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MESSAGE OF THE NEW YEAR which could also be stated as a VISION OF THE NEW YEAR, wehave found that what we vision/see manifests and right now we all need to vision freedom, sovereignty and abundance for ourselves, our home, our community and our world.

AS I FIND MYSELF and other close friends evolving in our purpose and life we find ourselves changing and wanting to create the New Earth in this the year of 2013. What a group of us have done is create a Visionary Circle, with a willingness to teach and educate others on the paths we have been exploring and learning the past several years.

HENCE, THE REBIRTHING OF GLOBAL PEACE; we will be sharing the information that has brought us to this point and the new current information that is surfacing on a daily basis. It will all be updated here on a daily basis and we can all learn, love and evolve together in love and light.

This is the year, 2013, for Unity, Community and Love. We are all going to learn how to bring these three elements into our personal life, or family life, our community and the world, and we would really like for you to join us for this journey and to participate with us on building a community here on the internet from whatever part of the world you are in, you are all welcome!!!!

WELCOME ABOARD and enjoy the journey with us, we can travel this road together to find the love, peace and divine wonder of this thing we call LIFE.

The Work For Our Real Final Work is Here!

!!~~!! NESARA - What? Why? How? and More

Happy New Year 2013

Monday, January 30, 2012

Poofness 1-29-12…”Mopping Up”

Greetings and Salutations;
Well what began last sunday, finally got out. Yes, massive arrests happened, mostly in europe of bankers who wanted to call the dragon's bluff, then the begging for forgiveness began. Never call a dragon's bluff. Last week's news letter gave everyone a head's up about what time it is, some just chose not to believe it and paid the cost.
The political arrests soon come. Only THAT will finally get the american people's attention. No one is getting away with anything, what and start this crap all over again? When change comes old beliefs go to the wayside, truth replaces it and some you may be uncomfortable with. Who says there's no cure for cancer, only they who have a vested interested in keeping the money game running, as there is more money in 'treating' than curing. The folks in the rafters have been watching all along and accepted the council, to activate at this time, what they were told to put in place now. There is no power on earth that CAN stop what's coming down right now. And it's not like the bad guys didn't know their day of justice was coming. They thought they could use their technology to avoid it. When the bush admin was in place, they found out the chinese were in places, more advanced than they thought. Stealth subs, taking down with a missile a satellite they had sent up instead of trying to match the us with conventional weapons, they took lasers to another level.
Some folks wrote me and let me know, they were 'feeling' the shift going on. The tingles were hitting them, mental growth, as their lids were being blown off. This is what the bad guys were trying to prevent and they've used everything to do it....low frequency resonance, drugs to dumb people down, a constant bombardment of fear from the media, all used to prevent what they themselves knew was coming. Everything runs in cycles and tech will not stop that, yet they tried. There's no such thing as the 'liberal media', they all work for the same group, playing out the polarization thru your earholes. Truth itself is neutral and your reaction to it is where the polarization happens. Your opinion is what they work on. Guiding it as they see fit. Now what if you are presented with a new truth, that explains everything you've held onto as 'facts', could you handle it? There are some basics that do not change and one needs to go into the zone of acceptance, as the 'rules' are changing to fit the real facts. The natives americans said that in the 'end times' the white man would come to them to find out what they may have missed.
The door to the future has opened and the pressure has shifted, you're about to see and feel the new as opposed to the past. Only you can determine, how you handle that. As the master said, 'hold all things in common', the words 'good and bad' will lose their meaning, things are just what they are. Then you will realize, that philosophies were created by man to control things around them. Perhaps the star trek orders make more sense now, 'do not interfere with un advanced worlds'. Here's an encapsulation;
Check this out: this will give a clue as to how long and what things were assembled to put this together,
This man [Leo Wanta] is now safe. I feel sorry for the folks who did what they did to him. Dragons don't forget. Things along this line have been going a lot longer than this tho. This is just the culmination of it all. The legalities have been handled, done, and 2+ yrs ago the world ct issued orders for the us military to keep the peace in this county after the announcements are given, expecting the less than nice folks to try to get the populace stirred up, for cover...false flags, etc. To the dragons these guys are naked, they have no secrets. So the mop up operation continues in the us, no way were they going to release funds to the people with the cockroaches still loose, to steal what folks have waited so long for. Release to the masses is all that's left. Please have a wonderful life, fun filled, and keep your mouth shut about your blessings.
Love and Kisses,

1 comment:

  1. i always think we are close to this funding of our programs and dinar.... and then we move more forward and i realize how far we were away.... maybe this week.... anyway, really glad about the arrests.... it is about time!!!

