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how I see that happening is to keep a conversation flow going on the article posts. I will start the conversation and I would love for you to leave your comments and/or what is resonating with you on a daily/weekly/hourly basis, we need each other and to stay in contact and this is a perfect way of doing that.


MESSAGE OF THE NEW YEAR which could also be stated as a VISION OF THE NEW YEAR, wehave found that what we vision/see manifests and right now we all need to vision freedom, sovereignty and abundance for ourselves, our home, our community and our world.

AS I FIND MYSELF and other close friends evolving in our purpose and life we find ourselves changing and wanting to create the New Earth in this the year of 2013. What a group of us have done is create a Visionary Circle, with a willingness to teach and educate others on the paths we have been exploring and learning the past several years.

HENCE, THE REBIRTHING OF GLOBAL PEACE; we will be sharing the information that has brought us to this point and the new current information that is surfacing on a daily basis. It will all be updated here on a daily basis and we can all learn, love and evolve together in love and light.

This is the year, 2013, for Unity, Community and Love. We are all going to learn how to bring these three elements into our personal life, or family life, our community and the world, and we would really like for you to join us for this journey and to participate with us on building a community here on the internet from whatever part of the world you are in, you are all welcome!!!!

WELCOME ABOARD and enjoy the journey with us, we can travel this road together to find the love, peace and divine wonder of this thing we call LIFE.

The Work For Our Real Final Work is Here!

!!~~!! NESARA - What? Why? How? and More

Happy New Year 2013

Monday, June 25, 2012

Poofness – Here Comes the Sun – 6/24/2012

The Merging of the East and the West

So, for years now, many quiet prayers have gone Heaven ward, looking for a miracle from God, in some cases not so quiet. ‘Hello, anybody hear me out there?????’ Maybe you didn’t understand, you were the miracle, you were looking for. Minds had to be ready to deal with the full implementation of true freedom on this planet. You had to start denying that all power was in the folks who’ve been jacking with everything since babylon. A courage had to rise up within you that said NO and further, Hell No! You will be stewards of the wealth of the nations. By the power invested in you, you will heal this planet, clean the water and the skies of pollution, feed and nurse the elderly and care for the children. It’s not hard, it never was, it just took resources and a different mindset.

Times they are a-changin’ and you are the recipient of those changes. Don’t waste your time seeking revenge. Seek the peace within…that’s your challenge in these coming days, otherwise, you’ll be no better off than before the change. I know it’s hard to grasp but the world is going thru a remarkable change, beyond any comparison with the past. It will stagger the imaginations of many, miracles Do come true and they will happen for you…if you’re young of heart. The money was Not stolen, the truth is, that would be impossible if you understood who’s behind this. Man can’t steal from the owner. Humans don’t have the capacity nor the technology. A few months ago a few boys got it in their heads they were going to pull off the greatest heist in history, didn’t even get off the ground good before they were nailed and imprisoned. Some of you caught the stuff about china, jailing a bunch of folks for fraud, The dragons do monitor and clean their own chicken coop.

 They just have their own way of doing things and their own timing. That will be fully mirrored in the west. Like a lightning bolt on a clear day it will happen and you’ll wake up one morning shocked, hearing a lot of whining on your morning news. Didn’t think the impossible, happened. OH, and they’ll be guilty, no question about it. Politics will be beside the point.

Time to think like a child again, imagine the possibilities, try what the adults say can’t be done. Bye bye, fred and barney, we’re going to George Jetson’s neighborhood, sans his boss. The technology is already here and ready. People ask me ‘when’, how fast? As quick as you’re ready to move on it. Back up help is already available. The cast offs from the past will be flicked out of your way so, they only thing stopping you will be you. Let the left and right hemispheres of the brain merge and work as one, it’s an act of personal will. They actually teach this up in the himalayas. A miracle is no more than letting nature go with it’s own flow, understanding that thoughts are things. Uncluttering the mind of crappy thoughts, as a lady said one time, a quiet mind is a divine mind. Forests worth of paper work have been processed to close out the past world, I extend my gratitude to those who got on that grindstone and never stopped until the job was done, even while we all bitched about how long it was taking and swearing to god, it would never happen. Thank you for your perseverance. Oh can’t forget how many folks swore up and down you all were lying and hoarding everything for yourselves, forgive them they know not what they say or do.

Love and Kisses

1 comment:

  1. poofness has much wisdom to share with us...

