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how I see that happening is to keep a conversation flow going on the article posts. I will start the conversation and I would love for you to leave your comments and/or what is resonating with you on a daily/weekly/hourly basis, we need each other and to stay in contact and this is a perfect way of doing that.


MESSAGE OF THE NEW YEAR which could also be stated as a VISION OF THE NEW YEAR, wehave found that what we vision/see manifests and right now we all need to vision freedom, sovereignty and abundance for ourselves, our home, our community and our world.

AS I FIND MYSELF and other close friends evolving in our purpose and life we find ourselves changing and wanting to create the New Earth in this the year of 2013. What a group of us have done is create a Visionary Circle, with a willingness to teach and educate others on the paths we have been exploring and learning the past several years.

HENCE, THE REBIRTHING OF GLOBAL PEACE; we will be sharing the information that has brought us to this point and the new current information that is surfacing on a daily basis. It will all be updated here on a daily basis and we can all learn, love and evolve together in love and light.

This is the year, 2013, for Unity, Community and Love. We are all going to learn how to bring these three elements into our personal life, or family life, our community and the world, and we would really like for you to join us for this journey and to participate with us on building a community here on the internet from whatever part of the world you are in, you are all welcome!!!!

WELCOME ABOARD and enjoy the journey with us, we can travel this road together to find the love, peace and divine wonder of this thing we call LIFE.

The Work For Our Real Final Work is Here!

!!~~!! NESARA - What? Why? How? and More

Happy New Year 2013

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Blossom Goodchild’s last post, November 29, 2011

Hello to you. I am not really sure how this communication is going to evolve. All I know … in my Truth is that there are many questions going round in my head since our last chat and there are many things I need to get sorted if we are to continue on in the way we have been.

Over the years you have offered us such Love and a different view point regarding living our lives and discovering who we are. By no means are we there yet, but many of us are at least walking on the right pathway and for all your assistance in this …  I, along with many … thank you. Let that be made quite clear.

For me now, I find myself in a dilemma. I am confused and upset … no other way of putting it. I have received so many emails since your last communication from souls who follow your teachings. Some felt inspired and wanted to know how we are to bring forth for ourselves these Pillars of Light … whilst others have simply had enough … and decided to no longer follow your way. Mainly due to you ‘promising’ that the Pillars of Light would be with us by the end of the year … only to be told when I really insisted … that ‘no they wouldn’t’ …  because WE  needed to manifest them for ourselves and due to the timeframe this was no longer going to be.

This is also how I feel about it to be honest … and I can only be that … honest!

WHY would you not tell us this in the first place?

WHY say they will come and we will be in awe of them etc and put it out there in the way you did to begin with?

WHY didn’t you say from the start that we had sent them out long ago to be retrieved now?

I FEEL … and this that I put forward to you today is my feeling ( it is not influenced either way by those who have shared their opinion) that once again we are being shown a carrot … a juicy carrot. We fill our Beings with hope/expectancy/ joy/ excitement/ faith/ knowing/ belief … because we believe in you … we KNOW you as TRUTH and then you turn round and say ‘NO .. It’s not going to happen!’

Well … in my TRUTH … I feel so let down by this. You are incredibly Highly intelligent enlightened Beings are you not? You are the Overseers of the Overseers. This surely must allow you incite as to how it is for us down here on planet Earth. Through all your study you surely must have gauged a certain amount of info as to how we operate in this density?  So WHY OH WHY would you ‘string us along?’  Because quite honestly … that’s what it feels like.

I don’t know … because I can’t remember … what my soul’s contract is/was with you … perhaps you could send me a copy? If I step aside … I assume my understudy is waiting in the wings? Am I supposed to step aside?  I just don’t know what to do!

Would you not want to be encouraging more people to wake up and smell the roses instead of have them turn away? Of course I have had to question once again your validity? Are you who you say you are? I had such proof after the Oct14th 2008 * and vowed I would never doubt you again … but I AM … and that hurts me so much. I am doubting you and I am doubting myself.

As the messenger … did I interpret it wrongly about these pillars you showed me ? And if I did … why didn’t you correct me? I have had the need to remain strong in my Truth with you so many times and I have … but now … I FEEL so disappointed.

Yes … the emails will flood in saying ‘It’s not about THE FEDERATION Blossom… It’s about US and BEING LOVE’ … I KNOW ALL THAT!! But for me this IS about YOU … The Federation of Light … The Overseers of the Overseers. You have offered to assist and I am here to tell you … in this moment of now … as your messenger … this thing to do with the Pillars of Light has caused quite a bit of damage.

All is as should be as they say  … and I don’t know  … Truly I don’t … if what I am about to say is what was in my contract all along … or whether or not … I simply turned out to be unsuitable for the job . Over the last week I have been asking my soul what I should do? Where I should go from here?  If I stop communicating with you … I will feel so odd … and was not communicating with you one of the purposes for me to be here? Maybe only till this time perhaps?

So here it is … Once again I NEED to know that you are who you say you are. I do not want to carry on our relationship if I am unsure. Been there … done that! There are some that feel you are not of Truth. I have always known you to be … no matter how others tried to dissuade me, yet due to this last channelling I now find myself really questioning the whole thing.

My proposal is … from where you reside … wherever that is … given the technology you possess … I am asking you from the deepest  place of my heart … to SHOW US SOMETHING THAT IS UNDENIABLE PROOF OF WHO YOU ARE! Surely you must KNOW that this has to be done at some point?  It would wake so many up … if that was their choice . It would give those of us who are already awake the biggest boost to carry on.  Because believe me … we need a boost right now.

We are fed up of waiting for those in power to find the ‘right moment’ to tell of your existence … We are FED UP. FULL STOP!

Yes … there are changes that we can see …. Yes … we are making those changes happen … but we are hanging on by a thread at times! Tell me … what harm could it do if you were to just show us a huge great sign? Write HELLO in the sky … change the sky from blue to yellow for a day … A friend of mine suggested you cast a peace sign on the moon so everyone could see.

Something … you must be able to do something for goodness sake … to let us know we are following the Truth in our hearts. That’s the trouble … So many of us did what you said … you asked us to listen to our TRUTH  …to listen to what our hearts are telling us … and my heart was telling me that YOU ARE OF SUCH LIGHT AND TRUTH … and then you turn round and say that what you promised isn’t going to happen …………….. Just like that. Boom! Out the window!

Well I ‘m sorry chaps … but this doesn’t work for me. You simply can’t do that and expect us to go ‘’Ok … sorry. WE got it wrong …WE misunderstood … WE didn’t understand that you meant WE sent them out a long time ago and now need to manifest them’ … and just for the record … exactly how is one supposed to do that anyway? Can’t seem to find the ‘Handy tips on how to manifest light pillars sent out from eons ago’ manual!

I do not believe that doing something in a big way to let us know you are who you say you are is an impossibility. You don’t have to broadcast it … you can just do it … so no organization will be pre-warned.  By the time it’s done … it will be too late for anyone to react AGAINST it.

And YES … indeed … perhaps it will change the course of history … but isn’t it changing anyway? Haven’t we already changed course? We are on the right road … to who knows where … Ascension? The New World?  Well if that’s the case … maybe you could put a big road sign in the sky pointing upwards saying ‘Ascension … this way!’  Because right now … I seem to not only have lost direction … but the whole **** plot as well!!!

I don’t know if you have bosses … I don’t know if you have the overseers of the overseers of the overseers … and whether they have overseers of the overseers of the overseers of the overseers …but if you do …

Please print out this correspondence and pop it in their ‘urgent’ box.  I sure would appreciate it.

In my Truth for so long I have KNOWN you to be such Truth Givers.  I have felt proud, honoured and privileged to be your messenger. It breaks my heart that it has come to this … and I have not come to this decision lightly … far from it. Yet for me … I feel that I must make this my last communication with you until I have absolute undeniable proof that I am still in with the good guys. I cannot/would not wish to deceive myself or the many thousands of souls that read your messages that ‘I’ have been entrusted to deliver.

I am completely shell shocked to be honest. This all seems to have come so out of the blue … and yet it has, and I need to stand in my Truth about it.

I think it would be unfair of me not to allow you to say how you feel about all this. So I will take a moment and then in full trust I am hoping there is enough energy around for you to offer your take on my feelings.

I ask only that your reply comes from the Highest position for the good of all. IN LOVE and THANKS and in TRUTH.

Dearest lady … firstly we commend you for your outspokenness. We consider all that you have said to be acknowledged and for this time we simply offer you our deepest heartfelt understanding and Love. It would not be appropriate at this time to go into detail yet we sincerely offer you feelings of gratitude for ALL that you have put forward to us.

But if you don’t go into detail it leaves this all so unfinished.

It is far from finished. We are more concerned of your energy at this time.

 I’ll deal with that issue if I need to later.

Then in our Truth we shall talk for a short while in order to leave this correspondence in a place where satisfactory statements are offered.

I have said my piece … you know where I stand … I wonder if you KNOW and understand why I have expressed such feelings of despair?

Many times we have spoken of seeing things differently from you due to the ‘space’ we are in. We have told of things appearing so differently to you and that if you were where we are you would understand.

From all you have expressed this day we have come to see the LIGHT from your angle in a way that perhaps was dismissed beforehand.

We do not make excuses to you … yet we have accepted the distress we have caused not just to yourself but many and we had not taken into account that the news we brought forth would determine such confusion.

Nevertheless … we are where we are in this moment and you and all involved are exactly where you are. There is hesitance coming from you Blossom is there not?

Wasn’t sure if the hesitance was coming from you or me … but it’s about. So … where do we go from here?

Inward. It is a time for each one to determine their Truth. We cannot do this for you.
You could … you could do as I have suggested.
Would this be the only way you will consider continuing correspondence?
Do you know how hard this is for me??????????????????????????????  What would you say to me if I said ‘yes”.

We would accept your position.

Then with a broken heart and many tears I stand by my TRUTH and say YES. This is hurting me so much … I don’t really believe we have come to this … but I can’t do it anymore. From my point of view you have to see it from our point of view. It doesn’t work for us if you don’t.  We have to KNOW that we can TRUST you and we have all worked together and built up such a beautiful relationship with you … I personally just don’t feel it right to just dismiss the fact that you didn’t let us know that we were supposed to manifest these pillars. A little nod … somewhere along the line … a little hint that this was the case may have changed the way this is all turning out … yet as you say … all is as should be.

My friends … far out … I know you can feel how upset I am … I wonder if this is how it was all meant to pan out. I certainly did not see it coming … yet … what else am I to do? Truly …if you were me … would you not do the same?

We dearest beloved soul … are not you … yet we are part of you. And yes … we FEEL your deep grief at this moment. Know our Love is with you … always.

It is far from finished.

Yet for now … I must say goodbye.  I cannot believe this is the end. I do not want to believe this is the end … The deepest TRUTH in my heart sincerely desires this is not the last time we speak … and yet for now … I know not what else to do … or indeed how much more I can take.

My heart Loves you … God … this is ridiculous … why am I so upset? Is it because deep down I know you as Light and Truth … if that’s the case … why am I saying goodbye? I have to my friends … I have to!
Thank you for ALL you have shared. Truly thank you. As I say … I have no idea if what I am doing is what I am supposed to be doing … and what a time to be jumping ship … but I just don’t know any other way right now.

Pressing the button to send this out will be to me as big as doing so for the Oct 14th message … many moons ago. A journey so worth taking … I just came to a crossroads I guess.

So to you … in this way that we have grown … I sign off. I do not know if we shall correspond again … only ‘time’ as WE down here know it will tell. And your final words to me would be?

 It is far from over. This in OUR TRUTH we know. We watch over you Blossom. WE watch over you all. Be in strength. Be in Light. Be in Love. It is the only way you can be. For it is you. It is all of us. We are one In LOVE. And so it is.

* A few weeks after Oct 14th 2008 I was really struggling what with one thing and another! I asked White Cloud for a sign ( I don’t do that very often) . I HAD to KNOW that The Federation of Light were who they said they were. I FELT I wanted to TRUSt them, but did not want to fool myself or anybody else after what had … or should I say … had not taken place. My soul was in a miserable place . I closed my eyes and was shown a beautiful rose. So I said to White Cloud that if within three days I saw a rose that carried his energy I would know it was from him and know to continue communication with The Federation of Light. I told no-one of this. At 4pm on the third day … there was a knock at my door and the local florist delivered three dozen roses .They had a beautiful ostrich feather in them and a card which simply said …

‘Walk boldly as the Light and the Love. All is as should be . Adieu. Kerrrie ( a petal).

These words as many of you know are what White Cloud always says.
Within moments I clicked and sobbed uncontrollably …vowing I would never doubt them again. My heart was so grateful to White Cloud for this Truth.

I did not know Kerrie then. I do now. When I asked her what made her do such a thing … she said she felt nudged by White Cloud all weekend to ‘listen to him’. (She had his books) So she did and felt the urge to send me some roses … only knowing that I lived somewhere in Noosa.

To ask White Cloud again of ‘their Truth’ just somehow does not seem the thing to do. Although I did try … not knowing where else to turn. It didn’t happen.

Website: Blossom Goodchild 

SaLuSa 11-30-11

Matters are progressing well”

As the saying goes, keep on keeping on, and let nothing distract you from your chosen path. Only you alone truly know what is needed to propel you forward, and exactly where you have set your goals. Normally you would be quite happy to progress at your own speed, and certainly no pressure is exerted upon to do otherwise. However, it must be understood that Ascension is so near that if you desire to seize this opportunity to get out of the 3rd. dimension, you do need to ensure you know what is needed of you. As we have so often mentioned it is your intent that is so important, because as soon as you send out that energy it attracts similar energy, and strengthens yours that opens up the pathway to Ascension. It is about raising your vibration by bringing more Light into your life, and sharing it through positive thoughts and actions.
Do not concern yourself if your path is different to others, as there is more than one way to reach Ascension. Indeed there are time lines that cover every possible combination of possibilities. If you have exercised your choice there can be no wrong way, otherwise freedom of choice would be pointless. You are the creators of your own future whether you realise it or not, which is why you are told that you have created your present reality. That does not mean it cannot be changed, because you have done just that by standing on your own two feet and refusing to bow down any longer to the dark Ones. It is true that we and many other Beings of Light are helping you, but we only do so when you have taken the first steps yourselves. You point the way, and we will place more signposts along it so that you do not loose your sense o f direction.
The times you are in are wonderful, because you have made it quite clear that you want nothing more to do with the mentality that focuses on war and confrontation. You are quite positive in demanding world peace and if your present leaders are unable to respond, you are not prepared to see them just step down but insist that new leaders that can do so are appointed in their place. Dear Ones, such leaders are amongst you and when we have removed the obstacles and opposition to them, they will lead you to the peaceful and happy era that you not only seek but deserve. There are now a great majority of people in the world that pray for peace, but not at any cost but through peaceful negotiation. Such prayers are being answered by Beings of Light from the highest realms, and they support us in our work by empowering us to help yo u to achieve lasting peace on Earth.
There is much that needs achieving before you reach the end of 2012, and this is where we will play a major part. You have to move quickly from the set up that has been maintained by the Illuminati, one that has kept you under their control. They have sought to create situations that make you more and more reliant on them. In so doing they have done everything in their power to stop you advancing into the New Age, as that would have made you more independent of them. However, their power has now been greatly reduced and will continue to do so until we can remove them from positions of authority and influence. Already many of their secret bases have been dismantled and disabled so that they are permanently out of use.
Matters are progressing well although by your perception may not see it that way. It is a mammoth task to reach the point where we can allow our allies to step into power. Fear not, as we are so near to putting an end to the interference in your lives. Duality was of course giving equal opportunity to either the Light or dark to take charge, and until recently the dark Ones were the dominant force. That is no longer the case and through our allies we seek to use the power of the Light to remove the negative energies that remain on Earth. The Light can be subdued but never defeated by the dark Ones, and the truth is that the Light will always be victorious. Do not confuse the coming activities of Mother Earth with negative events, as the cleansing she is involved in is a series of positive actions that shall lead to the Earth being restored. When there are physical eruptions or movements of the Earth, some souls will leave but that is by choice.
Your world affairs are dominated by the financial crisis, but we see the outcome as helping remove members of the Illuminati who have not only monopolised monetary policies, but manipulated them to their advantage. Some of the biggest crimes against humanity are in this connection. Your money has been stolen either directly or indirectly, and lined the pockets of those who have set themselves at the top of the pyramid. The wealth of the world will be taken back and fairly distributed, and all shall enjoy a satisfactory life where you no longer have poverty or slavery.
You may have noticed an ever increasing number of sources putting out messages about the coming period. Be selective and allow your intuition to work for you, and hold onto your beliefs until you have good cause to change them. As we have said there are many paths to Ascension, but also some that simply take souls on a continuing journey in this present dimension as they have no desire to do otherwise. Leave them to follow their chosen path, as it will provide exactly what they need to progress. It is no one else's place to convince them otherwise, but be assured that they cannot have been on Earth without learning many useful lessons. These will serve them well at some future time, and if they are souls that you relate to now, you may wish to stay linked with them as a Guide.
You sometimes talk of thanking your lucky stars for the good things in life, and you may not realise how near to the truth you are. When you look up into the night sky you are looking at the suns of many solar systems. Each sun is the abode of extremely high Beings of Light, and they stream the Light into your Universe. You can think of them as Gods that in turn link with the Great Central Sun, and act as conduits to spread the energies everywhere, thus lifting up the lower vibrations. It is an ongoing process that is gradually enabling all life to return to the Source. Remember, that All Is One and everything has its being in the energy of the whole.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and wish to convey blessings and love from the member civilizations of the Galactic Federation.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

Sheldan Nidle Update for the Galactic Federation, November 29, 2011

Dratzo! We return with lots to discuss with you. Several events are ready to happen which will catapult your world toward a new reality. At present you are watching a number of situations which point toward the coming collapse of your global setup. Furthermore, these social structures are set to evolve out of all recognition. For example, regime change today has assumed a whole new dimension: formerly, those who took down a despot would, in time, revert to what they had so idealistically intended to replace. Now, however, those who have replaced the deposed are quickly discovering that the people are not willing to sit back and let the old ways return. Now there is a sustained effort to keep the new rulership on track and instituting the reforms promised. This focus and determination demonstrates the difference in today’s uprisings versus those of yesteryear. The new ingredient that is demolishing the age-old syndrome of tyranny replacing tyranny is your rise in consciousness, which makes it impossible for those recently bought to power to veer from the course that the people have set for them.

What we are saying is that your change in consciousness is indelibly altering the way even present societies function. Your kleptocracies are no longer able to obtain the degree of respect they formerly commanded, and there is rapidly spreading irritation with the way your societies and their respective governments are controlled. This perceived ‘unacceptability’ is the thin end of a very thick wedge. A realization has taken root in your societies which can no longer tolerate the overt, unbridled crassness that passes for governance, and people everywhere deeply desire a wholly new prototype. Moreover, this longing is seeping into the minds of those who serve as minions for the ruling ‘special interests.’ This creates a quandary that greatly troubles all your governments: how to survive in such widespread and growing unrest? This question hangs in the air and is a clear indication of the import of what is happening around your globe. The center of your reality truly can no longer hold together.
In these unprecedented circumstances, the need to revolutionize the ‘rules of the game’ becomes a prime requisite, and it is just such a set of new rules that is taking shape within the plans of our Earth allies and, especially, of the many secret sacred societies of your world. They include a new system of governance and a prosperity-oriented new economic system. At the root of all this is a growing awareness of spirituality. The peoples of your world will no longer be deceived and lied to; there is a deep need for honesty and integrity, and a transparent and meaningful interaction between government and its citizens. No other scenario will work. This time of transition is approaching the moment for the new prototypes to be revealed. Our Earth allies have everything prepared and are ready to run them up the proverbial flagpole, concurrent with the vast abundance programs which are on course to be delivered to you. These things are all part of a series of spiritually based procedures that are to terminate the power of your dark cabal.

A key component in all this is, of course, disclosure. As you see the new ways take hold, you will find your outlook on many things expanding, including your view of the universe and your place in it. Consciousness creates curiosity and openness, which begets a need to redefine basic perspectives on just about everything. Our task here is to begin an open and frank dialogue with you to answer all your questions, which will lead eventually to your next divine transition: your return to full consciousness. Under the auspices of Heaven, we have been waiting for the right divine time to reveal our benevolent existence to you, and now the point has been reached for a general worldwide disclosure. This requires some down-to-earth, practical activities on our part, beginning with the briefing of all your new caretaker governments on how to proceed once they obtain power. It is vital that disclosure be done in a way that permits us to gently introduce our presence and our technology to you with the least kerfuffle possible.

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! Over the last two decades your world has been caught in a struggle between those who wish to free you from your dark shackles and those who are determined to keep you enslaved. We have watched over this battle and intervened many times on the side of the Light. To counter this stalemate, a number of legal issues were brought before the International Court and the Light won easily. Despite these victories, the Light lacked the means, until recently, to carry through these rulings. Over the past months, permission for military action against the dark’s secret bases opened the way to achieve a just triumph for you. What is prolonging this final quick ‘shove’ through to victory are some last-minute negotiations between ‘white hat’ military and those who remain willing to support the dark’s illicit cause. We are resolving this issue by use of certain strategies that will take effect in the very near future.

The key negotiators in this matter are of course the Agarthans, and their liaison officers have spent the past few weeks sorting out these difficulties. Agreements are close at hand and once accomplished, the final approved scenario can be carried to completion. We fully expect this shove to happen by year’s end. The US administration is doing all it can to stop or at least delay this final action, but the Galactic Federation assures us that if all else fails and this final action does not go as planned, then they will take over and finish the job. Naturally, just how they intend to do this is to remain a secret until these actions are required. Until then, we await the outcome of the current exchange between the various military commanders. Heaven and we are united in sending blessings for a positive outcome. The results are to be known to all as a result of what happens in the very near future.

The energies that are transforming your reality grid have a divine time schedule. The dark, engulfed in its arrogance, cannot fully believe that its demise is not only certain but on the horizon. Those in control of the dark governments continue to plot a dark takeover of your world, even though their time is up. That is why we applaud the actions of the Galactic Federation and of Agartha to intervene here and force the issue. First contact is in sight and getting closer by the day, and our own work is just beginning. Once we can openly interact with you, a brand new day dawns for Earth. Your rapidly rising consciousness now requires some guidance, and there is so much for you to learn in what is to be a very short time. We know that when we meet, miracles will happen everywhere!

      Today, we informed you about the recent strides made on your world. A new resolve is showing up in you which is to force the dark ones to agree to concessions that formerly would have been unthinkable. This alarms them, but has not yet compelled their capitulation. This is just around the corner! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Larious 11-28-11 through Barbara Bher

Dearest dearest one!  Rejoice!  We have once again joined in communication for the good of the people of Earth.  We are here to give you information regarding your ascension, your planet and your bodies.  You are going through great changes at this time and it is causing anxiety, confusion and distress - not only physically, but collectively and emotionally.

We bring you relief in the form of a promise.  For is that not ours to give you?  Yes!  We promise you a new world!  We promise a new way of life, and a new way of BE-ingness.  For the preparations are in place for the new way to begin.  Dearest ones, your world is changing at her very core.  There will be little of what you know left in the wake of change.  There is little that will survive the influx of light and the vibrational shifts that will bring relief to your dear planet, Gaia, from her stuggles and scourges.  She has reached her limits and begins her ascent into cleanliness and lightenedness. 

Over the next months, you will see the outcome of a long earned effort to rewire your political and financial structures.  Be open to what is presented, for it is but a step-stone to the new way.  It will not be perfect and it will not sustain your ideals in these first stages.  Be patient and supportive of the way.  For as we adapt to each phase, we will see the glory and wisdom in the process.  It has been decreed that you live in peace and harmony - with each other as well as Gaia herself, and so it shall be.  It is her wish and her desire to include her human family in her glorious reign for thousand years to come.  Yes, it is written!!!  And, yes, we have much to rewrite!!!  (Laughter!)

As we again converse with you, our beloveds, we ask that you trust your own knowledge and gifts.  Each of you have a very specific and necessary role in these final days to Ascension.  Let your intention be known to all and set your sights on the very Light you have created for this purpose.  Steer not off your path, for it leads to divine Joy and Oneness, we promise you this.  Be forthright in all your dealings, so not one soul doubts your intentions to carry the Light.  Be honest and empathic, respecting each
individual's journey.  Rest.  Rest.  Rest.  For your physical body is undergoing much reconstuction.  As the Earth shifts to acsend, so must you.  She must rest, and you must rest.  Stay strong, stay peaceful.  Your physical care is in your best interest.  Eat well of
live foods and ask for the immediate and full benefits of their ingestion.  Be in contract with your surroundings to support your well-being and well-feelings.  We honor this ability to control your physicality in such a manner and are humbled and amazed by your power.

Dearest Ones, we love you and our love is eternal!  We are ONE!  We are ONE!  We are ONE!  Your glory is also ours, as we rejoice together as universal be-ings.  We have awaited this moment in time together, with loving anticipation of success in your
endeavors.  We watch and assist when needed, and now, with our part complete, we will cheer as you cross the 'finish line' of your own free will and claim the victory!!!  Hurrah!!!  Hurrah!!!  Hurrah!!!!

Until the near day that we meet, we share with you our devotion and respect.  For, you are the first to accomplish this great task, and will be held in great esteem by all those who know your tale..."the Great Rise Over Evil by Embodied Human Be-ings!!"  It sounds like a marvelous read! (Laughter!)

With our deepest admiration and love, continue re-writing the greatest story ever to unfold,

Your most humble admirer,

Barbara Bher
Spiritual Coach

Photo by:
Erin Nibley,