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how I see that happening is to keep a conversation flow going on the article posts. I will start the conversation and I would love for you to leave your comments and/or what is resonating with you on a daily/weekly/hourly basis, we need each other and to stay in contact and this is a perfect way of doing that.


MESSAGE OF THE NEW YEAR which could also be stated as a VISION OF THE NEW YEAR, wehave found that what we vision/see manifests and right now we all need to vision freedom, sovereignty and abundance for ourselves, our home, our community and our world.

AS I FIND MYSELF and other close friends evolving in our purpose and life we find ourselves changing and wanting to create the New Earth in this the year of 2013. What a group of us have done is create a Visionary Circle, with a willingness to teach and educate others on the paths we have been exploring and learning the past several years.

HENCE, THE REBIRTHING OF GLOBAL PEACE; we will be sharing the information that has brought us to this point and the new current information that is surfacing on a daily basis. It will all be updated here on a daily basis and we can all learn, love and evolve together in love and light.

This is the year, 2013, for Unity, Community and Love. We are all going to learn how to bring these three elements into our personal life, or family life, our community and the world, and we would really like for you to join us for this journey and to participate with us on building a community here on the internet from whatever part of the world you are in, you are all welcome!!!!

WELCOME ABOARD and enjoy the journey with us, we can travel this road together to find the love, peace and divine wonder of this thing we call LIFE.

The Work For Our Real Final Work is Here!

!!~~!! NESARA - What? Why? How? and More

Happy New Year 2013

Thursday, May 31, 2012

I AM Archangel Michael Transmitted through Ronna Herman

The Hidden Secret Of The Ages
a message from Ronna Herman
Tuesday, 29 May, 2012 (posted 30 May, 2012)

Beloved masters, every sentient Soul must follow his/her own particular destiny, a specially designed path that leads to illumination and reintegration with his/her Divine Self. The lessons you are learning and perfecting will be your contribution to the whole. Within these seemingly painful experiences are the jewels of wisdom you will need to fulfill your particular segment of the grand design. So do not judge yourself or your progress by that of other people. Do not gaze on others in awe or with envy at the talents and gifts they have mastered and manifested, for within you are treasures just as great awaiting discovery.

You are deep in the midst of discovering a truth that has eluded humanity for hundreds of thousands of years, a secret that has been deeply hidden in the illusionary reality of the third- / fourth-dimensional world of existence: The truth about the nature of true love, what it is and what it is not. Love is not just a sensation of the physical emotions, the intense desire to own or possess another in order to feel a sense of wholeness. True love is not the thrill of conquest or obtaining what seems to be "a great prize" at the time, which often ends up being a great burden instead. Love as an external focus, exterior to you, will always bring a sense of vulnerability, for the ego-desire body will constantly seek validation from someone or something. Love is neither Self-sacrifice nor victimhood, where you give away so much of yourself that you no longer have an identity of your own. Love is not enabling those around you to dishonor you and abuse you as they reinforce your own projections of unworthiness. How can you expect anyone else to treat you with respect and love if you are not willing to set boundaries and send clear messages of love, acceptance and worthiness for yourself, as well as for others?

You must remove the etheric barriers or filters you have placed around your heart and emotions if you are to be able to receive and radiate the higher frequencies of heart/Soul love. You must confront your fears about losing those you love, and let go of the disappointments and betrayals of the past, which often manifest as a fear of intimacy or of making a commitment to another. As you learn to believe in and trust yourself, you will develop a fundamental trust in others, and others will place their faith and trust in you, for trust begets trust.

The limiting, crippling thought forms of self-sacrifice, martyrdom and suffering and the denial of the beauty and perfection of your physical vehicle must end. It is time to re-evaluate, release or transmute all of the destructive thought patterns you have taken as your truth or allowed others to force upon you for so many past lifetimes. Pause a moment and answer these questions truthfully: do you identify who you are exclusively as a physical Being and then through constant self-judgment, focus primarily on your imperfections? Do you habitually compare yourself with others as you fight an ongoing inward battle, which ultimately assures failure and validation of your distorted point of view? A great majority of people have a love/hate relationship with themselves, which keeps them constantly frustrated and mired in self-inflicted misery.

You must be aware that the Path of Soul Illumination creates a dramatic upheaval in both your inner and outer realities. You must endeavor to rise above the discordant dramas in your everyday life as you diligently strive to return to harmony any imbalanced and challenging relationships. It will take time and patience; however, when you learn to function from within your Sacred Heart center, while attuned to your Sacred Mind, you will gradually develop a heartfelt sensitivity and serenity along with purity in thought and actions. We tell you that there are multitudes of brave Souls in this world who are well on their way to Self-mastery. They are the honored disciples on the Path who will one day become the Ascended Masters of the future, fifth-dimensional planet Earth.

We know you are wondering why you are being subjected to so many tests and negative situations. We tell you, brave Souls, you are in the midst of an intense initiation/transformation process that must be experienced in order to attain the higher levels of consciousness–not as a punishment, but as a means to once and for all release or transmute all the impacted, stagnant energy that has kept you enslaved in a greatly limited, chaotic environment. Many of you have been on the path of initiation for many lifetimes, and you are ready for the next giant step in consciousness.

When you first step onto the probationary path of ascension, the personality/ego becomes aware of the Soul's nudgings and the battle for supremacy begins. Soul Fire or the invigorating, higher vibrational patterns begin to burn off the negative energy that rises to the surface to be addressed. The fires of purification eventually become the Light of Illumination as the process is repeated over and over until the multiple facets of the Higher Self begin to merge with the Soul and the process of ascension speeds up dramatically.

Remember, every thought or statement you make has a specific range of vibrational frequencies. If you repeat a statement often enough, it becomes firmly implanted within your subconscious mind as a part of your truth. It matters not if the frequency patterns are of a high or low vibration or whether they are true or false. Over time, your subconscious mind will integrate them into your "memory bank of established beliefs."

Criticism can be a positive thing as long as it is not permitted to become destructive (expressed with malice or with a desire to hurt). There are times when criticism is an expression of fact–when it is a neutral recognition of limitation. However, please be careful of value judgments. Remember to use your free will wisely–you always have the right to accept or decline a judgment statement.

The energies of love from the vantage point of an en-Lighten-ed Soul are totally different than the energies from those who are still playing the distorted game of duality or "me versus you." You must first open to the love and wisdom of your Soul. As the love grows within your Solar Heart Center, a magical thing takes place; slowly the portal to your Sacred Heart opens and the Sacred Love stored there begins to flow throughout your physical vessel, especially throughout the chakra system. You begin to realize that you are a Divine Spark of our Father/Mother God, and you are worthy of love and respect as well as all the joy, beauty and bounty of Creation. Love projected outward from the Sacred Heart Core results in a constant flow of Self-assurance and Self-acceptance. A person centered within his/her Sacred Heart is always striving to incorporate and project more of the blissful feeling of unity and harmony. This is a precious feeling, which becomes an intrinsic part of your Being once you have gained access to the River of Light / Love / Life and you have a steady flow of Creator Light into and through your Sacred Heart.

Before you can establish a satisfying, loving relationship with others, you must relearn how to respect and love yourself. You must begin to focus on what is right about you instead of what is wrong. Begin to listen to the whispering, intuitive voice of your Soul Self (which will grow louder as you acknowledge its wisdom) as it gives you encouragement, insight and awareness of your vast potential. We are speaking not of egotistical love, but of a deep abiding feeling of worthiness and Self-confidence as you begin the process of re-establishing contact with the many facets of your wise and loving Higher Self.

Divine love is the Essence of our Father/Mother God, and it flows forth in great streams of White Fire Light filled with unlimited potential in its never-ending desire to experience more of Itself. The Adamantine Particles of Creator Light pour forth from the heart core of the Supreme Creator to us via the Father/Mother God of this universe. It is a blessed gift to be used by all Creation at all levels, from the highest, most powerful, to the lowest, most diminished. It is your birthright to bring forth your own unique self-expression, through loving co-creation in harmony with the Divine Blueprint, which is always in perfect accordance with the grand design of the Creator.

How much of your Divinity have you embodied? How loving are your creations, my brave friends? What kind of temple have you created for your Soul? Your spirituality is becoming "up close and personal" as you clear the major distortions in your world-at-large. You are learning that your connection with our Father/Mother God is also a very personal relationship. In fact, you are discovering that you have a facet of God Essence within your Sacred Heart Core.

When you are in an "interactive relationship of learning," depending on the stage of en-Lighten-ment of both parties, you are either sharing conditional love of the ego-desire body or the Sacred Love of the Soul. There is an attachment process going on in both types of relationships. You are either in a relationship whereby you have allowed energy cords to be attached to your Solar Power center, and you have also sent forth energy cords to the other person (which results in a push-pull dance created by imbalanced frequency patterns). Or, if you are centered within your Sacred Heart and you are using the wisdom of your Sacred Mind, you will have allotted a share of your Adamantine Particles of Light (God Particles) to the relationship, which totally changes the dynamic interplay between you.

Truth and integrity must be the foundation of any relationship you establish in the future. Your Soul Self will accept nothing less, for compatible vibrational frequencies will be an intrinsic barometer of validation in any close relationship. First you must accept who you are, as you are at the present time, and you must strive to become the very best person you can possibly be through self-examination of your attitudes, beliefs, habits and weaknesses.

You must learn that the foundation of a lasting relationship with others is to first establish a deep loving acceptance of your Self, exactly the way you are at the moment. Remember our words of the past: "you must love the Self you are at the present, while you are striving to become the Self you desire to be." You must first focus on your capacity to "embody love," whereby you strive to become more loving and lovable until, eventually, you realize that "you are love personified," and you do not need anyone else to validate that truth for you. As you tap into your own Sacred Heart and that wellspring of Sacred Love within your own Divine God Spark, you will remember that there is a never-ending supply of Love/Light available to you, for it is your Divine Heritage.

You will reside outside the normal, mass-consciousness state of reality when you attain spiritual illumination, which results in a Lightness of heart, mind and emotions. In order to receive and send love, you must remove the filters of protection you placed over your Solar Power Center many ages ago so you could not be hurt by others. You must allow the mighty Three-fold Flame to burst forth and open the portal to your Sacred Heart to receive love. Love is a powerful, natural state of Being. The pure, Sacred Love of Spirit is an emotion that cannot be distorted by conditions or actions. Love has many different qualities and feelings, such as the exquisite, romantic love between mates, the tender, protective love of a parent, and the trusting love of a child. Love is the language of Spirit, and it is the only way to communicate with our Mother/Father God. The love of the Creator and our Mother / Father God is all-encompassing and never-ending. Pain and suffering are a result of denying the love that you are. When you are firmly centered within your Sacred heart, you will transcend all major discord. When you are living your truth, you will be Self-confident, and you will always strive to interact with others in a positive, truthful manner. And so we implore you, beloveds, throw open the portal to your Sacred Heart so that you may be filled to overflowing with the Divine Elixir of Life. The gift of Eternal Life awaits you. Know that we are ever near to guide, inspire and protect you.

I AM Archangel Michael
Transmitted through Ronna Herman * Copy freely and share. However, I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of Archangel Michael.


SaLuSa 5-30-12…

The way matters are shaping up, it is likely that Disclosure will occur later than we would have liked. There could be a point reached when we will have to wait for the governmental changes to first take effect. Do not worry however, as we have always allowed for such possibilities. One thing you can be sure of is that all changes we have promised you that will take place before Ascension, will be duly completed. Clearly afterwards there is so much more to follow, to totally change your present way of life to on [one] that is fitting of Galactic Beings.
For quite some years we have been preparing you for the inevitable end of the cycle. Through us and many other sources you have been made aware of your true destiny, and in such a way that you have had a goal to set your sights upon. Without it the end times would have been a frightening prospect for so many people whereas it is seen for what is, as an opportunity to leave the cycle of rebirth. Not only that, the continuance of life takes place in the higher dimensions.
There are still many souls who cannot grasp the significance of Ascension, but be assured there will be much attention given to ensuring that the truth is publicized. Many inwardly know already, but it is a matter of waking them up to it. Therefore it should come easy for them to accept the truth, and its promise of a New Age, indeed a Golden Age. Your development has been guided to grow at a pace that allows for steady progress, but at each step you have had to deal with the attempts of others to lead you off the path of truth. You were not supposed to realize your potential, and held back so as to make you dependent on others for your knowledge. Thus religion and politics have largely dominated your lives, for their benefit rather than yours.
You had no one to turn to who could guide you to the truth, until you were encouraged to look within. Slowly but surely you became discerning and followed your intuition, even if it went against accepted teachings. This way you created a new path for yourselves that lifted up your level of consciousness. You became an independent thinker and found the truth within. Gradually the consciousness levels of Mankind increased, attracting more Light to Earth and speeding up the vibrations. So here you are today rapidly rising to a point where you are ready to ascend, with many Guides influencing your thinking to carry you through the experience.
Now the cleansing is well advanced to remove the negative energies, that abound in some areas that have been the sites of war and hatred. As they are cleared so the Light can return, and no longer will the people be subject to the influence of the lower energies. There is no going back and those who would cling to the old paradigm, by doing so have effectively made their choice and will stay in the lower dimensions. The parting of the ways is necessary to allow those who go on to ascend, to do so with complete freedom knowing that it is the right time to fulfill their own desires.
Events continue to speed up and in next to no time, you will find that much that has been happening without your knowledge, will come to light. Already you are beginning to notice a change in the way that worldly matters are being reported, and more openness is taking place. Individuals are finding more courage to stand up and speak their truth, and it is not going unnoticed. There is a new mood of optimism amongst you, and a real feeling of anticipation that something great is about to happen. You are moving into the month of the year that is going to be the time of a new beginning. You will read the signs and see the outcome and know that your long wait is over. Events will suddenly take off and you will know that a new period of activity has started.
Your current understanding regarding the changes is clouded by the number of different ones that are expected. Also the timing is now becoming so tight that no sooner will you witness one event, when another shall immediately follow. They will be hectic times but also most welcome, as you will witness events as they occur. Coverage of them will be extensive, as we wish for all people to be aware of what is taking place in your name. The aim is to bring you into the picture so that you can inform others of what is transpiring. However, we will eventually install a system of communication that covers everyone's needs. In the long term we wish to see services centralized and available free to everyone. That will include transport of many types, that will differ according to your needs. Behind these intentions is the use of free energy that positively abounds everywhere in the Universe. One day in the future you shall cease to compete with one another to exist, and neither will you continue to have a need for money.
All of those bothersome things that bring about difficulties in your lives will gradually vanish, particularly with the changes in your physical bodies. They will leave you with a one that always remains healthy, and not subject to the same needs as your old heavy physical body. Much will be done instantaneously through your power of thought, that will ever keep increasing. Life will become full of excitement and happiness, and totally fulfilling. You must however give time for these things to be developed, but be assured they will be yours.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and like you looking forward to meeting with you. It has been such long time since we were together, that our celebrations will match the occasion. It must be said that large numbers of you have joined the Human Race in more recent times, and volunteered to help the civilization and Mother Earth to rise up. You have come from all over the Universe, desiring to be present for the great transition that you know as Ascension. It is a very special occasion that you will be privileged to take part in.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

Sheldan Nidle Update for 5-31-12 - The Galactic Federation

4 Men, 8 Pax, 8 Manik
Dratzo! We return! Much continues to happen behind closed doors on your world. The dark cabal bankers have created a situation of such unruliness with their mass of illegal debt instruments that they have become the means of forcing the banking industry to take on new management and drastic changes of operation. We have used these fraudulent banking practices as the grounds for bringing in a new global financial system. The cabalists' hubris has forged a debt situation so massive that it has become the weight that will break the back of the dark power that has run roughshod over your world for centuries. The magnitude of their fraud and criminality is beyond question, and with the assistance of a number of brave souls our liaison personnel have gathered enough case materials to force these scalawags to heel. Finally, a method of general resolution is becoming crystal clear. We have asked our liaisons and certain members of the surface world's secret sacred societies to meet with these defiant ones to compel them to affix their signatures to an agreement allowing the new financial system to go ahead.
This will lead to the release of your prosperity funds. Also, the monies destined for specific recipients are all in position and will be sent out as soon as the banking agreements are signed and being properly executed. We have had another group of our liaisons assigned to monitor this process since its inception. Various technological safeguards of ours are in place, and we will begin only when the above agreements are clinched. The prosperity disbursements are to secure the new governance and make possible the new reality we have long discussed with you. To ensure that all happens within divine right time, a number of heavenly Beings, along with our own security teams, have been protecting these funds from the dark and its thoroughly immoral ways. Our task is primarily to carry out a first contact mission with you; whatever can make this operation move forward becomes a crucial part of this mission, and so we monitor all of this closely and are ready to do whatever is required to complete this mission successfully.
We are carefully coordinating these many activities with the Agarthans as well as your Ascended Masters. This mission is about full consciousness and the return of your precious solar system to the Light. All of you possess a special destiny which will be honored by the Light, and thus it is important that your dark rulers be legally plucked from their many thrones of power. The source of this power is a highly corrupt financial system coupled with fiat currencies that are used daily to maintain this power. The holders of these monies are a group of interlocked banks and their governmental associates, and this network has produced so much debt that it has reached a point of no return. We mention this again to explain two vital points: first, the cabal has run out of options to prevent an immense collapse. Second, this collapse will open up opportunities to move your reality down a new path. This we are fully prepared to achieve, and so the moment of your liberation swiftly approaches.
So where do we now stand? Your world is at a moral tipping point. It is also the first time that the dark miscalculated how to use the situation to press forward with an ever-more oppressive global system. The loss of the leadership of its former masters, the Anunnaki, has proven to be an even greater hardship than was initially envisioned by the minions who refused, in the mid 1990s, to submit to the Light and to end their pursuit of endless power over you. This defiance is the agent of their defeat! The Light and its forces have arrived, and under the guidance of the decrees of Heaven are using their power to remove these recalcitrant ones, thus opening the way for the new reality that is to be the sacred bridge to full consciousness. The return to full consciousness will end your amnesia and allow you to reconnect with your spiritual and space families. Then you will become this sacred solar system's guardians and a key member of the Galactic Federation of Light.
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Blessed Ones, we come with good news. Our associates have been able to put enough pressure on the dark to make them realize, beyond any doubt, that their long reign is at an end. We intend to take over the major banks of this realm and use this position to ensure the swift resignation of all the major regimes of this bright and beautiful planet. We have long kept watch and held our intentions which are now bearing exquisite fruit. Those assigned to this massive change-over have gathered both a sufficient amount of highly incriminating evidence as well as a great deal of bargaining power. The banks we are soon to acquire are in no position to refuse our unconditional offers, especially considering that the clinching factor is an enormous amount of money tied to their capitulation. The lynchpin in all this is Heaven and the Galactic Federation. They are the sacred sheriffs in these transactions!
Heaven has provided us with an incredible set of resources, which we added to our own tools in order to entice and take down the dark. On top of that, our space families are using their advanced technologies to ensure our victory. The focus now is on getting the dark to sign some special documents that will be their undoing. We also possess legal liens and credit documents that prove the extent of the illegal activities on the part of the cabal's bankers over the recent past. This documentation shows how the cabal fostered a financial system that is both morally and legally bankrupt. The moment has come, one way or another, to do away with this bevy of ill-intentioned entities from the darkest corners of this reality. We fully intend to complete this aspect of things shortly and free you from the clutches of these thoroughly deranged, power-mad beings!
We bless all of humanity and are in ecstasy about what is shortly to happen to free you from those who seek your permanent enslavement. Eons ago, humanity stepped into full consciousness and later colonized this precious and beautiful world. We are all a product of these divine proceedings, and we thank and bless all those across physicality who have contributed to this rise to immortality of Earth's surface human society. Each of us who has already ascended into this naturally blissful state is cognizant of what lies ahead. Those who have taken on the role of oppressor know deep in their hearts of the evil they have spread for millennia throughout this realm, and of the centuries of cruel injustices suffered by an unwitting humanity. The truth of these facts will be laid out before all of you, and a formal act of mass rectitude is to release you from the skeins of this grim history forever!
Today, we updated you on what is happening on your world. Your realm is preparing to assume its new identity and move from dark to Light. The final few steps of this phase are of known length, and then you can watch and participate in the unfolding of the new epoch for both humanity and your dearly loved solar system. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Between Dimensions – Activation of the Super Quantum Fields, Higher Self and the Lightbody

By Judith Kusel
May 29, 2012
Originally posted via Judith’s Facebook pa ge

Dimensions are FREQUENCY BANDS, which all life vibrates on. It is tube-like and with each link one goes up higher and higher on the evolutionary scale – yet with every 7th level, there is a pause – so that one has to gather momentum to step past that portal, and then straight into the 8th and 9th dimensions.

The higher the dimension, the higher the frequency band – so if one would be in the 3rd dimensional world and one would come into contact with someone from the 7th dimensional world, one would be able to see through them – literally, for their bodies spin at such high frequency, that they are invisible to the eyes of those who live in the 3rd dimensional world.

Sometimes, before a massive portal opens, or a dramatic shift occurs, one steps BETWEEN dimensions… So you would be like hovering between the 4th and the 5th dimension, and then wonder why you have certain aspects coming to the fore – there, but not quite there…. Like a long-distance runner, sees the end of race, but still has to gather his or her last reserve strength to make it over the finishing line. 

The higher one steps up on the dimensional scale, the lighter one’s PHYSICAL body becomes…. What happens is that each cell is filled with high frequency waves or light, if you prefer, and the chakras (which are really energy wheels) spin faster. The faster they spin, the lighter you become. (One of the reasons why yogis have been able to levitate or fly). You are also able to teleport yourself quite easily – simply by dissembling your body light particles and then projecting yourself to wherever you wish to be.

A lot of us are in the BETWEEN dimensional state at the moment – and this includes the planet. Those who have awakened to some extent, are hovering between the 4th and 5th dimensional state, some between the 3rd and 4th, while others have stepped past all of these and are hovering between the 5th and 7th, and some even higher than this, between the 7th and 9th.

The higher states of consciousness go with the KNOWING of ATONENESS. This means they step into the state where the I AM is empowered and where they lose their ego attachments to always be right, separate from, or in a dualistic state. It is not that dualism does not exist – it is simply that BALANCE has been found – the balance between the light and dark, negative/positive, and that then this balance is constantly retained.

 That mostly happens when the ego steps aside to allow the I AM to reconnect with AT-ONE-NESS. The 9th dimensional state is HARMONY and PEACE. Yet, to get to that, the 7th dimensional portal has to be stepped through; this is where the I AM which still has ego is then left behind.

Hovering between dimensions, can sometimes, act as being in a state where one KNOWS, or SEES or SENSES with the third eye, what one has to regain from other lives, which were lived in that state. An example here would be – you KNOW you once had the ability to teleport for instance. You know more or less what it entails, but you are not quite there yet to DO this. So you are hovering on the brink.

A lot of us are re-connecting to our Higher Selves as they were in Atlantis, or Lemuria, or Mu, or Elysium. Some were involved with the Crystal Skulls, Crystal Keys, etc. and they SEE them and know they are there – but they are still in the ethereal form. (By the way, the MAYAN Skulls and others floating around on the planet ARE REPLICAS OF THE FIRST ONES – THE REAL ONES WILL ONLY BE RETURNED AFTER THE SHIFT AND MANKIND’S EVOLUTION INTO HIGHER STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS.)

I am just using this as an example and will not elaborate on this. It is merely to show that some memory banks are opening up.

We can help ourselves at this time, to step up in consciousness, and activate our Light bodies and innate abilities, via reconnecting to our SOULS, and then tapping into our inherent pool of knowledge and that of the SOUL GROUP.

After the eclipse, immensely powerful energies were released.

We are asked to learn to assimilate them into our cells, and DNA structures. (They will automatically do this, but it can lead to some symptoms, like pain, dizziness, disorientation, back pain, throat (hoarseness or loss of voice), headaches, stomach upsets, pancreas, and in the sexual areas). Some people who use drugs, alchohol and other addictive substances, can totally go off kilter – (also those under psychiatric treatment) for these rays will bring to the fore the UNBALANCE and exasperate this. (Note: imbalance here, means the inability to bring love into ALL aspects of self. Most drugs are a form of escapism, of running away from reality, or not taking responsibility etc.)

When we pull in the Light via our Stellar Gateway, and then through our crown chakra, then through our base chakra, feet chakras and then through the EARTH STAR and reconnecting with the Crystal Pyramid Temple INSIDE the Earth, and then pull up that energy once more, (like the roots of a tree) and then spread that light energy into every single cell, DNA structure and GLAND in our body, we are assisting our body to assimilate these higher Rays. (You will automatically hone into the COLOUR ray you are meant to assimilate: Blinding White light, Cobalt to Royal Blue, Magenta, Emerald Green, Gold, Platinum, etc.)

When you do this whole process, and use the MER-KA-BAH, the six to 9-pointed stars, to surround yourself with, and within a circle, this process is amplified. The more light you bring into your cells, and glands, DNA structure the more your cell memory banks get activated.

By bringing in the Light via your Stellar Gateway and then into your Crown Chakra, you are bringing light into the DORMANT brain cells, that mankind has not used for thousands of years (children are going to born with larger brains now), and this in turn will bring to fore abilities that you did not even know you had. (With Soul Readings a lot of these talents and abilities are highlighted).

If you know something about Quantum Physics, then this process can be termed as the SUPER QUANTUM SHIFT – within our planet and ourselves. We are being forced now UP the evolutionary scale and into the state of SUPER BEING.

We are now adapting a CRYSTALLINE BODY and thus will be able to SUPER SHIFT ourselves – which basically means, we will be able to tap into energy fields at will, and then change the format of elements and liquids into any form we wish them to be, simply by WORKING with the energy fields of these and then (working in tandem) create something extraordinary. (I don’t quite know how to put this in language that you will be able to understand).

What really is happening, is that when we start understanding ENERGY fields, and we start to consciously work with them (and not against them), and then learning to realign with the Earth’s energy centres (which are now being released once more, as portal by portal opens up), we can create things beyond the normal scope of what we now THINK we are capable of.

Yet, first of all it is most important that we truly step up our own frequencies by assimilating the Cosmic Energies and then learning to step more and more into OUR SOUL potential, and heal the soul wounds which are keeping us from stepping into our own greatness.

What is also necessary is to open our heart chakras – and then let our hearts rule our minds, and not vice versa. For when the mind is fed by the heart – balance is created, and then, through the heart centre energies, one start to act as CO-CREATOR – and then into SUPERCONSCIOUSNESS.

What an amazing time to be alive and well, and on Planet Earth!


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

We have long known what the problem is and we have long known who the problem is.  You are die hard slaves of an uncreated master and now the weight of it is fully and squarely upon your own shoulders.

We also have been apprised for quite some time of your plan to ‘bring it all together’ and it is for this that we have brought into play the ‘three days of darkness’.  Either you cease and desist and let us do what must and will be done without your arrogant and psychopathic need to render the destruction of this world, WHICH WILL NEVER HAPPEN NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO, or you continue with your plan of a false flag assassination attempt of your Obama that you will then officially blame on Iran while spreading rumors on the street that it was the work of White Supremacists in order to create your long awaited and planned for, racial holy war.

Such a move to declare martial law will have no meaning.  At the first intent of manifestation of such an evil and destructive chain of events, we shall pull the plug and all of your efforts will be for naught, nothing, nada, zip!  The three days will commence sooner, rather than later, you will all be rounded up, no matter where you hide, and taken straight to the courts of Orvonton and that will be that.

OUR ground people all agree that you, and those that have sold their souls to you, are the ones that must be dealt with first and foremost and so we shall.  We are chomping at the bit to get this done and are quite happy to have you give us a valid reason to accelerate our schedule.  Either way, the result will be the same, so have at it, if you are willing to pay the full price for it.  Your hurry to ‘beat us to the punch’ holds no meaning.  Your means are futile as is your hope for your desired ends.  You believe that might makes right.  You have not yet seen the might of the Heavenly Hosts of Legions of Armies of God!

You showed no mercy but persecuted the poor and needy.  You have slain the innocent and the broken in heart.  You have loved cursing and eschew blessing.  As you have clothed yourself, so shall it be in you and with you.  The memory of you shall be cut off from this beautiful Earth Shan Gaia and all upon her will receive their just due!


We are preparing our ones for what must be done.  We suggest you do the same and surrender willingly.  You may surrender unwillingly, if you insist.  Either way, you will surrender.

You have been told and now, all requirements have been fulfilled.  Let us all be at our stations and get to it.



Targeted Messages
You are die hard slaves of an uncreated master
By CM, channel NOT given
May 28, 2012 - 11:49:40 PM
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