yourself. This is no time to be bragging...keep your mouth shut and all will be well.
I suggest a native american training secret, if you dream of monsters growling at you, learn to ignore them, then you'll find them powerless, if you do that. You are in 'dream time' right now and you need to ignore the goblins afoot, running their mouths at you. Don't send that stuff to me, I'll just delete it. The goblins need your attention, it gives them power. They are much more aware of what's going on out here, than you are but they don't want you to turn your back on them. They'll be left screaming at their own walls and mirrors. The cover is coming off this scandal and some will not like what is put before them, and they will scream to have the blankie put back over them, so they can return to their comfortable limits.(ignorance) As Jack said in the movie...'you can't handle the truth' and it's true, some can't and t hey will flip out. Breath deep, as all gets revealed. The truth will set you free, tho at first it may piss you off. It was the inscrutable one's who insisted americans be told the truth about their country so, they never let it happen again.
Ok folks, that's it, their moment is theirs' and they aren't telling. Just look around, everything is in crisis mode and it must be fixed. Don't buy the stuff that says we're all going to hell in a hand basket, stiff upper lip, now.
Love and Kisses,

SaLuSa – October 31-2011

Disclosure as such is important to us but not as much as the subsequent developments, and the dark Ones try by any means to block the announcement as it spells the end of their covert activities. It is also the beginning of a closer relationship between us, that will see a great coming together in the Brotherhood of Light. We are therefore pressing our allies to commence Disclosure as soon as possible, but if necessary we will make it happen. We have long referred to the divine date for it, and that looms near so any delay will be short lived.
It is not that you will be unprepared for Ascension, as it has been happening for a very long time. Also once we can openly communicate with you, we will make the details clearly known to you. As it stands, those of you who have elected to ascend have diligently followed the advice that has been given. You have found your own path, and many already live their lives as one who walks in the Light. There are different ideas as to the way in which the end-times play out, but that is accepted as it is your choice as to where your journey takes you. Bear in mind that the 21.12.12 is a major upliftment, yet only the beginning of another cycle of experience. However, it is for your civilization the opportunity to leave duality, and not continue re-incarnating in the lower dimension.
You may have fond memories of the Earth, but do not forgot that the majority of you will be ascending with her to enjoy the beauty and harmony of the higher dimensions. You will not have any regrets for leaving the present Earth, and in fact you will feel quite privileged to have shared her journey. You will have moved from the unreal to the Creator's expression of what life should really be like. Duality was given to you to experience exactly as you wished, and you had total freewill. Now, you are stepping into the heavenly realms where the Creator's Laws are manifest, and powers of creation are given to you. By then you will have become Cosmic Beings without any limitation whatsoever. However, the Laws of the Universe still apply but at your higher level of achievement and understanding, you would not do anything that woul d go against them.
After living through the depths of darkness, and the continuing erosion of your rights it was to be expected that you would turn against those who imposed it upon you. Because so many of you turned to the Light and sought freedom from your oppressors, it allowed the Brotherhood of Light to authorize our presence in your lives. With help you have risen up quite rapidly, and by so doing have lifted the consciousness levels to a new height. The effect has helped your fellow travelers to also awaken, and the impetus is such that nothing will stop it going to its natural conclusion. That is of course what you have been working towards for a long time, and our presence is your guarantee of completion.
Knowing that your present life is just but one of many that will continue ad infinitum, you will realize that it is all for your experience as you grow in consciousness. It will gradually expand so that eventually it could embrace a whole planet, and way into you [your] future some of you may chose [choose] to experience being a planetary logos. This may give you an idea as to what a great being you have in Mother Earth, who like you is still growing in consciousness. It is why you are ascending together, and if you think about it, it is truly an astonishing fact. Who would otherwise think that the Earth is a fully conscious Being. That is why you are asked to acknowledge what she has done for you out of her love for humankind. She feels your love and receives your prayers, and is re-assured by them as she goes ahead with th e cleansing of the planet.
The more you understand the truth about yourselves and your purpose for being here, the easier it will become to accept the changes that are taking place. We would say, go with the flow knowing that all will work out well regardless of how it appears now. Just think of how little time remains before Ascension, and enjoy the thoughts of how exciting it is to be part of it. It is why you incarnated for this particular time, and you were fully aware of what your experiences would involve. Think again of the wise souls that have joined you in recent years, bringing a higher level of consciousness that is necessary to ensure the upliftment continues. You call them Indigo children, Starseeds and other names that identify them as the special ones, that bring you much needed knowledge. They left the comfort and harmony of the higher dimensions, to serve you at a time when their presence is needed.
Treat all as you Brothers and Sisters and give of your love as freely as you can. If you can do that and see the Light within them, you will be helping uplift them as every soul responds to the love vibration. When you can do this, you have truly reached a new level of Christ Consciousness that will hold good for the future. Simply do your best and you can do no more, and no caring soul will fault you for the occasions when you cannot maintain such levels. It will become easier as you progress towards the higher dimensions, and eventually take your place within them.
The truth will come with the revelations that we shall bring you, but prepare to be astonished at how much you have been misled. Much will seem incredible and hard to accept because you have been mind controlled for so long. However accept as much as you can, and anything left undecided will still find place in your heart at the appropriate time. Most revelations will make good sense, and explain some of the mysteries that have been deliberately put before you to keep you under control. The last thing the dark Ones want, is for you to become independent of them.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and the more I understand about you, the more I appreciate how resilient you are and how duality has toughened you to life's ups and downs. No wonder other civilizations will look up to you and seek your help. You have left the comfort and joy of being in the of the higher dimensions, to have a total experience of duality with all of its pain and sorrow to help others. I bow before you and acknowledge the beautiful loving souls that you are, I love you all.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

Archangel Gabriel: The 11:11:11 Gateway to Unity Consciousness

message from Archangel Gabriel channeled by Galactic Love Reporter Shanta Gabriel

Friday, 28 October, 2011
Dear Ones,
From the beginning of time there have been clear moments when the Portals of Awakening open for individuals to advance. The 11:11:11 Gateway is a collective, high-vibrational portal opening to assist the evolution of consciousness on the earth at this time.
Stepping through the gateway in a figurative sense, allows you to move into your most Evolved Self, in oneness with All That Is. We will offer suggestions and visualizations so your imagination can help you to create a beautiful scenario to empower this Light-filled ritual. You have been coded within for this awakening moment. It is another step in the evolution of consciousness, one with great power and support. The Archangels stand at the gateway to hold you in strength and courage.
Since digital clocks have come into widespread usage, the image of 11:11 has become more familiar. The representation behind the symbol is less widely known. 11 has long been the number of the Angelic Realms offering assistance to those on the Earth. When the 11s are seen together the 11:11 becomes a gateway symbolizing Heaven coming to Earth, just as the peaks of a great mountain reaches from the earth to the sky.
The most important significance of the 11:11 is its availability as a Gateway to higher consciousness, a moment in time where the Angels of Light can take your offered prayers and good intentions to assist their manifestation on the Earth. Whenever the 11:11 presents itself, it acts as a daily reminder to take that one minute to hold your dreams in your heart, acknowledge the support available from the Angelic Realms, and have the courage to affirm your willingness to move into new dimensions of Love. Gathering momentum throughout these past 20 years, a new level of Union with your Angelic Self is available at this time that offers a wondrous moment of ascending liberation from old patterns.
The new opportunities available beyond the 11:11:11 Gateway are greater awareness and the deeper truth of your choices and possibilities. The choice of many will be opting for the old way, and yet those who are attracted to this time of Grace, can avail themselves of the opportunity to soar, greatly empowered by the Angelic Realms. This act in harmony with Divine Light will accelerate the evolution of consciousness.
Percolation and Perturbation
It is a time of percolation and perturbation. The energy of new perceptions of reality percolates through the energy centers within your body. Perturbation occurs as these new perceptions hit the coding in the imaginal system of your body in ways that stir you to change, like the metamorphosis of the caterpillar to a beautiful butterfly.
The Universe will stop at nothing to get your attention and encourage you to fulfill your Soul’s destiny. Perturbation is uncomfortable in its various demonstrations, making you feel very agitated. But know that all such catalysts are designed by your soul to bring you into a new level of evolution. Because the support of the Angelic Realms is so available, this portal in time offers you a more graceful transition so you can see more clearly the world you are choosing to create on Earth and assist its evolution.
The 11:11:11 Gateway to the 5th Dimensional shifting of the Ages allows a harmonious flow of Divine Love into your being. This can impact the amygdala in the temporal lobe of your brain in ways that calm this flight or fight center and cause it to resume the dimensions of your original blueprint. Over the years this fear center has been over-stimulated by the pressures, beliefs and electronics of this age. Much of what is called “information” is designed to increase the flow of fear energy to this center of the brain causing it to increase in size. The resulting surge of imbalances, such as panic disorders, PTSD and more serious psychiatric conditions has become obviously rampant.
The flow of Divine Love through each person can create an expansion in perception, as though the veils have parted so that new clarity dawns. This increase in clarity incites a sense of liberation and the freedom of spiritual expression within your being. Prayers for the Earth to receive a positive benefit from this moment in time will be of great benefit. The release of pressure from the 11:11 Gateway is similar to the beginnings of a horse race when the horses are being held within the gate. As the gates are flung open, raw power surges forward and instincts take over. The rawness of this power requires careful training and guidance, so that it moves in directions that allow the goals to be reached and the reaping of rewards. Your prayers assist this process.
The rewards from this time that we speak of are the prevalent desires of a heart seeking Oneness, Peace and Harmony within your being. Access to these exalted states exist beyond the Gateway. The Archangels stand present holding the forces of Light as pillars at the gate. You can claim this empowerment of Divine Love to use within your own life.
The Intention of the 11:11:11 Empowerment
The greater intention for this 11:11:11 empowerment has always been to ground Divine Energy into the depths of the Earth so that planetary evolution will prevail. As millions of awakened people access the Divine Light through the Gateways, Unity consciousness is the resulting force pervading the hearts of all humanity. Never doubt the miracle of Spontaneous Evolution as a creative possibility for the fifth dimensional shift on this planet. Asking for miracles at this time is very appropriate.
The entwined spiral of the DNA is a strong image for this gateway experience. As the strands of the double helix intertwine in the subtle body, they connect the upper chakras in the energy sheath above the crown. Spiraling down they connect the crown chakra through the core of the body to the base chakra. They continue from the base of your spine below the earth and connect to the energy sheath beneath the earth lighting up the twelve chakras of the subtle body.
The image of the Double Helix of DNA strands acts as an allegory for the Glyph of Awakened Consciousness – as above, so below, this glyph represents Embodied Divinity upon an Earth that has become sacred. There is also a deep connection to the flow of Kundalini spiritual energy as it winds through the energy centers of the body. This subtle linking involves the two centers below your base chakra and the three above your crown for the 12 Chakras of subtle energy that are coming into completion with the 12:12. When you use this image, you are linking your Most Divine Spiritual Self with your human self, connected to the Earth through the core of your being.
Union with the Self
The 11:11 Gateway opens the way to this union within the self. You can use the image of the double helix to remind you of your linkup from Heaven to Earth. The Archangels stand ready to welcome you into the new creative power of exalted awareness. Retraining and guiding the fearful thoughts that plague your days are only a prayer away. Each prayer raises your frequency of energy and could be the one that unleashes the critical mass for Spontaneous Evolution on the planet. Imagine that your prayer is the turning point – the key that fits the doorway to Oneness.
Divine Presence, All That is, and the Archangels of Light:
As I prepare to be guided through this 11:11:11 portal of time, I ask that the Light of Divine Love clear any disharmony within my energy field. I willingly let go of the burdens of old beliefs so I may stand tall and move freely through the gateways to Unity Consciousness.
Within the spaciousness of my cleared energy field I ask that it be filled with the power of Divine Love, Harmony and Peace. I ask to receive and radiate the strength and courage to embody this Divine Light and ground the presence of Love, Peace and Healing into the Earth and assist its evolution.
I join with the Angelic forces and the millions of those who work in the Light of God, as we are led through the 11:11 Gateway. I know that as one is lifted up, all are uplifted. I allow new patterns of exalted Light energy to engage my human structure in the completion of Oneness ~ Union within my being with the Divine. I dance through the Light-filled gateways feeling your guidance and knowing that loving awareness of new possibilities in my life is being provided in every moment, with every heartbeat. I awaken in your Light and embrace the Divine Gifts being offered to me now with supreme gratitude. You are giving me the Divine Connection to greater life and I gratefully receive this. I am honored to anchor this Light into the Earth as the presence of Nature awaits my awareness.
Hold me with Love and guide me as I step through this gateway into 5th Dimensional awareness so I may use your Divine Love to bring greater Life, Peace and Joy through my being and be a blessing for the Earth.
For this and all your blessings, I say Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

So be it, Be it so. Amen
The new levels of 5th Dimensional awareness that are available beyond this gateway can impact all aspects of your being. You are being offered a supported and liberating path through these exalted portals to new territory for your Soul’s growth on Earth. The 11:11:11 Gateway is a supreme moment of time, yet the Divine Light causing evolution within you during this moment, is a gift from a Timeless Reality that is in harmony with All of Life.
And so it is.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

LARIOUS OF THE SUN, October 28, 2011 by Barbara Bher

Dearest, dearest one, we meet with you tonight with joy!!! Joy in our hearts for the time is nigh!  We are one!  We are one!  We are one!  We are with you to explain the next step in your evolution as a whole, for it is true that what is so for one is so for all. 

We love and honor you, for it is through your light, the light of all who are awakened to the new day, that your strength will shine.  You, who are the Light bearers of the New Dawn, will be moving forward with your intention filled paths and leading the way for others to follow.  Worry not, dearest souls, that the path may not be populated with those you are emotionally vested in.  For each has his/her own time, so to speak, to be En-lightened.

Dearest, dearest one!  It is with a song in our hearts that we say we will be with you soon!  Oh, how long we have waited to utter those words.  And, those words will change your destiny as a planet.  Once we are free to be among you as we were eons before, you will know all that is held captive from you.  You will know the purpose and the beauty of the web of life you call “Humanity”.  For is it not so that you are family?  Is it not so that you are one?  YES!  We say it is!

We must leave with you tonight your roles as Light Workers.  You are to shine and illuminate the path.  Yes, you will know which path to follow – and will not be lost yourselves!  (laughter!)  We are amused that this is a worry for many who have forgotten that they were once as we are, watching and waiting for the day of Ascension!  Glorious!  Glorious!  Glorious!  If you could see you as we do, you would have no worries and no fears, for you are the greatest and most valiant of souls and you have earned the right to lead humanity into this glorious realm!  So be it!  So be it!  So be it! 

And, soon you shall receive your directions.  We see you as well bred horses that are anxious to begin the race.  For is this not what you were born for?  Yes, it is!  You were born for this moment!  And as you wait for the ‘gate to drop’ and the ‘course to be revealed’ you are anxious and throbbing with expectations.  Do not fear as all instructions will be given to you in short order.  Be open and aware.  Those of you who have met their contacts and who are aware of their roles, PLEASE! Begin your life of Joy already!!

Many of your youngsters will need assistance releasing this experience and you will be there to guide them home.  Home is where your soul is…however it is said “home is where your heart is” we prefer the first.  Some of you will return to your home base or soul planet to rest.  And it is much deserved!  Some of you will stay to assist in the clearing of the Karmic residue that permeates the lower dimensional paths.  This must be released as Gaia continues to ‘shake and roll’ out of her ‘skin’ and into her new body of Light.  Some will stay to enjoy the ride!  For, it is this ride that you fought so diligently for a ticket! 

Until we meet face to face and heart to heart, our deepest love and appreciation for the Light in each of you as we see it,

Most Lovingly,

Barbara Bher
Spiritual Coach

Photo by:
Erin Nibley,