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how I see that happening is to keep a conversation flow going on the article posts. I will start the conversation and I would love for you to leave your comments and/or what is resonating with you on a daily/weekly/hourly basis, we need each other and to stay in contact and this is a perfect way of doing that.


MESSAGE OF THE NEW YEAR which could also be stated as a VISION OF THE NEW YEAR, wehave found that what we vision/see manifests and right now we all need to vision freedom, sovereignty and abundance for ourselves, our home, our community and our world.

AS I FIND MYSELF and other close friends evolving in our purpose and life we find ourselves changing and wanting to create the New Earth in this the year of 2013. What a group of us have done is create a Visionary Circle, with a willingness to teach and educate others on the paths we have been exploring and learning the past several years.

HENCE, THE REBIRTHING OF GLOBAL PEACE; we will be sharing the information that has brought us to this point and the new current information that is surfacing on a daily basis. It will all be updated here on a daily basis and we can all learn, love and evolve together in love and light.

This is the year, 2013, for Unity, Community and Love. We are all going to learn how to bring these three elements into our personal life, or family life, our community and the world, and we would really like for you to join us for this journey and to participate with us on building a community here on the internet from whatever part of the world you are in, you are all welcome!!!!

WELCOME ABOARD and enjoy the journey with us, we can travel this road together to find the love, peace and divine wonder of this thing we call LIFE.

The Work For Our Real Final Work is Here!

!!~~!! NESARA - What? Why? How? and More

Happy New Year 2013

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Saul: Channeled by John Smallman

Dec 18, 2011

All in the spiritual realms are watching with joy as, despite the difficulties and stresses that many of you are experiencing, you continue to hold your Light on high as you move purposely forward towards the moment of awakening.

All across the world many are caught up in situations and experiences that are causing great suffering and are having difficulty in maintaining their faith in the Divine and in holding their intent to awaken.

However, the divine energy field enveloping the planet is strengthening and intensifying the loving intentions that the Light-bearers are sharing and extending to all of humanity in every moment, and especially during those times when they are relaxing into that field and focusing their attention on bringing all into wakefulness.
It truly is a wonderful time as love and compassion for one another grow worldwide, and acceptance of the need for essential changes in human attitudes becomes widespread.  Your love and devotion are bringing about these changes as you determine to live, express, and demonstrate these natural, loving attitudes in each and every one of your interactions throughout the day.

Walking your talk in this way is having a profound effect worldwide, and because of the divine assistance that is accompanying you on every step of the way your success is guaranteed.

The moment at which humanity would awaken into its natural state of full consciousness was established by God at the moment that you chose to separate yourselves from Him by building the illusion.  In Reality there is no time, only the eternal now.  Nevertheless, in His infinite wisdom God decreed that you would awaken, because He knew that to do so was also your will – eventually.

The illusion is unreal and insubstantial, like a dream, and it is to dissipate instantly when you awaken.  The moment for that magnificent occurrence was decided upon by your Father to enable you to be ready and willing to accept awakening wholeheartedly, without fear or anxiety, at the precise moment that you decided that the illusion was a place of total insanity that you no longer had the least desire or intent to continue supporting.

Only He, in His infinite wisdom, could foretell when that would occur, and He has joyfully anticipated that moment ever since you chose to enter that unreal state.

Now it is becoming apparent that that exhilarating moment is rapidly approaching, so all in the spiritual realms are watching with excited anticipation as you prepare to meet it.  Releasing your unloving attitudes and turning towards one another with compassion, forgiveness, and acceptance is one of the most important steps you have to take to arrive there
And now, as is becoming increasingly obvious, you are moving rapidly forwards to embrace the only attitudes that prevail in Reality – loving acceptance and acknowledgment that you are all, without exception, perfect divine beings, eternally at one with God, your loving Father.

As this moment draws ever closer, more and more of you will realize and acknowledge that your present experiential reality is unreal, until the tipping point is suddenly and finally reached, and you awaken into the brilliant glory of your divine and eternal heritage
Hold your Light high, intend to awaken, and know that God’s promises are always completely honored because He is infinite Love, Wisdom, and Integrity, and because you are one with Him in that state, eternally. The moment of extreme joy that your awakening will herald is divinely assured, and therefore unalterable.

With so very much love, Saul.

1 comment:

  1. More wonderful words of wisdom for these days of change that are coming: "As this moment draws ever closer, more and more of you will realize and acknowledge that your present experiential reality is unreal, until the tipping point is suddenly and finally reached, and you awaken into the brilliant glory of your divine and eternal heritag"

