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MESSAGE OF THE NEW YEAR which could also be stated as a VISION OF THE NEW YEAR, wehave found that what we vision/see manifests and right now we all need to vision freedom, sovereignty and abundance for ourselves, our home, our community and our world.

AS I FIND MYSELF and other close friends evolving in our purpose and life we find ourselves changing and wanting to create the New Earth in this the year of 2013. What a group of us have done is create a Visionary Circle, with a willingness to teach and educate others on the paths we have been exploring and learning the past several years.

HENCE, THE REBIRTHING OF GLOBAL PEACE; we will be sharing the information that has brought us to this point and the new current information that is surfacing on a daily basis. It will all be updated here on a daily basis and we can all learn, love and evolve together in love and light.

This is the year, 2013, for Unity, Community and Love. We are all going to learn how to bring these three elements into our personal life, or family life, our community and the world, and we would really like for you to join us for this journey and to participate with us on building a community here on the internet from whatever part of the world you are in, you are all welcome!!!!

WELCOME ABOARD and enjoy the journey with us, we can travel this road together to find the love, peace and divine wonder of this thing we call LIFE.

The Work For Our Real Final Work is Here!

!!~~!! NESARA - What? Why? How? and More

Happy New Year 2013

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Bill Wood Interviews by Project Camelot on 1-17-12 & 1-24-12

Kerry's notes on the second video (1-24-12):
"A LIVE 3 hour marathon Q & A with Kerry Cassidy, David Wilcock and Bill Ryan and the audience of some 3,000 viewers ... this version has been edited to begin without delay from technical issues in the beginning.
"Bill Wood discusses why his INDIGO clearance which goes above top secret is not well known among Navy Seals or others, his experience with Looking Glass and the convergence of the timelines seen at the end of 2012. He also covers why this is a game changer for humanity and how to discover your own special abilities and powers.
"Kerry Cassidy, Project Camelot"
Audio MP3s of the Second Video (1-24-12):
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Complete audio (3 hr., 31 MB)
Here is a link to the video itself:

Kerry's notes on the first video (1-17-12):
"An interview with an ex-Navy Seal, who during the years 1992-2000 was sent on top secret bombing missions in the Middle East, predominantly in Iraq. Years after the first Gulf War when we were supposedly not at war with Iraq yet he and Seal Team 9 were targeting Tomahawk Missiles on a monthly basis taking out targets that were increasingly "soft"... involving deaths of hundreds of innocent civilians. Find out how this highly trained young man and his team were coerced by the military into purposely destroying villages and creating future terrorists as part of a plan that would ultimately serve their dark purpose, the war on terror and 911.
"And if that weren't enough, hear how he was trained in Area 51 as a specially gifted group of highly classified psi spies to see beyond the famous Looking Glass technology into the future involving 2012 and beyond.
"Groundbreaking in every way.
"Kerry Cassidy, Project Camelot"
Audio MP3s of the First Video (1-17-12):
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Complete audio (2.5 hr., 26 MB)
Here is a link to the video itself:

FINANCIAL TYRANNY: Defeating the Greatest Cover-Up of All Time - Section Six: The Ultimate Ponzi Scheme by David Wilcock


If you haven't studied the previous five sections of this stunning investigation, what you are about to read will seem impossible.
You may laugh in disbelief and fire off searing comments -- telling me I'm crazy.
Go ahead... but I'm going to tell the truth anyway for those who will listen.
The bonds we have now seen from four different sources are used to underwrite a covert economic system -- run by the Federal Reserve and its global equivalent, the Bank of International Settlements or BIS.

This system is backed by massive quantities of gold that were seized from countries all throughout the world, beginning with a secret agreement in 1921 -- slightly over seven years after the founding of the Federal Reserve.

World leaders were given worthless bonds -- in astronomical denominations -- in exchange for massive quantities of gold. They want their gold back -- but it is being kept from them with deadly force.


An incredibly massive 'covert' economy has since been created. Insiders are told this economy is backed by the massive quantities of gold on 'deposit' with the BIS.

The dollar values in this covert system are much larger than anything in the open world.

Yet, you can deal in this system, pull profits out of it and use them in the open world.

Could you spend, say, $7,500 dollars and end up with millions of dollars in profits in just a few months?

Yes. Absolutely.

(These programs have apparently now been shut down, according to Fulford and Scott, but a small number of top insiders are apparently still using it.)

Let me make myself clear. This system does exist. More importantly, it is 100-percent LEGAL. The key to whether you can actually get into it and use it is all about who you know.

Due to my public position and the wide variety of contacts I have made with insiders who have access to highly compartmentalized top-secret programs, I was offered several ways in which I could have done this.

Given what we have learned in this investigation, I now consider this to be the Ultimate Ponzi Scheme -- custom-made to destroy the legitimate world economy.

Click on the link below to read the complete article:

FINANCIAL TYRANNY: Defeating the Greatest Cover-Up of All Time by David Wilcock

 Article Index


2012 has begun as a year of rampant paranoia and hopelessness on the Internet and throughout mainstream media.

The economy appears to be in a dire predicament -- ready to go over a cliff into an abyss few can even allow themselves to consider.

The Euro has been teetering on the brink of total collapse. A frantic bailout of the entire European Union, proposed by the Federal Reserve, has done very little to relieve the fears of the public.

On December 19th, 2011, Britain announced they will refuse to participate in this bailout -- showing how tense and uncertain the situation really is.

Simultaneously, very aggressive and blatant moves are being made to start World War III in the Middle East -- with imminent, ever-increasing threats from Israel and the United States to attack Iran.

Since 9/11, Americans and much of the Western world have been led to believe that the biggest enemy they face is terrorism from Islamic extremists. Nonetheless, there is now overwhelming, undeniable evidence that the true enemy... is within.

You are about to read a comprehensive investigation summarizing all the best information I have gathered about the true nature of this crisis since I became directly aware of it in 1992.

Very few people are aware that a massive 122-nation coalition has formed to solve the problem -- just in the nick of time – and they are backing a legal, public solution to end Financial Tyranny.


A trillion-dollar lawsuit was filed as of November 23, 2011 -- and the resulting investigation will provide a rock-solid legal framework to reveal the full nature of the problems we face... and arrest those responsible:

Bear in mind that the evidence backing this lawsuit, if made public, will completely expose what has been going on at the highest levels -- by the people themselves, speaking in their own words.

This would be the most dramatic public expose' of the group responsible for this Financial Tyranny since the early 1800s -- as you will see.

Our initial announcement and confirmation of this lawsuit has already received over 650,000 hits, 34,000 Facebook Likes and 1000 written comments as we publish this final, completed investigation.

 Click this link to read the full article:

Monday, January 30, 2012

Poofness 1-29-12…”Mopping Up”

Greetings and Salutations;
Well what began last sunday, finally got out. Yes, massive arrests happened, mostly in europe of bankers who wanted to call the dragon's bluff, then the begging for forgiveness began. Never call a dragon's bluff. Last week's news letter gave everyone a head's up about what time it is, some just chose not to believe it and paid the cost.
The political arrests soon come. Only THAT will finally get the american people's attention. No one is getting away with anything, what and start this crap all over again? When change comes old beliefs go to the wayside, truth replaces it and some you may be uncomfortable with. Who says there's no cure for cancer, only they who have a vested interested in keeping the money game running, as there is more money in 'treating' than curing. The folks in the rafters have been watching all along and accepted the council, to activate at this time, what they were told to put in place now. There is no power on earth that CAN stop what's coming down right now. And it's not like the bad guys didn't know their day of justice was coming. They thought they could use their technology to avoid it. When the bush admin was in place, they found out the chinese were in places, more advanced than they thought. Stealth subs, taking down with a missile a satellite they had sent up instead of trying to match the us with conventional weapons, they took lasers to another level.
Some folks wrote me and let me know, they were 'feeling' the shift going on. The tingles were hitting them, mental growth, as their lids were being blown off. This is what the bad guys were trying to prevent and they've used everything to do it....low frequency resonance, drugs to dumb people down, a constant bombardment of fear from the media, all used to prevent what they themselves knew was coming. Everything runs in cycles and tech will not stop that, yet they tried. There's no such thing as the 'liberal media', they all work for the same group, playing out the polarization thru your earholes. Truth itself is neutral and your reaction to it is where the polarization happens. Your opinion is what they work on. Guiding it as they see fit. Now what if you are presented with a new truth, that explains everything you've held onto as 'facts', could you handle it? There are some basics that do not change and one needs to go into the zone of acceptance, as the 'rules' are changing to fit the real facts. The natives americans said that in the 'end times' the white man would come to them to find out what they may have missed.
The door to the future has opened and the pressure has shifted, you're about to see and feel the new as opposed to the past. Only you can determine, how you handle that. As the master said, 'hold all things in common', the words 'good and bad' will lose their meaning, things are just what they are. Then you will realize, that philosophies were created by man to control things around them. Perhaps the star trek orders make more sense now, 'do not interfere with un advanced worlds'. Here's an encapsulation;
Check this out: this will give a clue as to how long and what things were assembled to put this together,
This man [Leo Wanta] is now safe. I feel sorry for the folks who did what they did to him. Dragons don't forget. Things along this line have been going a lot longer than this tho. This is just the culmination of it all. The legalities have been handled, done, and 2+ yrs ago the world ct issued orders for the us military to keep the peace in this county after the announcements are given, expecting the less than nice folks to try to get the populace stirred up, for cover...false flags, etc. To the dragons these guys are naked, they have no secrets. So the mop up operation continues in the us, no way were they going to release funds to the people with the cockroaches still loose, to steal what folks have waited so long for. Release to the masses is all that's left. Please have a wonderful life, fun filled, and keep your mouth shut about your blessings.
Love and Kisses,

Message from the Galactic Federation by Greg Giles – January 28, 2012

High into the light you will travel as you experience your ongoing process of ascension. There are no limits to where it is you shall journey to, and it is our mission to ensure your journey is a safe one. How enjoyable it is for you is all up to you, we are merely your chaperones, your Shepherds. You are free to experience this blessed opportunity anyway you desire. You can fear each day going forward more and more, believing the sky is going to fall or evil extraterrestrials are coming to conquer your race, or you can sit back and relax and take in the marvels that the universe will present to you. You also have the opportunity to take an active role in these proceedings, and we do invite you to take part and assist your fellow man at this time.

There is much some of you understand about what is transpiring in your world, and there are many who know very little about these events. This is where the sharing of information becomes paramount, and will allow the smoothest possible transition from your current 3rd dimensional state to your new home in the higher realms. We see many of you taking a leading role in these affairs and we wish to thank each and every one of you for your tremendous efforts in this regard. Your work is accomplishing many things, and if you can enjoy our advantageous point of view for even just moments, you would see just how much your efforts are accomplishing. For now, you can only take our word for this and know your combined efforts are moving mountains.

Tomorrow we see such a brighter picture for you, once you lift yourselves out of your current 3rd dimensional state of separation and struggle. The ease at which you will be able to manage your needs will come as quite a surprise and be a very radical change for many of you, especially those of you who did not journey here at this time from the higher realms in service to our joint mission. For those of you who have been this way before, your memories of your higher dimensional lives will come flooding back as you make the transition back into the higher realms. For others, this experience will be very new to them, and we will be here to assist all with these changes and see to it that your transition from the physical to the spiritual is as smooth and comfortable for you as is possible. We will be more than happy to answer every question you may have, allowing you to enjoy this remarkable event as it is intended to be; a blissfully joyous celebration.

Allow us the opportunity to assist you all in this way. Allow us to be of service to you, as this is our task at this time. Your tasks are to see to it you look after yourself in regards to your ascension, and to assist others comprehend and more easily facilitate these changes, and we are here to assist you. This is how this universe has been designed, where enlightened beings from throughout the cosmos come together and assist other to reach their full potentials. We see humanity’s potential at this time as virtually unlimited, and we, the Galactic Federation of Light, are here to make sure you are free to strive to reach your fullest potential without any undue interference from those of the dark who wish only to keep you under their control.

This is one of the tasks we busy ourselves with each and every day, and for those of you who have informed yourselves of these dark ones, you understand the depths of their organization and their large proliferation of advanced weaponry. We have made great strides dismantling their forces and they no longer pose a threat to humanity. It is only a matter of time until you will be completely free from their tyranny they have so cunningly crafted over many centuries. Their once formidable empire is crumbling brick by brick, and the day that their leaders face the justice they deserve is inevitable. They understand this now as well, and are currently bartering all they can in the hopes of leniency for their crimes against you. Justice will be dispensed, and it is up to you as a collective what you feel is adequate compensation for their crimes. This is a delicate balance you must create, as on one hand mercy and forgiveness are virtues you may consider, and on another, karma and rehabilitation are also important points worth consideration. This will be decided by you in the days ahead, and we will honor each decision you make. We also have matters of restitution with these dark ones, and these too will be dealt with in the coming days.

You have so much to look forward to as your new world blossoms into being, and we are so excited for you all. Enjoy each day as if it were your last here in the 3D world of the physical, for your days are running short and time is ‘speeding up’. Make the most of your experiences here, as they will serve you very well in your many endeavors ahead. We look so forward to the days ahead when we will have many opportunities to share our stories with you, and we also look forward to you sharing your experiences and adventures of your travels through the realm of the 3rd dimension.

We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles
Ascension Earth 2012

Ben Fulford COMPLETE:, January 31, 2012

Out of the box negotiations are proceeding at the highest level, 

The reason that many of the top Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate crooks have not been arrested yet is that the old system needs to be kept going with string and wire and duct-tape until final preparations for a radically new system are completed. For example, an Asian proposal now being negotiated calls for 10 million yen or about US$125,000 to be budgeted for each and every individual human being on earth. The Pentagon is also making similar radical proposals for a complete change of how humans interact with each other and with nature. The big conclusion being reached at the highest level is that the old financial system in the West was an illusion used by a secret cabal to keep us enslaved. We are now about to become truly free in ways that will exceed most people’s most optimistic expectations. However, there will be some hard work at first before this becomes true.

The proposal being forwarded by the White Dragon Society to Asian clan elders is for the creation of a new, meritocratically staffed organization to be set up near Tenri City, South of Osaka. The name now being proposed for this organization is “Long-term Investments For Everyone,” or LIFE, for short.
The negotiations towards unifying the Korean Peninsula with Japan and moving the capital of this new entity to the same region are also proceeding smoothly. We can confirm that Japanese “kidnap victim” Megumi Yokota is the mother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. Kim has agreed to accept the union of the Northern dynasty with the Southern one in the region in exchange for a ceremonial post. Perhaps he can become the symbol of unity and have his own palace and staff.

The initial funding for LIFE, to be backed by Gold returned to Asia from the West as well as by other historical assets, can be set at 7000 trillion yen or, as mentioned above, about $125,000 per human. The money will be delivered in the form of development services such as canals, sewer systems, desalination plants, nature preserves, fish farms etc. People working for LIFE will receive generous salaries and be subject to draconian penalties for corruption.

LIFE will not be the only major organization working on planning for the future of the species according to White Dragon Society proposals.

The British Commonwealth, with its 1.8 billion members, will want their own independently financed development and future planning organization built according to commonwealth consensus. It will probably have to be initially headed by someone from India in order to make up for past British racism. Indian and other historical gold assets as well as commonwealth real estate will back their funding.

The Catholic Church and Vatican Bank will also want to have a Christian planning agency controlled by actual Christians for their 1.2 billion members once the Satanists are purged from the Vatican bank.

Similar independent groups such as the Chinese, the Muslims, the Africans and the first nations will also be able to plan for their own independent futures.

In addition, the United Nations will have to be radically restructured in order to make it truly representative of the human race and not be an instrument of Western imperialism as it is today.

Studies by the pentagon, anthropological research and corporate governance research all conclude that the most effective decision making bodies number between 6-9 people. This is the size of the traditional human family during hunter gatherer times. The most natural division for humanity along cultural and historical lines suggests a new council of elders be put at the heart of the United Nations Security Council.

The White Dragon suggestion is for a representative to be selected by each of the following groups: Africa, China, East Asia (excluding China), India, North and South America, Europe including Russia, the Islamic world and first nations.

This 8 person grouping would only function as an emergency consultative council to deal with issues affecting all humans. It would operate according to majority rule. Each region would have a veto but that veto would be restricted to that region only.

Sovereign nation states would continue to exist as before unless voluntary agreements to merge were reached between countries.

The Pentagon, for its part, has reached an agreement to merge with the Chinese and Russian Military to form a global peace keeping force, according to a high ranking agency source.

There has also been an agreement to break up many of the large corporations controlled by the Khazarian Satanic Cabal. Microsoft was specifically mentioned as a company that was about to go Kaput. The major corporate media corporations will also be broken up. Many other top 100 corporations will be broken up into as many as 20 smaller units, according to this source.

The cabalists in charge of the G5 countries are also going to be excluded from the new financial system. If necessary the Pentagon will round up both the Illuminati and the Nazis, in order to make sure they cause no more trouble.

In the US there is also going to be a detailed study of what happened over the past 100 years since the Federal Reserve Board took over and a lot of stolen funds are going to be returned to their rightful owners.
A lot of billionaires will soon be out on the street pan-handling if they are found to have been living on stolen funds. A lot of poor people will suddenly be able to live in their own, mortgage free homes.

Needless to say, revamping how we run the planet is not an easy job. There is a lot of nitty gritty to be taken care of before anything public is announced. We also need to be on extreme alert for any last minute Satanic terror attacks aimed at trying to prevent the freeing of the sheeple.

However, have no doubt, the Satanists will be defeated. There will be world peace, an end to poverty and an end to environmental destruction. Humanity will be set free.

Here is something sent by a Pentagon source. It is by Jim Channon and reflects the kinds of ideas being bandied around as humanity heads into a new age.

Opportunities on the event horizon
1. Oil companies realize they are liquid transportation companies and start to move fresh water to needy places on the planet.
2. Major engineering companies respond to rising seas and create canals that take the excess water into barren lowlands inside the continents where it is needed.
3. The national military forces of the planet merge to form natural security teams and restore their respective parts of the earth’s forests, plant life, watersheds, wildlife and the biosphere above all that.
4. That schools recognize that content is already available on line and change their courses to life skills, learning based pursuits, and a new partnership with nature.
5. That Universities build upon the science of conscious evolution, a visionary mindset, and life force living intelligence and then structure their experience based curricula to that end.
6. That government decentralizes into bioregions and organizes military units, school kids, fire departments and others to generate food foraging forests in all available sites for complete global food security.
7. That neighborhoods take on a wide variety of energy producing solutions to become fully independent but not totally separate from the power grid.
8. That web-based democracies attend to their regionally based constituents and use the global web intelligence system to optimize local living.
9. That railheads, airports, and warehouses converge to be able to launch global air rescue missions that deliver major emergency living villages to all peoples globally within hours of a disaster.
10. That the global public achieves a clear unifying identity and the pre-emptive political power to defang the nuclear arsenal and its fear based factions while offering alternative product lines for the military industrial complex.
11. That we accept the notion that life is more likely to exist in the galaxy than not and prepare for the real benefits of new connections.
12. That we embrace a new level of profound simplicity and reintroduce creativity as a replacement for things and mindless entertainment.